Sunday, October 21, 2018


Xi Jinpingpong has a few secret weapons that seem to have already “stumped” the Trump. First and foremost, the Xi NAVY has nuclear armed missiles loaded into silos of submarines that are stationed in the Arctic Ocean - under the ice. If you don’t believe me, you have not been paying attention to Sarah Palin, as it is not only Russia that can be seen from her Alaskan Homestead’s 2nd floor “crapper” while engaged in that morning business. Now when called to order, these “Import Tariff Free-Made in China” missiles will deploy and within seconds of an “Incoming” alert, the Alaska Air Defense Shield will be called into action, to “kill” any attempts to blow the White House to “smithereens”. OK, “someone painted April Fools in big black letters on the dead-end” White House door! How about “Enter at Your Own Risk - Lighting Farts in Progress”? So Xi launches a missile targeting some fast food roach-coach in the “Beltway” because the “Fava” beans gave him the shits. Now the Alaska defense reciprocates and launches its own missile, that is now on Xi’s tail because Trump likes tail that smells like “Horseface”. But soon the Xi missile is outpacing the Trump missile and no sooner the roach-coach is history and when the 7th inning stretch commences, the Trump “kill” vehicle arrives and is confused because there is no longer any target and only a bunch of smoke and the smell of over-heated “Fava” beans. See, the U.S. Taxpayers spent a whole bunch of loot to build this “Missile Defense Shield” that called for a “kill” vehicle that could travel at 4-miles per second to destroy any enemies “incoming” Fava bean projectile of destruction, because without hypersonic technology, this speed pushed the limit of mainframes. That is fast, like from Alaska to D.C. in 17.7-minutes or how fast it takes for the Donald Trump Dysentery Green Stool Dynasty to hide their income in pillow-cases when the Taxman comes knocking. Knock, knock, yes we’re getting descent! But the Xi missile is a little faster because low and behold “hypersonic” is possible, just ask China, just ask Russia - and it only takes 14.1-minutes to destroy the “Fava Bean Express”, because we built this expensive defense contraption then bragged about it and Xi and Putin built a faster race car. It is all about competition, stiff competition which doesn’t bode well for erectile dysfunction according to Melania Trump who doesn’t care, DO U? So, we are already loosing the war kiss your ass goodbye if that “app” says incoming! But 14-minutes is a long time when…Now the other side of the story the other “war”. Since Trump wanted to be a better businessman because he continues to slip further and further down the Forbes-400 “Wealthiest” listing, Donald started this “Trade War” with China. But Xi was prepared for this, and even though Trump looks like a “Bully Culprit” with the “Tariff” stranglehold, Xi has upped production of everything so there is 2x as much stuff coming in as imports as exports subject to Trump’s tariffs, but at the same time Xi lowered the price of everything so we Americans are buying 2x as much Chinese “junk” as our dollar is going a lot further and we like to spend. So what Trump has done both on the military front and economic front, it hurts only his ego and for a guy like Donald Jong Trump, that means castration and when the Eunuch-in-Chief finds out that his wealth continues to erode away at “hypersonic” speeds, we are screwed as the only way to stop that is pressing that button of self-destruction! Trump will retaliate, by destroying this nation and tell us in the final “Tweet”, he did it for the good of…OFF THE AIR!

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