Saturday, December 22, 2018

Hear Ye Spare the Cattle Prod

Is this that “Life of Riley” or what! OK, 1st Lady is a Trump Tramp Stamp is enjoying a few days that “Life” as she got through the “slats” and headed south to Mar-a-Lago without her “brat” sugar-daddy sucker. OK, Donald’s ultimate “Apprentice Wet Dream” moment: “You’re Fired” to 420000 government employees at the stroke of midnight while he stroked his missing manhood “home alone” in the Oval Office. See we have guessed all along it was “penis envy” that which challenges his manhood in the decision-making process, but Doctor Jekyll Pelosi along with Mr. Hyde Schumer have confirmed that prognosis and what MD Bornstein Bears warned us about some 2-years gone bye by now. So the question remains a bone of contention amongst grownups, with whom does Trump have sex with? Let’s face the facts, if not engaged in “we all Tweet in a Twitter subterranean homesick blues submarine” and not giving his caddy heads-up on how to score low for a good tip, may as well pass the time jerking off like Bill Clinton. A fringe benefit of the Oval Office, the reason Barack Obama was always with Michelle in the family room and singing “Amazing Grace” instead of a world disgrace. Look, the “Oval Office” is creepy today, especially after Kid Rock and Ted Nugent and Donald had a threesome with Sarah Palin. OK, it was a blow-up Jellyanne doll - according to the Oval Office’s Closet-at-Arms. Too each his own wise men say only fools rush in. And members of Congress just bailed out of town singing “I’ll be home for Christmas” as a bunch of Americans enjoy the holidays without a Johnny Paycheck. Look there is not an adult in the entire Congress. There’s a few good men, but maybe we have let down the Founding Fathers. See back in 1789, the “framers” decided on an all-important issue, the age of maturity for a member of the “New Congress” under construction. For the Senate, it required reaching the ripe age of 30, still the same today. With the House, the bar was lowered to 25 only because the British influence was hanging around and that was the Senate’s 30 deal devalued by the “penny wise pound foolish” criteria. The “British” pound was falling! And this age inequity was never corrected, shame on US. The same with the “Citizenship” requirements, Senate meant 9 straight years after immigration and the House only 7 - again the British couldn’t let it go. Now when it came to the “Term”, the Senate settled on a 6-year confinement but that was when the British started the real retreat and the “pound” had been so de-valued against our currency - due fines imposed on the King and Queen for the “American Revolution” - that the House proposed the same term as the Senate but it came across devalued even more. So it went of record as a 2-year term only and the printing press was pushing out the “new law of the land”. And the differences between the Senate and House have never been corrected, because the British influence remains. Likewise, it appears the Confederacy has found a second life? What the la-di-frickin-da is going on in that van down by the river registered to Mitch McConnell! Now if the age of consent had been corrected, it is safe to say that a member of Congress had to reach the age of 30, be a citizen for 9 years straight without a DUI and then win over the heart and soul of the voters for a term of endangerment lasting 6-years. I rest my case no I don’t. See, back then in 1789, the average life expectancy was 38-years before the grave side service remembered someone with “We Love Beer” rest in peace we will drink your Sam Adam’s share. So, let’s say for reason of insanity and argument back then immigrant Melania Knavs had served her time as a citizen for 9-years with good behavior, reached the age of 30 and her fascination with kinky wardrobe was finished so she decided to run for Congress. She wins and confronting her is 6-years of…well a job not for life. See, that 6-year term would end when Melania was 36-years old and then the choice, retire and enjoy 2-years in retirement - remember the average age of longevity was 38 - or else win another term and maybe fulfill that engagement but for a few years and then the burden on the Congress with a vacancy. So, the framers were very careful about this, it was inherent “Term Limits” and a job in Congress was NOT supposed to be that “Life of Riley Job for Life”. The Founding Fathers never designed such stagnation into this nation’s bible - the U.S. Constitution. The “road-map” was not intended as a Dead-End Dead-Beat street. But over the years, career crooks have…it’s like with the Moron’s new idea of a WALL with slats and with a Congress that which continues to castrate the will of the people by staying around way too long and getting nothing accomplished except “gridlock”, maybe we have before us the U.S. Constipation instead of that Constitution. As something isn’t right when congressional office mates are no different then cell mates in for life. If you look at the maddening crowd in a penitentiary incarcerating “lifers”, the mindset behavior is no different then what we see in the Congress. The sad thing, in my lifetime “We the People” came so very close to “Term Limits” until those leading the blind drive realized, that would put them in the same category as those 420000 workers without a paycheck and maybe for once they would have to find gainful employment and realize what it means to be a proud American worker instead of a government freeloader. It is the ultimate in “Welfare”, this Congress which relies on the necessity of two evils its survival! What is happening today in America is not the fault of the people electing a Moron. The fault finds its origins in Congress, the turmoil facing “this land is my land this land is your land” from “sea to shining sea” had nothing to do with Russia as it is all “home grown” - pinch yourself this truth in leading statement of fact. And until such time we are strong enough and brave enough to demand “Term Limits”, it will be more of the same nonsense and America doesn’t get any stronger nor weaker, but stagnation will take its toll on that Life, Liberty and pursuit to Happiness. Don’t respect my word, just ask those government workers sitting at home a few days before Christmas wondering how Wells Fargo will find a convenient way to computer glitch their “Truth in Lending” mortgage so that roof over their family’s head is “Foreclosed” to the highest WALL Street “investor” bidder in corruption, as when people suffer someone in the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty finds a way to make blood-money. Look, for a conglomerate like Wells Fargo to succeed in stealing away thousands of an American family’s dream home and base it on a “computer glitch” after the damage was done so cannot be undone, why that corporation has not been sent to jail is - well that’s today’s “Do Nothing Congress”! Because it appears today in America another great tool at “We the People’s” disposal has been ransacked, as once upon a time we had this thing called “Anti-Trust” and RICO, the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. Where is the lawman today, as I am sure Wells Fargo violated at least one of the 250 elements of crime that should have by now found jail time? The crooks are not sneaking across that border, they are here already and that is the Real McCoy “Collusion”! Look, with “Net Neutrality” neutering our Constitution through Constipation, just blame it all on a computer glitch and Congress keeps on giving - bad advice but home for the holidays. This nation is in dire straits, with the U.S. Treasury being looted by the wealthy, with the Congress AWOL, with the White House in insane mode as the “Sargent-of-Arms has been black-mailed into leaving his post”. Until such time “We the People” sound the alarm and demand “Term Limits”, well stagnation leads to bed sores and if not treated it leads to an infection and if not treated can lead to death. Time is no longer on our side and that Roosevelt saying of “only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, the fear from “selfishness” is breathing down our necks and making me very uncomfortable. So what needs to be done? We can wait to elect to reject it all away at the voting booth, why wait as that may take years? This nation needs a Lech Walesa movement along with a “Solidarity” march to freedom! What does that mean? If the President through Congress can order a “STRIKE” and put the American worker out of work, we can play the same damn game and our power in that act exonerates the “Power of the People”. We are all disgusted, both sides of the isle and the “STRIKE” is the only commonality that will make the Congress listen up, that we are sick and tired of “No Representation” so should take up not only a “STRIKE” but also join together as a “UNION” for the “UNION” with a Jack Marler protest, that being “No Taxation without Representation”. With a national “STRIKE”, there is “no taxation” as there is no Johnny Paycheck and that will get the brat’s attention faster then “the answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind” migrating away through those “slats” and faster then the “corrupts” pre-mature ejaculations on Miss Liberty! Time to take action, STRIKE for the Cause. Look how that action transformed Poland, by and for the workers we are no different today but are we man and woman enough? Spare the rod spoil the child, and we have spoiled that Congress by our lackadaisical attitude to “let it go” and we have gotten the cattle prod in return. It is time to re-write the U.S. Constitution, “For the People and By the People” as it is outdated and some long-standing traditions being used to gang rape our “Freedoms”. The “Framers” would have insisted on “Term Limits” if they knew back then that today’s life expectancy would be so different then back in the 1700s. Either that we start drinking more beer and allow that expectancy to go backwards, wow where’s Brett Kavanaugh? And that brings up another bone of contention before ending. We don’t need an “opine” from members of the Supreme Court reaching 80-years old. Even though with the “High Court” it was designed as a “Job for Life”, the life expectancy was low and was indeed a ways and means to make sure our next generations had a say in matters important under justice. “Term Limits”, the only inheritance our future generations desire and we are letting them down by allowing the U.S. Congress to get away with “Murder” at the border! That is how bad it is today.

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