Sunday, October 21, 2018

Doomsday Donald


Rachel Bronson, President & CEO of the Science & Security Board - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist - and other distinguished board members on this so far peaceful Sunday of October 21, 2018.

As it was enlisted in the “Board’s” January 2018 “Statement” from the global scientific community perspective that oversees the potential of mass-destruction through a nuclear Apocalypse Now Armageddon, it was clear and convincing the reason the “Doomsday Clock” was reset and advanced closer to “Midnight”. It is 2 minutes to Midnight, as the 2018 Doomsday Clock Statement from the Science and Security Board Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists so warned with merit this explanation; “The year just past proved perilous and chaotic, a year in which many of the risks foreshadowed in our last Clock statement came into full relief. In 2017, we saw reckless language in the nuclear realm heat up already dangerous situations and re-learned that minimizing evidence-based assessments regarding climate and other global challenges does not lead to better public policies.” That said, is it time to convene an “Emergency Session” for an updated “Clock Statement” ahead of schedule? With the current state-of-affairs, can the humankind race wait until January of 2019 to see what effect the Donald Trump administration is promoting to increase the severity of military confrontation on a Global scale - wherein the Doomsday Clock should be reset again, even closer to “Midnight”? Just recently the Trump administration focused on very contentious “nuclear” diplomacy. First and foremost, the United States NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison warned that the US could "take out" Russian missiles that are perceived to be in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, should Moscow continue to violate the terms of this agreement. Followed soon after by President Donald Trump declaring that the United States was pulling out of that landmark “Treaty” with Russia, a decades-old agreement signed in December 1987 by former President Ronald Reagan and former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and honored by past U.S. presidents sworn to protect the interests of the citizens and at the same time promoting a global peace initiative. This “Treaty” termination along with the “take out” order comes about for what the Trump administration perceives as a violation of the agreement and this action is precipice a follow-through permission such threats by the U.S., retaliating through force which will escalate a World War conflict. Furthermore, while terminating that treaty, the Trump administration also finalized the dismantling of the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal. This action by the Trump administration is taking the world down a “dead-end” no-return bon-voyage, orchestrated by “war-hawk” members of the re-instated PNAC initiative, the “Project for the New American Century” - that which called for total domination throughout the world by American Capitalism and global “military” superiority. It starts with “Trade Wars” and escalates to other types of war, like nuclear! We are so close to war, as past U.S. presidents in “Good Standing” the ideology of the Founding Fathers’ U.S. Constitution and securing against an insurgency, these men of honor considered that PNAC “initiative” beyond decency of democracy any diplomacy. It is alive and well again today under the Donald Trump presidency and there no longer exists an olive branch to extend in the midst and direction of any peaceful diplomacy. Donald John Trump has taken the weakling road of a “Bully”, placing all mankind at risk. So please act now, as this “Board” has strength, to demonstrate to this World that what is happening today on the global stage of diplomacy is very, very dangerous by using only the hands of a clock, in your hands.

Respectfully Submitted by S. Pam McGee on this day of October 21, 2018.

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