Monday, December 17, 2018

Obama & Russian Roulette

OK, clarification required my stance on the Russian Roulette being played out with the New York Stock Exchange as opined in this “blog” under the title “What’s Cooking - Smells Human” - as published on December 14th. Money Honey Investors are smart swindlers and even smarter when it comes to the fundamentals of “manipulation”, and when you analyze the “Area Under the Curve” with the “present” Stock Market “trends” since the Moron came to town, the “Market” is today behaving like it was still under the “Obama Economic Trajectory”. Thank goodness this buoyancy! The “area under the curve” concept is a very valuable tool when using Newton’s “Zero Root” equation that which can figure out the “what if” for just about anything in disguise a number theory. I have access to one of the world’s smartest of high-speed bit-swapping computers ever designed, by the Gomer Pyle & Phineas J. Whoopee Associates, located up in Alaska just down the road from Santa’s Village in North Pole just down the road from wherein Teamster Bossman Jimmy Hoffa’s body was shoved into the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline for a “Gangland Slaying Gangster” burial. Amazing the coordination that “burial” with the pipeline throughput so his remains would be pumped south and loaded aboard the “EXXON Valdez”! Now the 44th left a very solid “Trajectory” that took shape with his “American Recovery & Reinvestment Act” and along came Donald Jong Trump with his own selfish “Reinvestment Act” without any recovery for the “middle-class”. Look, as a middle-class salt-of-the-earth hard working had work proletariat…that is wherein “Mission Control we have a problem”. Trump has a vision problem as he sees a one-sided view of things, and it is all about self-servitude selfishness - you can see the same trait inherited by his kids. I am hoping that Barron jumps ship and leads a normal life away from the putrid of the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia. Probably the most distinguished “inalienable right” we cherish is the fact we hate paying income taxes, but we go along for the ride as long as it appears to incorporate some semblance of an “equity not at issue” we all contribute a piece of our wealth to the health of the nation strong. Amazing, that for 60-years by now when precedence was set with the Jack Marler IRS case up in Alaska - wherein “No Taxation without Representation” won a victory in the courts and never once challenged - that Trump may have used this same “victory”, to pay how much on his $millions$? For real, this landmark Marler decision was never challenged in the higher-courts and we have an understanding what “precedence set” means for future cases based on this “Boston Tea Party” massacre. So this “area under the curve” that indicates a solid foundation with the “Trajectory” forward, even though Mr. Doubtful Dow and others voice a concern of an imminent Casey Jones train wreck, well there are active trade investors that are manipulating the “Market” ups & downs to make penny stock fashionable, with a penny earned here and a penny earned there on “millions” of stock - it adds up to enormous wealth building. See, it is an option like trade that guaranteed investments cannot enjoy, like your IRAs and 401K retirement funds. So the latter funds owned by the middle-class suffers, not with a loss but realizing a stagnation in gains - in the meantime such “chaos” in the “markets” makes loot for the manipulators. Said again, it is a “penny anti” strategy but not pound foolish due massive volumetric trades in seconds and thus the “chaos” allows “blood-money out of that turnip seed”. The reason behind “Net Neutrality”, as the network servers owned by the wealthy looters used in such high-frequency trading are allowed equal access time, with a multiplier as a “stock is a person”! And rest assured, these Money Honey manipulators understand the benefits of keeping that “Obama Trajectory” normalized. So by analyzing that “area under the curve” since about the time Donald Jong Trump was sworn in and lied to Chief Justice John Roberts, with the tax cuts and market manipulations, his friends are reaping in the profits while the “deficit” is sinking the middle-class’ inheritance. This burden will be on our next generation children’s shoulders, and the wealthy will continue to use their cherished “No Taxation” as a springboard to even more wealth. That “Marler” decision was never challenged for a reason, that was 62-years ago! Now this super-computer I mentioned early on in this heated discussion, I cannot tell you where it is actually located as it is “government” funded as a ways and means to detect “global warming” trends. I would hate to see Trump “kill” this project, like he allows his boarder colony patrol agents to starve to death 7-year old girls looking for a better life here in the “Kirstjen Homeland”. Like did Melania Knhavenots seek relief here - before she hustled Donald into believing she would have sex with him forever. Look, one cannot have sex in the White House with the likes of the Devin Nunes “missing” from the Halls of Congress and hiding under Donald’s bed and the GOP Femdom Freedom Form Caucus crazed over “Hillary’s” ghost still haunting the Oval Office - so Jim Jordan also hangs out under Donald’s bed in a stake out hoping to catch Hillary in the act of indecent exposure. But I did use my access to this CraySuperPac to see the “what if” in the aging process, how an illegal immigrant that gets “fast-track” abortion rights due preferential treatment because of wealth will weather the storm of aging:

And is she good in the kitchen, with the Weiner Schnitzel and dancing the night away with Weiner Blut!

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