Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Scarves “R” US

Models, models and more models in confidence camouflaged, a cheap-thrills way to side-step reality by throwing this “model” concept into the equation of doom & gloom, because we have an administration that is “broke wrong” and "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.", Abe said that so did Bob. And of course the “Fucking Ignorant Malignant Moron” went along with this “model” thing, as when it was introduced as a weapon to deceive “We the People” he thought the slime-gag experts were talking fashion models and someone had a Peyronie to stroke. But herein the Moron’s experts, I am talking renowned “I’m certain I’m Uncertain” Doctor Anthony Fauci along with his side-trac-skat Deborah “Scarves “R” Us” Birx and her “I’m uncertain I’m certain”. Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the Mobius Strip on eniuqorolhcyxordyh malaria medication. Look, a lie isn’t a lie on the Mobius-Go-Round, Trump’s modus operandi! Did you ever get the feeling that when the Moron said he purchased 39-million doses of that “hydroxy” chemical concoction never tried and trued against Mr. COVID, out of the goodness of his heart, that he was hoping 39-million Americans would step forward in volunteer to be guinea pigs, and if it worked then Melania could then play tennis again? Sorry, it’s the “stalled in place” reruns, like “Atlantis the Lost Continent” and the Three Stooges that controls my behavior these days. Now a “Model” and all “Models” have one well known all-encompassing grudge match factor, “Garbage-in Garbage-out”. I speak with authority as I have used “Models” my entire work career in the Alaska “oil & gas” sector, very complicated “Quality Bank” models and when spreadsheets migrated from the paper chase to the desktop race, well “models” were then enjoyed by anybody that could erect a 2-diminshional treatise with the VisiCalc or Lotus and incorporate mathematical functions that could be force fed into a “Cell” and linked to...errors! Look, a “spreadsheet” cell can be conditioned to violate that “Divide by Zero” when inferior minds think they are placating mankind in “awe” with look what I did, need I say more. So needless to say some more, many “model” makers created a “monster” as a “model” was still allowed that “Trust Us” fascination when it was still hocus-pocus-dominocus and that is what we are being fed today by the fed we should all be fed up! The “spreadsheeting” made modeling easy, but at the same time “dangerously misleading”. But I always relied on a time tested “Model” that which originated by Professor PJW - a recipient of the Sir Isaac Newton ZRE award - a well-respected “model” good enough for the “Big Oil” and well proven as $money$ was never a problem while researching the “Best Fit” models. That is the “key”, as a “model” is merely a “fit” to some data thrown into an extravaganza like meat grinder. So I pulled the “fluffernutter” out of retirement to see what it understands about this CoronaCovfefeavirus. And herein is what the PJW-3DBB algorithm tells us about this COVID-19 EVENT to date and what to expect:

History Lesson: This “Event” started in the United States on January 14th when an American citizen from Alaska died of “complications from an unknown pneumonia” while vacationing in the Philippines - more likely than not the COVID misdiagnosed and Alaska may have been wherein this virus was introduced into “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Alaska is the cross-roads for cargo traffic from China that was not part of the Trump travel ban placed into effect on the 31st. Now on January 24th, due this “death”, the Trump administration was made aware of this “serious situation” hitting home in regards to what was happening in Wuyan, by his very own National Security experts and this allowed the  introductory period phase of the “pandemic” lasting until on or about February 14th. This “introductory period” is the time-period when those connected to WALL STREET were positioning themselves to profit from the “pandemic” coming our way. Instead of WARNING Americans, their 1% reasoning to remain “silent is golden”, as the worse off the way in which this virus would hit and be handled by imbeciles, the more $loot$ the already “wealthy” would make in the short through the long run as “We the People” take it in the “shorts”. I mean some fucking college “brat” thinks he should get a direct $bonus$ because his institute of higher learning received a bailout from Uncle Sam, WTF are we teaching our kids? Yes, here we are, wherein Presidential incompetency became the catalyst a golden opportunity investment $money$ matters above anything else so what people lie then people die. Just “business as usual” throw out the “model” as a smoke-screen, a model started off with known garbage, which allows the end result a higher degree in confidence. But herein below, the results of the PJW model and what to expect.

~ Initial EVENT ~
COVID Caseload: 2848333
Confirmed Deaths: 34180
R-naught = 12000 deaths per 1000000 cases
END-of-EVENT: 4/15/2020
Flight Duration: 32-days

~ EVENT A Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 1898889
Confirmed Deaths: 22787
END-of-EVENT A: 5/25/2020
Flight Duration: 40-days

~ EVENT B Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 712083
Confirmed Deaths: 8545
END-of-EVENT B: 7/10/2020
Flight Duration: 46-days

~ EVENT C Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 474722
Confirmed Deaths: 5697
END-of-EVENT C: 8/30/2020
Flight Duration: 51-days

~ EVENT D Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 118680
Confirmed Deaths: 1424
END-of-EVENTD: 10/23/2020
Flight Duration: 54-days

~ EVENT E Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 79120
Confirmed Deaths: 949
END-of-EVENT E: 12/19/2020
Flight Duration: 56-days

~ EVENT F Ongoing Main Event ~
COVID Caseload: 19780
Confirmed Deaths: 237
END-of-EVENT F: 2/15/2021
Flight Duration: 58-days

Start Date: 1/24/2020         End Date: 2/15/2021
EVENT Duration: 398 Days
Total Cases: 6,151,608 Total Deaths: 73,819

What it means? Now we can safely start the clock for the Moron’s Phase I “Open Up America” plan as the 1% has made its point and made a KILLING!

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