Friday, December 21, 2018

President in the Making?

Wow, almost made it through the first half! Can’t wait for the porn-pom girls but maybe we should hold off on the intermission fire-works - wildfires are dangerous and devastating and “this land is my land this land is your land” is at high-alert. Is “dry itch” from global warming or from the wealthy sucking blood-money out of a turnip seed? And that dumpster-fire that started at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after Kid Rock and Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin held a 4th-of-July fart lighting party with Melania, it is out of control. Poor Kid Barron should be pissed, that he wasn’t invited to participate - kids having fun but not the adult! See, I have made it a point to recite my “Oath of Office” each and every day since Donald Jong Trump lied to Chief Justice John Roberts, that the “Fucking Moron” was actually taking that “Oath of Office” with some seriousness. And I think we will see Roberts turn liberal, as any association with the GOP can be bad for one’s health. But here we gather a few yards away from the official “half-time” whistle stop in a fast and furious historic day of Apocalypse Now with Mr. Armageddon anal-raped morphed by Hannibal Lecter surrounded by a Clockwork Orange administration involved in a Portnoy Putin Complaint…now everyone just calm down. See, I am in full agreement to pull our troops home from never-ending “Solitaire” WAR. It’s a card game which means “Patience”, it eventually wears out its welcome - so welcome home Private Gump. Now the way I see it, WAR is over if you want it - OK that’s the word out of John Lennon’s mind-games, spoken with truth. But yesterday was a 3rd Reichter scale “blow-out”, as observed through the “Chaos” reporting from the Hannity and Madcows, that the sky was falling. So what no “Big ‘Uns” deal the Dow was falling some more, Jim Mattis “quit” and a government shut-down was looming right before the Christmas Holiday, like the “Grinch” appeared and Trump then made his announcement of the Syrian troop withdrawal. So, let’s start off the morning after on a different foot, as a calming down that “We the People” have nothing to fear but fear itself so hear me out. For the Hannity gang, men wear the panties and on the other side of the isle with the Madcow disease, no under-wear. Just to get a different take on comfort since we are so afraid of our own shadows and we must get comfortable for the time being with this Trump. Look, Trump is a crook, but maybe just maybe there will be a “from sea to shining sea” light awakening at the end of the tunnel revival, “A President in the Making”. Hey maybe if successful we can get Donald to sing Amazing Grace! Look, Trump is smart to the point he knows the Democrats are gaining traction so he will “Turncoat” and, well become a “Democrat” from “behind the scenes”. OK, why are too many so upset that the Commander-in-Chief has decided to pull the U.S. military’s presence out of Syria, and a humongous cut-back in Afghanistan? OK, I have called out this Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty every damn 4-letter word known to define my hate upon Hitler - and today is the first time that I favor that “Commander-in-Chief” label for the 45th. Hail maybe, but let’s keep it at the Hail Mary stage of interest. First and foremost, the DOW can drop another 3848-points before the wealthy start loosing $loot$, so the roller-coaster this last few months please don’t let it bother your 401k. As long as the wealthy are making money, your investment is safe. It may not gain much, but loses are minimized in this “sizzle” market. Mattis “quitting”, so what as there are plenty of “Loony Tune” characters to take up the slack. As far as this emerging government shutdown, maybe it is a good idea for the Congress to spend the “Holidays” at work entombed in the “Beltway”, like detention and forced to eat “cafeteria style” grub! Now onto the most pressing of  the tumultuous issues, the troop withdrawals. Maybe I don’t see eye-to-eye with this Trump, but whenever we pull back a military presence, it relates to WAR is over and “if you want it” resonates what John Lennon preached. We are a very strong nation, we should fear not and maybe we best start paying attention to  what is evolving on our own soil - use the money wasted on WAR abroad for affordable housing and rebuilding the infrastructure and if ever any of those son-a-bitch nations test our will, we have an option. But nobody wants “Total Destruction is the only solution”, so maybe this is a beginning, as when we find no longer a fascination another man’s war, maybe others will take the hint and see it as a modern man awakening. WAR is over if you want it, and so this is Christmas! Merry.

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