Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Capital Swine Tax

When finely this COVID-19-CRUD is history and the Wall Street financial markets get back to end-of-year 2019 levels of interest in normal behavior, and oil prices jump back to some semblance of reality normal, then it is time for ALL AMERICANS to come to the aid of their countrymen. And herein is what I mean by that. When we reach this “normalcy”, which we will achieve someday not too soon in the future a few years away, the year that goal is a realistic hip-hip-hooray for the Red, White & Blue, then when April 15th comes around time to talk turkey. When we enjoy that sigh of relief “Ding Dong the COVID is Dead” and when tax returns are filed, a vigorous cross-examination should then be an undertaking to evaluate each and every individual and each and every business and each and every corporation’s financial portfolio. These “portfolios” should then be tested against the “Normalized 2019 Test Case Year” which should include the overall average gains from 2008(Obama Era with the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act) through COB 2019(Trump’s Best Ever Economy) - or 10-plus years of positive growth during the 44th’s and 45th’s tenure as Commander-in-Chief all before the “pandemic”. And the cross-examination designed to test casing the gains before and after the COVID. And any portfolio gaining in excess of the “Test Year” factoring, that excess confiscated by the U.S. Treasury. For two all important reasons. It is our duty to help out and payback any gains in excess of what would have been expected had there not been such a devastating “pandemic” that wrecked-havoc on the financial sector and the best part of all, it will also reveal the crooks that made a killing during the pandemic - as an excuse a wise business decision making way too much $loot$ will not cut it this time around. A fine? Why not, especially if this “oversight” reveals a crime-in-progress during the CARES Act when Uncle Sam was helping out but had not the time for proper oversight. But the elementary fact of the matter what’s the matter today, since we have not a solution for this CoronaCovfefeavirus and throwing $money$ hand over fist every which way loose ends, that is wherein the wealthy will take advantage, and that is happening today. Many small businesses that were struggling in good times before the COVID surfaced, well the owners will get bailed out and become $millionaires$. Look, it is already out-of-control, so there will never ever come a chance to re-analyze what private entities ripped off the U.S. Treasury, so the writing on the wall this “pandemic” and of course the “Wealthy” will take advantage of us all. Our Founding Fathers had a name for this, it is called TREASON!

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