Tuesday, November 20, 2018

~ No Pretty Boy Floyd ~ POEM

Author Note to Notoriety Public: Donald Jong Trump wanted a "Parade", I gave him this poem! This is installment #6 of “All the President's Men in Poem”

~ No Pretty Boy Floyd ~
Meet Steven Mnuchin

Puteo Mnuchin the Eunuchkin Mooch
16220 Rue Morgue Avenue
Eviction City, America

To: Dearly begrudged Steven Puteo Mnuchin;
Weasel of Wall Street Lizard of Lies Putrid of Lice.
No hesitation Foreclosure man no romance remorse.
Thou payment late, statutory hate date rape no rebate.
Bonesmen “Goodfellas” inebriated gift of gab guilt,
too loochie too moochie, Mr. Eunuchkin;
Loochie Moochie crooked sham man.
Loochie Moochie crooked scam man.
Loochie Moochie crooked con man.
Resume in filthy hands, Big Swine Six.
Bernie Madoffs, brat frat hats off clansmenship;
Give people a chance no, peace absurd.
Slain by the obscured, stain by court jester lame.
Death do title part, concealed carry grand larceny.
Now, but for man with a Country homeless.
Goldman Sachs trash, stench of Scrooge.
Weaned dry clean breast milk provisions
fortified devil’s way testicle milk suspicions.
Poon tang boomerang hedge fund ponzi;
300 mill net stake, 3 bill pet rock rake,
offshore heaven savior, tax delinquent abator.
Alice Cooper craving, rock star not,
movie kike scoundrel, Chapter 11 smart.
Fifty shades of green, makes Ken Lay’s dream.
Others hard earned, dragon ransacked drain.
Bastard bogus mugshot, mirrors with smoke.
Star of eviction rowdy, kinfolk separating comedy.
Declining for relining, Beach Haven epitome.
Fred Christ you know it ain’t easy bylaws.
Eviction Street funds Easy Street, inlaw outlawed.
16220 once homeward sound, dead end bound.

From: Dearly belligerent Eunuchkin Mooch;
“American women, stay away from me”
Fleecing of American dream, can’t let it be;
“Don't come hanging around my door”
Reverse in hearse, lowest bidder company store;
“I got more important things to do”
Where art thou brother pledge of allegiance due;
“I don't want to see your shadow no more”
my Country ‘Tis of thee disgraced in the poor;
“Colored lights can hypnotize”
so help us God these feral hogs lobotomized;
By hedge fund thirst, Patriotism at its worst.

Crucified, bastardized, petrified in wealth perversion.
Victimized, mortified, circumcised in  mobility prohibition.
Pursuit of happiness penalized, lion’s share all theirs.
This Mnuchin Man Eunuch Man Public Enemy all in One,
in the same the Zoros cohorts in shame, America’s pain.

Come-all-ye rest assured a story bold Woody told:
You won’t never see an outlaw
     drive a family from their home!

No Pretty Boy Floyd, this Mnuchin Eunuch of a man.

 (MSK ERP ©2018)

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