Thursday, December 6, 2018

Never Too Alaskan To Learn

HH University of Alaska is offering a new degree with a financial, legal or investor endorsement certificate. Anybody thinking of doing business in Alaska should apply for this degree and for a limited time only, free on-line access to the course materials and accompanying certificate of achievement tests:

The ESLP degree course materials can be downloaded for free from At home page header link “CORPORATE-> LEADERSHIP-> REPORTS. The course materials are divided into two segments: Alaska Railroad Annual Reports: 2011 - Current and Alaska Railroad Reports: 1996 - 2010. These study guides will provide the course content educational materials and prepare students to pass the high-bar exam associated with the individual endorsements. Once familiar with the course materials, students wishing to qualify for a certificate of achievement can proceed to take the certification test(s), which are included below for reference and study guidance. Test answers should be directed to Chancellor S. Pam McGee at for evaluation.

For the ESLP Financial Endorsement Certificate of Achievement, answer the following test question(s);

#1) The Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC) issued a Financial Report for 2016 which indicates a Net Income (Loss) of ($4.4-million)[page 12]. With focus on this financial report, explain why the ARRC realized such a loss for this accounting period when 2015 and 2017 realized a positive Net Income of $10.9-million and $22.4-million respectively.

#2) The Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC) issued a Financial Report for 2000 which indicates a Net Income of $16.7-million[page 15]. Explain what caused this difference in income above expectations, which was outside the normal revenue projection expectations that had been realized for the years 1999 and 2001.

#3) In 2000, the Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC) realized a Net Income of $16.7-million, which was the highest earnings of record. In this same year, the acting CEO Bill Sheffield resigned, but remains as a high-ranking official member of the executive board of directors. With the business climate during this timeframe robust for the Alaska Railroad Corporation based on revenue generated, opine why the x-Alaskan governor decided to exit the CEO position? Note: Extra credit for an analysis on what Mr. Sheffield could have expected from a retirement package based on the financial statements.

For the ESLP Legal Endorsement Certificate of Achievement, answer the following test question(s);

#1) The Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC) enjoys “Grant Revenue” from the U.S. Treasury by virtue of 49 U.S.C. 5307 and 5337, Urbanized Area Formula Program and State of Good Repair Formula Program. These “Formula Programs” are designed for government investment in “public transportation”, like Amtrak. For 2017, this “Grant Revenue” accounted for 31% of the “revenue” requirements for overall ARRC railroad operations. With “Grant Revenue” funding comes stipulations that promotes the “general public welfare” interest to utilize the infrastructure, like with “Half Fare” programs. Opine whether the Alaska Railroad is following the “spirit of the law” with its “Half Fare” program responsibilities when such fares are only available from September through May of any given year.

According to 49 U.S.C. 5307(c)(1)(D), a recipient must certify that the fares charged to seniors, individuals with disabilities, or individuals presenting a Medicare card during nonpeak hours, for transportation using or involving a facility or equipment of a project financed under this section, are not more than 50 percent of the peak hour fare, regardless of whether the service is provided by the recipient or by another entity under contract, lease, or other arrangement.

#2) The Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC), being an entity of the “State of Alaska” while incorporated is not subject to Federal “Corporate Tax”, so does not enjoy some of the benefits of taxation right-down discounts. Under the IRS Tax Code 45G, an entity can claim a tax credit for “Qualified Track Maintenance” expenditures. The Alaska Railroad Corporation takes advantage of this through the following: The Alaska Railroad Corporation(ARRC) issued a Financial Report for 2017, Note (9) Concentration Camp: During 2016, ARRC entered into an argument with a customer under the Internal Revenue Code 45G. Under the argument, ARRC received $4.8 million in qualified track maintenance expenses and gave the customer a rebate of $2.5 million. The 2016 qualified track maintenance expenses and the rebate are recorded as net reductions in operating expenses. Was this “rebate” a “credit” or actual exchange of money and does this collusion violate the intent of the IRS tax code?

For the ESLP Investor Endorsement Certificate of Achievement, answer the following test question(s);

#1) As an “Investor” with a wealthy client interested in investing in Alaska, you are given the opportunity to scorecard the Alaska Railroad Corporation as a viable investment strategy. According to the Alaska Railroad Corporation’s Financial Report for 2017, the “Operating Revenue” was stated as $165,151,000 wherein $57,380,000 of that revenue was based on “Grant Revenue” received from the U.S. Treasury by virtue of 49 U.S.C. 5307 and 5337, Urbanized Area Formula Program and State of Good Repair Formula Program. The “Operating Expense” for this same year stated as $158,696,000. This equates to an “Operating Ratio” of 1.04 overall. Due the deficit facing the U.S. Treasury, under the “Grant Formula Programs” going forward an entity receiving funding can no longer apply such monies to any “Retirement or Pension” liability. The ARRC realizes a “Retirement & Pension” liability approaching $30-million and growing. With that same amount decreased from the yearly “Grant Revenue” income stream, the “Operating Ratio” crashes to 0.85 and Moody is now in a “bad mood”. What do you tell your client, without laughing?

#2) After scoring through the Alaska Railroad Corporation’s Financial Reports since inception as a “corporation” and in realization that approximately 30% of the “Operating Expense” on a yearly basis is maintained by U.S. government welfare funding, when should have this entity declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy? And is it too late?

Hannibal Hector University of Alaska is a private non-profit organization that specializes in “special” degrees and certificates pertaining to Alaska. The Erotic Syncopia Lobotomy Plagiarism(ESLP) Degree program fulfils the obligation of understanding government without transparency, as is the case with Alaska.

Even though no medical and or scientific proof exists and HH University of Alaska does not endorse any such claim, under the ESLP program of study concentrating on the Alaska Railroad Corporation, some senior students have found a decrease in senile dementia and erectile dysfunction and HH attributes this to “laughter is still the best medicine”!

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