Monday, April 20, 2020

Beach Haven FASCISM

When an “authority” like the U.S. G-men, when under the direction of Donald John Trump, hijacks medical PPE from within a state’s jurisdiction, “We the People” are UNDER SEIGE. Yes, claiming its authority to do so is in the best interest of the Nation due “shortages” from the COVID-CRUD, then once confiscated and comfortably controlled “no one looking” distributes that PPE in a preferential treatment mindset to states more kind to Trump and favorable to his re-election, wherein the 2016 electors in dereliction refused to be “faceless” and in violation of the U.S. Constitution as there is no permission in our  Founding Fathers Constitution that allows a Moron to be ordained as Commander-in-Chief - qualifications lacking. Now that forced entry to steal away medical equipment the eminent domain property of the state, that is happening today, it is the Beach Haven “Fascism” mentality alive and well today and so well learned by a young Donald as was practiced by his father, Fred Christ Trump, like was witnessed at the Beach Haven properties owned by the Trump Tower in New York - what laws? And wherein Woody Guthrie wrote a song called Old Man Trump with words to the effect:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

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