Thursday, January 23, 2020

Honorable Adam Schiff

United States House of Representatives Adam Schiff in “Good Standing” before We the People in "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." will go down in history as an “Honorable Patriot”. I have been listening to his discovery, his testimony, his faithless elector “cross-examination” all before the U.S. Senate “Tribunal” in the Donald John Trump “Impeachment Trial”. Proof positive finds a new dimension today in that “ham sandwich” the “glove fits” you must NOT acquit, as the verdict is here the papal conclave has spoken so has the Mighty Oz. With Schiff, along with his cohorts without shame defending DEMOCARCY, the last 2-days with respect to “Citizen Kane Law” indicates that the “Constitutional” law books will have to be re-written. As a prosecutor burdened with a “stool stuck” White House that has circumcised every legal motion in litigation and has purposely circumvented and stole away the “will” of jurisprudence we relied upon so well after all these years, Schiff’s podium time will…it has already indicted that person of interest in guilt. If the Founding Fathers did indeed leave behind for us a system of checks and balances vulnerable, that would one day be confronted by “Tilt” through a “Divided” Congress, what was delivered at the podium with no “Not Guilty” evidence from the opposing party with little to none testament from those involved showing an “Acquittal” reasonable, this will be how the next generation of lawmen will unite to litigate. So scary! But our Founders were not remiss in what they designed as the guiding light the “principia” in law abiding, and the “TILT” upon this “Trial” exists by reason of “Treason”. That is what confronts “We the People” this demonstration by the GOP members of Congress, those that are not upholding that “oath”, the simple fact they have been deceased by FASCISM. So that is what Adam Schiff is trying to accomplish, to extinguish this “Beach Haven” house on fire, like a fireman arriving on the scene a fire and people trapped in a burning building and his only tool an axe, as “the pump don’t work ‘cause the vandals took the handles”. The floor speech by Adam Schiff, it recognizes a revival, that “Treason” should be awarded by a hanging!

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