Friday, March 15, 2019

In the Year 2020…

In the Year 2020, if man is still alive! We have an opine “Divide” on the effects of climate change, so we accomplish merely chit-chat and nothing concrete, maybe with time. We find a similar “Divide” on whether or not Donald Trump is fit to hold the office of the U.S. Presidency, time will tell as it consumes a whole lot of that chit-chat. We also see a “Divide” with what is best for a family, “fast food” or a “home cooking” addiction! So, it is “time only” that will tell the Bob Barker “Truth or Consequences” of being a nation so “Divided” - for that matter the “world” we are on equal footing for the most part. Now the Founding Fathers warned us about such a “Divide”. And get over it, as “Twitter” has become the new age “National Enquirer” as the “Hottest Gossip” social media addiction. So it is all part of the human “Trials & Tribulations” trait - let’s hope for the best in the 9th inning. But when we cannot even find a compromise to open a “black box”, we are doomed!

FOX News: The Ethiopian Airlines’ black boxes that were delivered Thursday to a French air accident investigation authority, known by its French acronym BEA, have yet to be opened or examined, a source who spoke to American investigators told Fox News.

American investigators left the facility after arguments broke out over how the protocols for examination, custody and cooperation among the investigators, laid out in the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) section 13, were being ignored, the source said.

The source also said the accident site itself was compromised because it was not secured quickly enough, allowing local to ransack it.

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