Saturday, April 13, 2019

Take A Whiff!

Wow, after Barack Obama and Michelle vacated the White House and the Trump Family moved in because 1400 Pennsylvania didn’t work out for Sarah Palin as it was 200 doors south of “reality”, well this nation has been…well a “Divide by Zero Error” comes to mind! And you know what that means in bits and pieces, you cannot dissect a “bit” we are neither here nor there - right verses the left! OK guy “sac-urity” question: If you are a Duluth south paw - aka left handed - is the left testicle in better shape then its brother? When push comes to show I meant “shove”, who is on 1st? Stay-put! See, when we lived in an “analog” world, all things considered there exited “endless” possibilities between Zero-to-One, so one’s political view could exist all along that tireless watch-tower “spectrum” and therefore we maintained the “Union of One” as the go between guaranteed a “bipartisan” existence in camaraderie - please don’t laugh yeh we did. But when the “bit” came to be and it meant a new age in bipolar syncopial behavior. No longer an idiosyncrazy reserved for patients incarcerated at the Trans-Allegheny-Lunatic-Asylum and today referred to as the “House of Congress”. Be it either “On” or “OFF” and this messaging meant we were screwed as a society that at one time in history liked to show some semblance of “so happy together”! So yes, confusing ecstasy takes over. Amazing, that today under a “Democracy” we could be so equally divided and…we fall, take that sentimental warning from our Founding Fathers both sides of the isle of right and left. But “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” Democracy is a long-standing tradition by conviction that sometimes faces truancy, so no it will not fade away so easy, not on our watch. But the challenges here in the “Homeland” have whittled away our steadfast at “who we are” and “where we are” with respect to the Great Emancipator. But I did find myself in a situation, on a stage common across the land, wherein no matter what side of the isle one found political interest - for once herein was a place today it didn’t matter a red “MAGA” hat, a Bernie T-shirt or other affiliation it did not matter. And NO it wasn’t “Church”, but the “Town Dump” and the reason the same reason all dumps “sea to shining sea” and Thank You Woody “this land is your land this land is my land”, these trash heaps all smell the same and attract the likes of True Grit Americans with a single agenda, getting rid of the trash. About the only common denominator we have left in “togetherness”, the damn dump! Get the drift…

Take a whiff, take a whiff, take a whiff on me
Everybody take a whiff on me
Hey, hey, baby take a whiff on me
Hey, hey, baby take a whiff on me

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