Monday, April 8, 2019

Teenage Wasteland - Alaska

Just a teenager, at age 13, and so abused - will mankind ever learn from past mistakes? It all started in 1973 with the Congress passing the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline Authorization Act, as this is wherein the rape started and along the way with “Deliverance” like incest, there came an aborted fetus. Up on the North Slope of Alaska, three major areas have been of interest for oil development. NPR - the National Petroleum Reserve which remains somewhat off-limits but only a matter of time before the obligation to allow for more rape finds money matters above all “chastity” respect, along with Prudhoe Bay - which has been producing oil for years…OK, enough with the childish rhetoric as that is reserved for Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton, but please hear me out. For over 100-years the NPR has been on the radar of oil exploration, as within that 22-million acres(or 34375 square miles, a BIGGIN) still a protected domain, geologists find surface pools of oil - pushed out of the ground because “there’s oil in them thar pingos.” As one well known rock hound enthusiast explained it all so simple; “puss out of a pimple”! I prefer “blood out of a turnip seed”, but that takes an outsider. Yes indeed reality, Alaskan oil already attacking the environment, but it is Mother Nature at work get over it no trespass interference required. Cork it? And with Prudhoe Bay sitting just a “retreat go east”, well that area measuring 214-thousand acres(334 square miles, the size of the city of Dallas but with 0.00191 the human population), it produces the “black gold” in quantities unimaginable. To date a total of some 11-billion barrels of oil - that’s a whole bunch of “zeros” after the Captain Commando Uno-Uno. And behind Door Number 3, “retreat go east some more” leave NPR and Prudhoe Bay in a radioactive dust cloud, we find ANWR - the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. To date of record, over 19-million acres without oil exploration access(31355 square miles, another BIGGIN). But back to what is behind Door Number 2 - the world-renowned Prudhoe Bay oil field. That’s a whole lot of oil fromunder a single “formation”, 11880370170 barrels of marvel mystery money oil to be exact. And using the “Magical Miracle Wand” many oil company “Bean Counters” use off the cuff to assess a “no-risk” value of oil in today’s market, how about the worth of that oil from the Prudhoe Bay formation and surrounding “satellites” reaching, well homing in at $1.2-TRILLION BIGGIN BUCKS! Adjusted for inflation, hold your hat a whopping $3.2-Trillion! And with that oil that has by now found a safe $$$ harbor in the “Market Place” once top-side, along for the ride to date, drum roll please…enough natural gas to produce electricity for the entire U.S. population for 7-years! Have any idea how much that would have paid out if sent to the lower-48? Don’t worry, as it has been placed in “reserve” for that rainy day. Yes some mindboggling statistics, but that gas is re-injected into the formation with powerful compressors under thrust from jet turbine engines, in efforts to force more oil out of that “Sadlerochit” pay zone - part of the “Big Squeeze” going down underneath the Initial Participation Area. And wait there’s more! As the gang banging three-Amigos would not be complete without the “Water”, as when a formation “burps” the “produced water” rushes in and also finds freedom top-side. It is called “comingling” or in modern day politicizing, akin to “collusion” as the true picture is hidden by camouflage. And for the most part, herein that “water” is separated and becomes part of the “squeeze” play - re-injected downhole into the formation through powerful pimps under thrust more jet turbine engine combinations. OK, how many jet engine powered turbines are used to retrieve the Three-Amigos, squeeze the formation and pump that oil all the way to its Valdez destination? Ninety-nine permitted EDs - Environmentally Destructive - that run 24/7. Talk about a busy runway! Now the “produced water” is retrieved and recycled, but over time that finds adverse side effects - like today wherein there is more water coming up with the “stranded oil” and the Oil-to-Water Ratio is not too promising. It is below “1”, which means the “water” is winning the rat’s race. OK, so what does it all mean. Well as water rescues the “Well” to produce that oil resource we all have inherited as a bad habit addiction, in a recycled mood this H2O behaves rather selfish and finds an affinity with free-radical “radionuclides” that are part of the ingredients that made this earth what it is - radioactivity. Now when this Thorium and Uranium stuff is left well enough alone, Mr. Alpha and Mrs. Beta not a problem. But when we disrupt “tranquility”, it is like an African bee nest in a full front-line assault - attack and kill! And this lethal “Africanization”, it all began back in 1977 when the ratio was 50 to 1, as the oil outpaced the water the bees were nice. Now then, not all of that “produced water” that was regurgitated was successfully separated. If separated, it was punished again, by sending it back downstairs wherein it could be once again bombarded by radionuclide fallout - until such time it became statutory rape saturated with - what the hell is with that “glow-worm”? What was not separated during the normal course of events over the years, it remained a partner in good standing harmony with the “sales grade oil” shipped down the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline. But water-is-water as so with radioactive water-is-radioactive water and it makes worms “glow” in the dark. So a very large water wave, like an incoming tide, has routinely made its way to Valdez over the years wherein this Prudhoe Bay “squeeze play” has been on the game plan drawing board. It was a winning proposition, no need to change horses in midstream. Now once that “comingled” stuff makes its way to Valdez, it rests after such a long journey. During this recess kindergarten nap time, the “produced water” is set free and looks for a new life! And since there is not a jet engine driven pump that can shove that radioactive slop back north to its rightful owner, it is just thrown overboard in Prince William Sound. I guess a “Sounding” board for just how much radioactive waste is permissible until it looks like the aquatic Aurora Borealis - that glow from marine life that has not yet adapted with an inherent heredity to say no thanks at consuming those gummy worms that are so colorful. OK, again enough of the childish rhetoric, but don’t eat that fish that eats that crap. The sad thing about the mess that may have over so many years messed up the “Sound’s” self-indulged management of its living resources’ health, there are NO LAWS of record that prohibit this “radioactive” discharge, as it is not regulated and a “Test Case” has proven that the radioactive fallout from “produced waters” legally discharged are far higher then what is allowed from sea-side nuclear power plants under NRC oversight - like is found in Fukushima. Now whomever thought of this bright…it is starting to glow even more recognizable, as today there is 6x as much water being produced top-side from the “Giant” Prudhoe Bay oil field this nation relies upon, for energy independence. Remember, that is what got US in trouble back in 1973 - the reason oil development in Alaska got the “Green Light”, but was a “Glow” also authorized? And starting about 1995, the amount of “produced water” remained about the same as the oil count continued on a steep decrease, which means the recycling efforts allowed that same water to continue its affinity romance with Mr. Alpha and Mrs. Beta and the question is asked? Does it count as a “Superfund Site” if underground? It doesn’t matter, as this radioactive discharging was not and is not a “crime”! But oil men are smart, and in 2001 it recognized this problem to the point it took corrective action, as even though the lawman finds no jurisdiction over “glow worms” over-populating a place like the “Sound”, to knowingly contribute to a health risk can find a path towards litigation. And that was the reason behind what was called the “Strategic Reconfiguration”, and all-out effort blessed by the State of Alaska to moth-ball any contributory negligence equipment that could once again, if activated cause this “glowing sensation” to get even bigger. It was a pro-active stance, act now and forever hold your peace hope a jury can be convinced Good Will Hunting means well.

STRATEGIC RECONFIGURATION (SR): Strategic Reconfiguration refers to a project that today is known as Electrification and Automation (E&A). The project began in 2001 and concentrated on reducing physical infrastructure and simplifying operations and maintenance. The project’s focused on creating more efficient operations while maintaining or enhancing safety, operational integrity and environmental performance. The system is modular and scalable and with flexibility for future increases or decreases in throughput. PS 9 near Delta Junction was first to receive the upgrade, and came online with new equipment in February 2007. PS 3 was next, brought online in December 2007. PS 4 came online in May 2009. PS 1 pumps came online in October 2015, and as of April 2016, some work cutover work remained at that station.

That is a “blurp” from the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. But the original problem goes back to the 1985 timeframe, when this water-flooding “squeeze” play fascinated many of us, as it meant more money for the oil companies - which relates to bigger and brighter pay stubs and the State of Alaska by virtue its resource ownership through “eminent domain”, it also made enough $money$ to re-invest so it sports a portfolio estimated at $100-Billion in assets. The sad fact of the matter, this radionuclide collision started colluding and showing off its side effects in the Sound, well before the EXXON Valdez “wreck”. With respect to “evidence tampering”, whole new ball game! And that “wrecked” it all, as after that March 24th “Good Friday” wreck of a lifetime achievement award for Captain Joe Hazelwood, it ruined all background datum. Valuable environmental information, captured for years prior wherein this this Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with their illegitimate children grown and known as Mr. Alpha and Mrs. Beta…what can I say as we lost the way that may have allowed pointing the finger at “Greed” over “Green”. In ending, what caught everyone off-guard this dilemma? The sheer volume of what was at stake in the Prudhoe Bay “black gold” and a limited infrastructure as the “play zone” was supposed to last at best 10-years. With that, “Big Oil” did not sink extra effort green backs into building unnecessary things. Like storage tanks up north that could be used to deprive the oil of all water before it was officially deemed “sales grade” and then shipped south - wherein the “radioactive produced water” would have remained at the source, injected and then recycled injected but all the time staying out of harm’s way. By not providing the proper infrastructure, the cat was let out of the bag. And when laws allow such truancy - the  proliferation in evil glows on!

(EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it - this journey to destruction, as found on this "blogicide" titled "NORM - The Other Unabomber" as published on April 1, this year. NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE!) 

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