Thursday, January 23, 2020


What the “Founding Fathers’ Future” are “We the People” waiting on, as the invite is loud and clear it is MARLER Time, with respect to a “Revolution”. The latter is a piece the “framework” of our history and when the smoke of a “Rev-Up” clears away, we are a better off nation. It is Day-3 of the “Donald Jong-Thong Trump Impeachment Trial”, and the Fucking Moron has been pretty quiet, as I am sure his attorneys placed a lip-balm-hold on his “We all Tweet in a Twitter Subterranean Homesick Blues as Fools”, to make sure he just “shuts-up”. And for the most part, the routine 2-cent maniac ridicule from the “Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum” the guy in the “Oval Office”, so far so good…no it is NOT! He tweeted during a world-wide event in interest at once again cutting “Social Security”, which is the sole bread-winner for many Americans. And why the 45th “still” finds an interest in cutting us off of money we placed aside for our retirement - which with the amount we are guaranteed, it means a measly survival but is something we rely upon our way to the grave? Why for is Donald Trump so eager to cut our throats this Social Security benefit? Simple Simon, he doesn’t pay any taxes he never had to work a real job so he is not entitled to this benefit and is jealous based on the fact he has been very successful in hoodwinking the entire system of merits to…well he is the greatest thief of all times. See, I am convinced that the reason the refusal to show us his penis, I mean his “Tax Returns” is based on this highway robbery that will come to be one-day with a signed-sealed-delivery upon his legacy. First on the “slate”, I would gamble that he makes very little $loot$ on his “Golden Shower Mara-a-Lago” resorts as it is all for a “glitter gulch” show - and that costs money. But maybe he has invested handsomely in the Vince McMahon “Reality”, behind the greatest fake-me-out of all time, Big Time Fake WrestleMania! IMAGINE, making money on “Fake”. And then take that lucrative investment income and instead of paying taxes, use the Jack Marler “Tax Code”, which allows “No Taxation without Representation” - in its precedence-set from back in 1956 way up North in Alaska. It is a little known about acceptable “cheat”. So here is how the “Donald” gets away with the greatest heist of all time and someday there will be a documentary, as this puts the screws to “Bugsy”. Now how does one take advantage of that “Jack Marler” tax shelter, just claim oneself as a “non-resident” a domicile in another country that allows “offshore” hoodwinking, easy for a guy like Donald & Family with a ways and means to conveniently hide away that loot and no taxation upfront required. And then when initializing those “returns”, just claim the deduction. No problem with this creativeness, as it appears to reason why “We the People” have not seen his “Tax returns” so no big deal, except…except to become a U.S. President it requires a “residency” requirement of at the time of taking that “oath” 14-years, and maybe he can argue that he is a “bonafide resident” but nay-nay that in efforts to pay no taxes, does he have a leg to stand upon as a legitimate U.S. President? No, he is NOT an American Citizen if this “Marler” has been used as a ways and means to cut-throat the merits of fair taxation, so no wonder he does not give a rat’s ass what the Constitution thinks and the reason he is so afraid to show us those returns - and if this is “True”, how in hell did a non-resident become a sponsor for a Klaus Fuchs?

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