Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hi Neighbor Have A Gansett!

My Country ‘Tis of Thee why am I “rat” sick, nauseated with rat-a-tat vomiting, my eyes are rat-a-tat-tat swollen and I can’t get a rat’s ass erection, it may be time to recite Dylan upon my death bed last wish…“One more cup of coffee for the road, one more cup of coffee 'fore I go, to the valley below.” Damn, I am too young to die and don’t deserve this sacrificial lamb treatment on this 8th day before Christmas. OK, my Christmas season for a reason starts on December 8th, and I play #19 each and every day following until it is over with - WAR that is, Lennon Legend. But “so what” is all I hear, with this Apocalypse Now that is sweeping across the nation from “sea to shining sea” in “this land is my land this land is your land” like a Bouquet small-pox outbreak sickening the “spirit” of America. As “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is nose diving into the devil’s abyss and on a no return downward spiral crash course, and we are way past just a “training wheels mission” - so there is no excuse this fascination to rape over the coals Miss Liberty. Donald Jong Trump has set this nation back 47-years and it is only at half-mast his reign of Fascism terror, and it appears the Stock Market is trying to hide under the Fed.’s bed? Because we have today before US a separation! Not of State from Church, but State from Nationalism. Said sadly again, there is no excuse this “Dueling Banjos Deliverance” that appears to reckon a rekindling of a “Confederacy” bent on destroying the Republic - wherein we have become our own worst “Enemy of the People”. See, there is this “enemy” over there but at the same time I am that “enemy” to others over there, like a great Mobius Strip rebellion. Who’s on First? OK, I have something in common with Mike Flynn. NO, not getting caught in a “fib” that is causing a heart attack upon Democracy please call 911 we need a defibrillator now! Let him die? See, we are brothers, as we both grew up in Rhode Island. One of the 13 Original Colonies, and the smallest state of the “Union” and contrary to what many may think “we learned it all in kindergarten” it is not an “island”. But the “island” fascination works upon the fact that Rhode Islanders are true countrymen “indivisible with liberty and justice for all” a way with life always was always will be that way. Patriotism goes along with the territory with the likes of Samuel Slater and David Wilkinson. Sam was a mill-right and David a machinist and together made it possible for the Colonists to prepare for the “Civil War” against the Confederates. And then there is Johnny Cake and all is swell with Narraganset Beer as our own Brett Kavanaugh “I Love Beer” declaration. From day one, Rhode Islanders learn about honor to country above all, else take a walk on the wild side towards the gallows. Talk about the trinity of Life, Liberty and that pursuit to Happiness, the Rhode Island “Trinity” claims the same alongside clam cakes, chowder and a “Hi Neighbor”. It is all about “Patriotism” with the “Hope” state. And for sure, many have no idea they have passed through R.I. on Route 95, as all it takes is a blink of an eye - it is that small an “island”. And in my youth when out and about with the Clarner Street “gang” and one too many “Hi Neighbor” twisted that skill at walking the plank, we always hammered out that song of “Hope” that Newport would “sink” away with the next hurricane. That is wherein the rich bastards lived. We were “punks” and our job was to protect the neighborhood, and for that we were rewarded with that “Hi Neighbor”. Now this “Little Rhody” minus the Newport “snob” is the epitome of middle-class salt of the earth America and that goes way back in history. And I also got in trouble with the law at a young age like Mr. Flynn, like every other kid on the block down Pawtucket way. I was a few years older then Flynn, it doesn’t matter as time does stand still so things don’t really change all that much in these little nook’n cranny shanty towns drenched with history that made this nation so “Great”, or was the case once upon a time. When I visit Pawtucket and walk around Daggett Field and stop for a “Hi Neighbor” at the Irish Hall, it is like 1960 all over again. It was a simple life style, growing up meant but a few all important things like playing street lot basketball and when restless bored calling the cops on our gang so we would get chased, just for fun! We would sing “Willy and the poor boys” while on the fast-track retreat! Then one morning in a hangover stupor, I heard the angels singing “give me land lots of land” and punched out and ran off to Alaska, which is 564 times bigger! The small Alaskan town I lived in was bigger then the entire Rhode Island! Regardless, my roots are always down deep Rhode Island as there is no substitute that clam cakes & chowder from Narraganset Bay. So it was rather tough to digest, to watch a “Special Presentation” that you nor I can call “FAKE” news as this was the Real McCoy about a fellow “Countrymen” from Rhode Island, 3-star decorated United States ARMY Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn. Damn, what the hell went haywire with Flynn’s brain, what takes hold wherein an honorable military man suffers a self-inflicted wound that which strips one of such honor? This is out of the ordinary, but it may paint a picture of what is confronting our Democracy today, with a Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty taking over. All hell is breaking loose, the history books will be re-written maybe - as that 1st Amendment Right is also in the Trump crosshairs. Not that he wants to get rid of it, he wants to make “loot” like with a “tax” so he can build that damn WALL of an “eviction” monstrosity. IMAGINE if we had men like Flynn during that Civil War, who knows what it would be like today, except it would make Mitch McConnell and his followers happy! General Flynn maintained an untarnished record of achievement when in that “Uniform”. But once that honor was retired, it was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “Headless Horseman” hayride personality. I prefer to use a better fit definition, like “Turncoat”. In Rhode Island there exists an “Urban Legend” called Fingernail Freddy and Flynn seems to have retired with “military honors” then decided to follow that “legendary” horror over honor. To go from “honor” to “horror”, it is a “Turncoat” affair and the company we keep, well let’s add a little “Treason” with reason. We are under attack and our nation is under-siege, maybe it is time for the 13 Original Colonies to break away and start all over again and maybe next time around Donald Jong Trump will see it honorable to serve his nation instead of castrating “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Had that Moron been “drafted” and served his country in the face of “death”, maybe we would have another Robert Mueller like personality at the helm. Wishful thinking and one day the history books will reveal that “America the Beautiful” had a “black man” as the last President, a man of honor and human dignity that sang “Amazing Grace” and the flag was still there! But Mike Flynn has just met his match and if I were in his soiled dog-shit packed shoes, would rather be facing the maker. That revelation occurred today in the Federal Court wherein presiding Judge Emmet Sullivan chastised Flynn for his guilt of caving into unfriendly territory with the Russians that waged a WAR in efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. Yes, “Order in the Court” going to extremes that the ARMY General was “Treasonous”. Now I have all the respect in the world for Judge Sullivan, as in 2009 he came to the defense of Senator Theodore Fulton Stevens of Alaska, when Sarah Palin and John McCain tried to tear this man of honor apart after Stevens was indicted for receiving a lamp shade as a gift and not reporting it. But that premeditated attack had taken its toll on Uncle Ted, and he lost his Senate seat, based on “trumped up charges” and soon after was morally devastated and died in a plane crash. But Emmet Sullivan went above and beyond to rescue Stevens’ credibility. This dedication after Ted’s death, after all the charges were thrown out a “Special Investigation” was summoned by Sullivan to investigate the “excoriating prosecutors”. It means Ted was ransacked by the FBI and the report that followed the Mueller like investigation exonerated the Senator, which allowed Ted to rest in peace. So Emmet Sullivan is also a man of honor the highest of the bar, and when he lashes out at Mr. Flynn with words to the effect it may be “Treason” - I finally realize the seriousness behind Flynn’s “excruciating excoriating guilt” and this nation is in dire straits for such acts that adhere and allow aid and comfort to the enemy. As orchestrated through an individual that knew better and that is what this kid from Rhode Island isn’t getting away with on “my watch” as this is still “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”! And Donald Jong Trump was Flynn’s BOSS and is, well even guiltier then HELL! That is the “dire straits”, as we never had such an evil man in the White House that could brain-wash mindset taint an honorable soldier to enter the “Treason” realization, and we don’t know what to do about it with this “bully” pulpit! He is winning the “white only race” and fascism is stripping the hide of Miss Liberty, an inch by inch as with this torture is a proverb of his “Treason”. And when I was a Rhode Island kid and we went wronged by another kid down the block another neighborhood, we had these gang like get even-Stevens sentences, like sticking a rat fink’s finger in a light socket and then came the heat of passion - it’s called “electrocution” as in Rhode Island we honored whatever was required to make it sink in what it means to grow up and never face the seriousness and consequences of a “Turncoat in Treason”. Hi Neighbor? As long as Flynn is sent away for good, as no matter what his years of service say about that man…he is NOT a man! Time to march him to that military “brig” over in Newport, and this is the only parade fit for the “Enemy of the People” Donald Jong Trump. I praise Emmet Sullivan as a Great American Patriot, for once again going out on the limb to rescue “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” because this “Flynn Treason” finally entered the center of attention, and that promotes the protection upon our sweet land of Liberty.

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