Saturday, December 8, 2018

I Just Shot John Lennon

It was the fearful night of December 8th
He was returning home from the studio late
He had perceptively known that it wouldn't be nice
Because in nineteen eighty, he paid the price
John Lennon died, John Lennon died, John Lennon died
John Lennon died, John Lennon died, John Lennon died

"What a sad, and sorry and sickening sight"

Those words, such poetic prose the story telling that laid to rest John Winston Lennon, a great music man legend and the greatest of prophets cautioning our human race upon destiny’s child. Music was the vehicle that John used best to approach preaching the pace of PEACE, but sometimes it takes time for that word to reach its intended audience and sink in - the pace factor again. IMAGINE, what Lennon had already accomplished while reaching age 40! IMAGINE, what it would have meant for PEACE had John lived on...he does! Following Lennon’s death, now 38-years ago since it made history that chilling night in New York City and only a few blocks away from what would eventually become the John Winston Lennon “Strawberry Fields” eternal light and right to PEACE memorial, the Cranberries’ Dolores O'Riordan co-wrote and dedicated the song “I Just Shot John Lennon”. Some of the lyrics so recited in the beginning of this episode in accolades the bestowing of “Kin-ship knight-ship”, an invitational classic Lennon passion a hit “To the Faithful Departed”. So sad, that Dolores passed away this 2018 year, on the same day that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved forward the Doomsday Tick-Tock because bye-bye Miss American pie “Democracy” was critically wounded and because of one madman so challenged to wreck chaos havoc after so many years of “On the Road to WORLD PEACE”. This madman has taken a detour down a dead-end, aboard a “Street Car named Desire for Fascism”. I get nauseated thinking about how close we are today to “Doom” but “We Shall Overcome” this Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Dynasty. It is “Nationalism” beyond doubt. And it is the fact that John Lennon is still with us today in “spirit”, his light shining on PEACE “not fade away” since that night he was gunned down in cold-blood by a jealous follower. What got into that Chapman lad, well he is still incarcerated and has been denied parole over 11-times maybe the madman will soon be greeted by his new cell-mate!

In 1980, Yoko Ono issued a statement following Lennon’s murder: “John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him.”

But of all the songs through his career as a Beetle or then moving-on as sole performer and then moving in with Yoko, by his side and the meaning “Stand By Me” shines forevermore, there is but for a single song that came of age from the Record Plant that redefines our outrage and our rage. That “Plant” is wherein John and Yoko were returning home from 38-years ago when the bullet was heard over the hustle and bustle of a city that never sleeps and “I Shot John Lennon” became “And that’s reality”. In 1972 from the “Plant” came Lennon’s best proclamation the fact “war is over if you want it” in “Woman is the nigger of the world”, it made his point clear and convincing. Yet we turned our heads because of political correctness in the use of banned words - blasphemy in my book as what are we afraid of? Maybe the TRUTH!  And even though I could go on and on and on to define why so this song is a prophet’s prayer, a picture is still worth a thousand words:

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is, think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it, do something about it

"What a sad, and sorry and sickening sight"

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