Thursday, May 30, 2019

Twitter Police - AWOL

Look, I have been kicked out of the “Twitter” social media ballroom more then once, it is a good feeling as there are better things to do then trying to keep up with a “Fucking Moron” on a roll to destroy our Founding Fathers’ Democracy. And it is truly amazing, that after 859-days on autopilot how resilient this Democracy finds itself self-motivated to survive, kudos to the Founders. See, when the Constitution was bequeathed, inherent to the beneficiaries was a “Great Escape” clause which is in effect today - this autopilot obligation. It is based on the possibility that the “People” would be hoodwinked into voting in a “Fucking Moron”, peas in a pod and in such a case just settle down and enjoy the comedy as in time things would get back together again. Look, so far so good with the Fucking Moron, as we still enjoy that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness he is trying to destroy - definition Fascism! And what would he have otherwise to defend his opposition to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” its Democracy, as without “we all tweet in a twitter submarine” front and center of attention Trump’s revenge for his illegitimacy, it is a followers revenge to protect this Democracy under attack by a Maggot Moron. I have been thrown the towel of revenge with “Your Twitter Account has been Locked” for normal human behaviors. Take for instance letting my fingers do the walking and the talking with using words like “hanging” and of course the use of the “N-word” when appropriate. Yes, no qualms reciting a commentary with the “Nigger” aspect when it comes to we learned it all in John Lennon kindergarten, that “woman is the nigger of the world”. The intent of that image-altering song for the last 50-years, to thwart off a “Dueling Banjo Deliverance” against the “women” kind. And so, look at how “women’s rights” has evolved thank you “Oh Yoko”! Almost on a equal footing - just give it a little more time but the momentum is on that faction’s side in victory and one day soon John F. Kennedy’s dream of “all created equal” will chalk up another “win”. With this word though, many are so damn afraid to toss its significance around, hey “You’re it”, as that word finds ramifications for the “good” and when it was conveyed away from blacks it was for the last few decades empowering the female gender. My point is proved. It is the most powerful of words in the dictionary, that “good” aspect christened and always will be it finds salvation in civilization. And today it appears, if Lennon were still around, he would be singing a different tune with a different image, like “Democracy is the nigger of the world” as we are no doubt in a Constitutional Constipation Crisis. With the way in which the “I didn’t know I was a fascist” are winning this showdown, appears all that blood with sweat and tears the wars our Founding Fathers fought as “duty to country”, in vain! Divided we fall, look away, look away, look away Dixie land - as when we hit bottom it is going to hurt and haunt us bad! But back to Mr. Tweet time. For the last 3-days, I have been advertising on “Twitter” an interest in hiring an assassin! For real, a hired gun and I have placed “WANTED DEAD or ALIVE” postings on Donald Trump’s “Twitter” racecar as his fan-base in disgrace is the Real McCoy voyeurism in orgasm spasm, as that is wherein one can find the only bipartisan appreciation something in common - as Congress is DOA. “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly, I'm crying” low and behold, I have yet to see my request for murder “blocked”. Mr. Twitter has allowed my advertisement to stream the mainstream, unabated and I have yet to be called out by the “Twitter Police”. Using this social media for a hired gun and getting, well away with it - wow! Yes trying to hire a killer to assassinate a Harold Houston that stole $millions$ in retirement savings from our WORLD WAR veteran fathers and mothers. Maybe the use of this media for revenge, just maybe it was allowed due the fact it was the Memorial Day weekend, may my father rest in peace he died a “poor man” and country first…well it is different today I hear every crook say. For real, a “scum bag scam” that is legal according to the U.S. Congress allowed some asshole far and away to buy a luxury house, a luxury ocean liner, a Bentley…murder she wrote please from proceeds stolen from once hard working retirees now doomed to “Debtor’s Prison” because - how is it these scams keep coming back to haunt us? So maybe with “Twitter” and its rules and regulations and through its algorithms to filter out abusive language, well I guess trying to hire a gun to kill this character is fair game. So thanks Twitter, as there are a whole lot of 2nd Amendment enthusiast interested in this premeditated murder to take down some scum bag that lives in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and was successful in taking away from my dad his “Sweet land of liberty”. And I guess if Congress is so deaf eared and senile and that this kind of scamming continues on - targeting our World War Veterans - then maybe it is time we take the law unto our own trigger-happy Gilmore hands. But I want the asshole crook arrested first, by someone in the “Well Regulated Militia” so that this crook can be waterboarded then tortured by King Jong bUNghole and similar to what Otto Warmbier put up with and then we will commence the firing squad at sundown. And as far as a burial for this thief, a blast furnace that will erase any remaining ashes, dust to dust forevermore. So thanks Mr. Twitter, for being so accommodating my “Help Wanted - Assassin”.

PS: I did turn myself into the Twitter Warden, to see what will transpire. Stay tuned!

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