Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I Killed Me Pa

It’s been 41-days and 41-nights since we got the news, Pa was on that highway to heaven and no longer condemned to wear the ball and stripes. He went fast and furious, because as a derelict son I interfered in his life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I killed Pa guilty me be, but down on me hands and knees begging for a pardon in forgiveness so help me God. And with Pa being a Veteran of the World War, taking that “liberty” away through me “good intent” interference was paramount incarcerating me blood Pa as a POW. Shame on me, shame on me! Now Pa wasn’t a criminal, he just associated with that “take a walk on the wild side” crocked element and when I found out, it was I that force surrendered Pa’s passion and then surrounded Pa with the jail bars. So Pa decided to call it quits, as he no longer maintained that “freedom” he fought for in the trenches of…over there! He was a stubborn old coot, but there comes a time me thought. I was so, so wrong. Towards the end line, I could hear Pa loud and clear, “This is the big one, I’m comin’ Elizabeth!” And since a parole for his bad deeds sad deeds was just too damn expensive and time consuming, just not enough years in the bucket to care about anything else! OK, Pa didn’t actually share a cell with Ted Kaczynski at ADX Florence, but what I did thinking it best for his well-being - it was no different…me actions sent Pa to solitary confinement! See take heed, when me Ma died Pa went interested in this “striking it rich” scam, orchestrated by the criminal element crooks that get away with murder she wrote and continue to take advantage of our senior citizen population. The loss of Ma was a time wherein Pa was vulnerable to an invasion by crooks with scams, like many others that have been taken down by similar scum bags. If I ever catch up to any of these bastards, while saluting the American flag I will cut off the balls and incinerate the remaining body parts. If no balls, then a MAGA dildo so far up it will act as a tongue extension - get me drift? It is a $billion$ dollar racket targeting the faction of society that fought for America, taken advantage upon by crooks that have no remorse and most likely “bone spur” military deferments - no pride or honor for our military. And when Pa started bouncing checks because of his addiction to this “too good to be true” scam that cost him his life savings and sent the inheritance into the “gutter”, I put on me retired boxing gloves and went on the warpath. In this corner, I had to contend with me Pa that was broke and left surviving with Social Security income benefits. With his rent for the 7th floor HUD housing without AC and 100 degrees on a “Hot Town summer in the City” day, add to that misery co-pay medical bills and don’t stop now this misguided misgivings in co-stray prescription medication bills, there was not even enough leftover income for cable TV enjoyment. And this addiction to send the crooks a “FEE” in $20 to $30-dollar denominations, it adds up when Pa was sending out upwards 200-checks a month. A local banker said he never saw a 93-year old man write out so many checks and even funnier to the banker when me Pa tried to cash a counterfeit check, courtesy of the crooks. Damn, had the banker had me Pa arrested, it could have stopped this madness as it would have meant a felony! Yes, no jail time but house arrest and then the social workers could have taken over his finances and saved Pa’s bacon - or at least the opportunity for me taking over his affairs and saving Pa’s loot. OK, the banker deserves credit as a year into this “scam” the bank did freeze Pa’s account on the postulation he was dealing with crooks accommodating Federal Trade Commission banned “free money” scams. The friendly banker’s action when Pa’s checking account - the one and only account used to buy groceries - went “negative” and Pa was charged $1500 in “overdraft fees” - $Fee$ for the crooks and $Fee$ for the banks - appears all making money upon me Pa’s senior vulnerability. IMAGINE, spending his hard-earned income on a chance of winning a counterfeit check. Yet when I heard the gospel, it was too damn late as the crooks had recovered all the savings and me interference was…a waste of me time. Pa’s dead! And me initial intervention into this theft upon decency, it was not an overnight success, it took tender loving care well over a year of undivided attention to right his wrongs. Me thought I was doing the right thing! And there was the demons in the other corner, denial so inch by inch through constant correspondence did me eventually get Pa to realize the $money$ he had wasted was allowing the crooks to eat prime rib while Pa had to contend with spoiled hamburger - because he over extended his income - for these crooks. But finally, after a long time with me intervention, Pa finally started running in the “black” come the end of the month, even on a limited income. Almost to the point we thought about getting back that cable stuff! And he started to feel good about himself, that…he then started realizing that the “Trust” the inheritance Ma and Pa had set aside for the sons, it was gone for good. So it was tough for Pa to give this racket up as he had gambled it all and then that addiction would surface again and again…convinced to hand over one last “Fee” as Pa could not let it go, still convinced the crooks owed Pa some $loot$. To make matters worse off, senior friends made fun of Pa because he had advertised early on engaged in this “scam” he was going to be rich - while others tried to warn against such scams. So in the end, Pa would confide with me, hoping that I would allow that one last “Fee” sent to the crooks - in hopes the big payoff would be forthcoming. There came times me wanted to put down the guard and say, OK. I could not, as besides shame there came hate, that me Pa would act so recklessly to give the inheritance away to crooks. I once said to him that I would have rather seen his loot go to bookies and whores, at least that would have allowed some semblance of something in return besides a tongue glued up from licking postage stamps to send his hard earned loot to crooks. In 2-years time, Pa had pencil whipped his John Handcock on over 3000 checks written out to the crooks as a $FEE$. Oh let us not forget that each “FEE” entry held a deadline, so best send the crooks that check quick - a 50-cent stamp. Do the math, 3000x50=$$$$ so sad! Test question from Phineas J. Whoopee pie, how many stamps have you purchased the past year? OK, on average Americans use 31 stamps a year. So me Pa beat the odds by 100 because the crooks were beating the crap out of me Pa - POW torture! And of course I would deny me Pa that frivolous opportunity of one last chance in hell - as when Pa was at deathbed over $150000 had been stolen away! All before me saw what was going on and intervened, thinking it was the right thing to do. True grit story. And when reality set in, that Pa had been stupid with this “scam”, his final days were in grieving, because he realized sooner then later that his time was coming to an end and he would have to face Ma! I fought this madness of “striking it rich” in a scam for over a year, and made great headway bringing back respect to Pa’s financial situation. I didn’t realize it was all Pa had, his existence was bent around this “scam”. But when it set in that Pa would die a “poor man” and good thing “Debtor’s Prison” had been outlawed, there was nothing more to live for and when he went on the “Actively Dying” list, two days later it was “cremation” time. Pa had hoped for a mausoleum, cremation was all he could afford. See, when Pa was convinced he was going to strike it rich at 92, he re-wrote his “Will” that made it sound like he was a $billionaire$ with loot going to foundations and animal rescue and you name it including providing for himself that mausoleum! Pa died broke, because the crooks swindled away his worth and I swindled away his life, thinking it was what sons do to protect the innocent. Now with his passing, I had his mail deliveries sent my way, some 4000-miles away in Alaska. And the crooks have now invaded my domain, as this lucrative business of stealing away the wealth of our senior citizens is widespread highway robbery on steroids. I guess our U.S. Congress is bent on the fact they can’t take our loot with them, may as well let others steal it away from us - as when we have in inept body that allows this to go on, what in hell am I paying taxes for as it is indeed a Jack Marler case of “No Taxation without Representation”. Pa, rest in peace and me sorry I thought stopping the crooks would extend your life, I was wrong and will never interfere again. Say hi to Ma, if she’s pissed take her dancing! In the meantime me trying to hire a hitman...

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