Monday, November 19, 2018

~ Tail from the Crypt ~ POEM

Author Note to Notoriety Public: Donald Jong Trump wanted a "Parade", I gave him this poem! This is installment #5 of “All the President's Men in Poem”

~ Tail from the Crypt ~
Meet Kellyanne Conway

Schitty Schiffy gang bang
Boss maid showmen’s wang
Crotchy blotchy stain hag
Crypt lady with sag gag
Bonnie Marronie stiff bag.

FOXcopulation Syncopia:
Mr. Stone, cut the crap;
Don’t kill the messenger.
Democracy vulgarity;
Don’t abort the messiah.
Children abused victims;
Don’t cripple succession.
Manafort goodness gracious;
Don’t free-fall forfeit good will.
Trump tax return sure;
Don’t threaten the golden rule.
Gestapo rigged, mind you;
Don’t trample Liberty.
Things said not true;
Don’t abolish truthfulness.
Takes time to get it right;
Don’t wait…it’s dead!

Liar’s lair still no curfew.
Shysterectomy amused;
cramps the heat of distraction.
Caught in a womb of castration.
Schitt storm in a dumpster fire.
And that “Don’t” comes true.
Stay tuned like Brett boofoons!

Miss Ebonizer Cruz
Heil the script of fools
Tail from the Crypt
and the two-face rule!

(MSK ERP ©2018)

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