Friday, March 8, 2019

Pepsodent Mercenary ~ POEM

Pepsodent Mercenary

Little creek,
impeachment in time immemorial sneaks bye,
flowers a diversity flows this greatness, beyond
the totality mankind’s menstrual cramp in “peace”.

Empty bottle of Jameson,
road side foc’sle captain’s chair in order,
sophisticated suffocation with constipation,
the vapor trail of encapsulated intoxication,
second that stoic emotion,
mankind’s impeachment like a drunken drool.

Sodomized, lobotomized,
weight watcher compromised.

Good Will Hunting season.
Allen take a bow wow.
Syncopia Burroughs in.
The beat goes on.

My singular thought on God,
impaled by the egregiousness
of penmanship without prose,
self-inflicted gunshot wound 1st Amendment pose.

If you’re Black ink…you draw the heat.
Pepsodent Universe!
(MSK ©2019)

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