Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccine

There is a vaccine already - just turn off all the cell phone towers and “Airplane Mode” your smart phone and mute that home Wi-Fi and let our blood cell geometry return to normal and then our immune systems can get off “TILT” and fight this bastard Coronavirus. Then enact strict laws limiting the amount of time cell phone radiation and Wi-Fi can bombard our systems, as doing without may be our only way out of this “pandemic” as we live under an un-natural canopy crisscrossed by random radio waves that has and will compromise our blood cells and thus compromise our immune systems and then we are confronted with a world-wide pandemic. It is the only common denominator that realizes this kind of success in attacking, as we have become our own worst enemy with this fascination and addiction to be connected all the time.

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