Friday, September 14, 2018

Publishers Cheating House

Remember that “hillaryious” National Lampoon Summer Vacation flicktopia, when “Clark and Family” finally showed up at Walley World? All after a grueling cross-country trip which included a road-rage dead pet dog and an old-age dead Aunt Edna, only to find an empty parking lot and the damn amusement park CLOSED! OK, Publishers Cheating House should be CLOSED by the “regulators” as it appears that outfit is “cleaning house” the wealth of our senior citizenry - many in this “House where dreams come true” are “scammed elderly” victims, those men & women that fought the World WARS to keep American Capitalism proud and strong! What they fought for while engaged in the muddy-bloody trenches is now on the attack, against our soldier boy. Yes indeed, and like with the Griswold family and their fascination to visit the “World’s Favorite Family Fun Park” so reinforced by Clark through a “fuckin’ A-right” warning of dissatisfaction, no different this “Pariah Clearing House” an assault on decency! “Where WINNING is always FREE” - wherein the maggot like merchandizing scheme will send our “elderly” to “Debtor’s Prison”! But don’t blame this scam on a network of “young punk” greed seekers that intentionally push relentlessly this merchandizing “crap” upon a “weak” and somewhat defenseless faction of society so targeted, like a 92 year old “War Hero” - pushing this “crap” one doesn’t need for survival a few more years of life with liberty in that pursuit to happiness, especially at 4x the price that can be found at the local Walmart. Just because a person can no longer drive across the street doesn’t mean…it becomes an opportunity of abuse. And that “fine print” that is attached to this “crap’s” invoice that shows up at one’s front door, it follows that proverbial Catch-22 and there ought to be a law! We did have a law, we still have such “protective” avenues of record, but not the effort to enforce this “protection clause” for our elderly “WAR Heroes” now engaged in another WAR, right here on the “Homeland”. There exists hundreds of scams targeting our elderly, old ones and new ones and many endorsed by “celebrities” that most likely do not partake of these “Deals too good to be true” - these Hollywoodites are doing it for $money$ because these uncontested rip-offs are making “big bucks”! From the “Reverse Mortgage” rip-off to this new fangle-dangle swindle, wherein one can sell off a “Life Insurance Policy” for upfront cash, a policy that was at one time reserved for the kids - as a going away gift. And guess who is purchasing these “policies” in effort to make a brilliant “already money in the bank” return-on-investment when you croak? Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, cashing in because our elderly need cash to live on! But that kind of caper is not so “scandalous” as some that should be arrested, it is the scams that hack away at one’s nest-egg that is the culprit today. OK, send that same Publishers Cheating House “crap” to a member of the sitting U.S. Congress and see how that “No Representation without Taxation” body interprets the definition of “doorstep delivered crap”. Back to the basics: Once upon a time this “one nation under guard” had oversight that made damn sure our Fighting Fathers would not fall victim such unattended “representation”. People sea to shining sea still ask, even kids in kindergarten, they keep asking when in hell did the U.S. Congress go corrupt? It is an easy answer and it did not happen overnight, the “Constitutional Crisis” began in1977 when a republican party president named Gerald Ford had a vice named Rockefeller. To understand this “crisis” and its origin, we must set our sights back to 1911 when a bipartisan Congress held Ford’s Rockefeller father in contempt of competition, namely “Antitrust” violations for engaging in a “Monopoly”. With Congress back then still doing its job to make sure competition was not stagnated, it threw the book at John D. and company which meant the breakup of SOHIO - the “Standard Oil of Ohio” company owned by the “wealthiest man of all time”. The law men went to court with the backing of Congress and the conviction of the Constitution, and when the gavel fell that SOHIO was dissected into 34 separate entities that formed the EXXONs and MOBILs of today, so it is mind-boggling the economic clout behind the original Rockefeller SOHIO before the “Force Majeure” breakup. Pick up the pieces, it seeded new energy companies, which today remain on the scene of wealth as the “big hitters”. But even when that gavel fell and the court ordered sell off began in earnest on the steps of the courthouse - even before an appeal as the evidence of a “Monopoly” was overwhelmingly convincing - many of the existing oil companies still in good standing had to be very cautious any association with the SOHIO assets, as it could mean future liability upon itself with an “Antitrust” claim - like a leprosy! Matter of fact, many of the early day American oil companies stayed clear of SOHIO’s breakup, as “guilty by association” was too risky and the G-men were listening in and precedence had been set - which is like a law emboldened in concrete! So for years following that court order, the most powerful aspect of John D.’s domain remained “status quo”, as no American corporation could touch those assets without a “Monopoly” repercussion. It was inviting, but caution persisted through the longest yard. This allowed SOHIO to thrive on, even with the “Antitrust” court order as there was nothing else the G-men could do - as to force a sell off could only backfire and suffer the existing “Antitrust” policing as “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. So along comes British Petroleum, an entity not subject to this nation’s rules and regulations with respect to “Antitrust” legislation. This interest by BP came about in 1968, as by then all of the Queen's oil resources had been confiscated by the OPEC ministers. She was kicked out of the middle-East through “eminent domain” and escorted out-of-country by the Saudi Arabian “AIR FORCE”. So Buckingham Palace started to negotiate with a takeover of the SOHIO assets that remained intact following the 1911 breakup. Yes, John D.’s family trust made $billions$ over the 50-years the SOHIO brand remained an American icon when a court order said disband. Then in 1968, a rather interesting merger took place behind closed doors, wherein SOHIO - the company that wasn’t supposed to be in existence - it took over the Queen's “North American” interests and became an even bigger “Monopoly”, with a twist. In that same year, SOHIO in partnership with several other “Big Oil” conglomerates discovered the “Mother Lode” up in Alaska. And this “secretive” merger, the twist was the fact that when oil production in Alaska reached 600000 barrels in a pipeline that wasn’t even on the drawing boards, then the “merger” would flip and all of SOHIO’s past assets - including a large percentage of the newly discovered “Alaska Black Gold” - would be taken over by British Petroleum. The “Alaska Mother Lode Black Gold” was worth $billions$ in this merger. This went on with the knowledge of the 90th through 95th Congress, all without a whimper of suspicion. Why so? Because by now our nation had started down that “No Return Dead End Detour” with the U.S. Congress, and today we have a “Do Nothing Congress” and the “representation” we keep voting in are well aware how they are derelict with respect to that “sworn” duty to protect the U.S. Constitution. Look, the Founding Fathers designed an almost indestructible “Constitutional Conviction” in this “Congress” back some 200 years gone bye by now. It took about 50-years for this self-inflicted wound by members of Congress to destroy the “conviction”, and that is what we find at our doorsteps today - and we step in their bipartisan “crap” of destruction! Look, the only thing “bipartisan” about the 115th Congress is the fact the entire body continues to “shat” on Miss Liberty, get over it! So there came this slow death wish upon Democracy, and only Congress is to blame - not the White House. It is the reason the 115th Congress under Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan remains so quiet and continues to allow the brunt of dissatisfaction to fall upon the steps of the White House to faceoff this American battle. Let Donny take the blame! All the rip-offs today, may as well put up a big sign that says; “Congress Approves this Scam”! And that is why today our Fighting Fathers are under attack by “Corporate America”. See, my dad is elderly and as a victim of this “Publishers Cheating House”, he somehow found himself on one of the lists of perverted merchandizing, which is the bread & butter of the “Winning is FREE”, because behind the scenes victimized citizens are being taken for a ride of a lifetime. Case in point: My dad doesn’t order any of this “crap” from the “Cheating House” and for some reason, maybe by a premeditated mistake, a delivery comes every week to his HUD low-income apartment. Yes, FED-EX deliveries, which are not cheap and guess who pays for this? And best read the invoice’s fine print most elderly could never understand, on the “legal obligations” for accepting the delivery. Sorry my mistake, the “legal ramifications”! Now just the other day, he received 4-tubes of the “Original Gorilla Glue”. It’s good stuff, but 4-tubes would last a lifetime and it also means the shelf-life under normal usage will make at least 3-tubes worthless. And the cost was $17.95, when at the same time a walk across the main street to Walmart the same thing could be had for $7.17. OK shipping is expensive, as what else could such a cost discrepancy be associated with? Which amounts to a shipping charge of $10-dollars with change. According to Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB “shipping” calculator, that is what it would cost to send a 1-pound gold brick cross-country to Walley World. But that glue, it weighs in at 12-grams! As a matter of fact the shipping container it was sent in weighs in more then that Gorilla. As a matter of another fact, I could ship the Gorilla for half a “Forever” stamp using Uncle Sam's pony express. Holy shit, just received an alert from Walmart, I can now purchase that Gorilla for $4.87. Now you have a choice when you receive this “crap” from the Pariah network, don’t tamper with the delivery and immediately “Return to Sender”. It is the only way to wash your hands of this “scam”. Now if you happen to open the delivery because of senile erectile dysfunction, then you have 4-months to return it, but now you are responsible for the “return” shipment costs and will most likely forget about the due back date. And most likely the shipping you would have to apply for the return trip, it will be the same and you will be out $10-bucks. So I instructed my dad from now on “Return to Wally World”, as an amusement park moose would be better to serve the commitment of Congress than a bunch of rats. And holy shit, as my dad lives on a limited income and when he tried to be honest and pay “Walley World” for the Gorilla glue, that $17.95 check bounced as he got out of sequence on his expenses, as my dad believes a debt should be paid, even if for “crap”. And that “bounce” cost him an extra $35 bucks with his bank, that institute must be in cahoots with the “Cheating House” and then another $30 bucks for this new thing called “Sustained Overtime” and the glue is still an outstanding debt! In the end, this “crap” affair will cost my WAR Hero father over $100 bucks, and if this is not a scam…it isn’t, it is just the fact that the U.S. Congress is today the “Cheating House Whores” landlord!

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