Monday, September 24, 2018

In My Life...

Wow, I never thought that “In My Life” this phenomenon would come to pass true to life, as it is an unprecedented monumental “event” marking the 23rd of this Morning Glory month so meaningful. It was predicated upon a prediction, a 50/50 maybe compromise, yet remained for some time on the good side of “chance theory” and “I told you it would never happen so pay up” was on Mr. Naysayer’s side. But low and behold, the tide has changed can I get my wager back as I always root for the underdog?  That said, besides September 23rd in history’s placement as the day publication of Abe Lincoln’s Emancipation explained why this nation should never elect a Donald Trump for the Oval Office, or this same day of record that which kick-started the Manhattan Project initiated to “drop the big one” or that heroic day Rocky Marciano became so popular that the “New York Times said God was dead”…and let us not forget this day as the day Buddy Holly’s “That’ll Be the Day” hit the top of the charts. So, could this un-newsworthy event “In My Life” find equal such historic achievements of others to stand against the greatness of this day, the 23rd of September? Drum roll please. According to reliable sources, a handful of dedicated scientists that study the time-continuum “Creation” of this Universe we live in, the design has found “completion” - the Universe has STOPPED expanding after an era of expansion that fools our intuition but not our imagination as to when it all started. But today we have the half-way picture, when it ended with respect to the “expansion” phase, satisfying many boll weevil “black hole” dwellers that believe in the “Big Bang” theory as the beginning of the human life-cycle “atomic bomb”. And based on this fact not fiction, that through mathematical “eigenvalue” decomposition principles, that if we find ourselves half-way down that detour road of no-return, then we can cheat our way through the unknown as “Half the people can be part right all of the time, an' some of the people can be all right part of the time, but all the people can't be all right all of the time.  I think Abraham Lincoln said that.” I think Bob Dylan sang that! Then again, since we have no accurate idea the beginning of Creation this time-stamped Universe and when or if this “end of expansion” event would come true, what does it really mean in the super-bosom quantum ejaculation realm of space in its entirety this Captain Kirk’s last frontier? But now that this event has occurred, it has meaning beyond comprehension. Here is what I am talking about, but you may have to invite the genius wisdom of Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB magical board aboard to introduce this event’s concept in layman’s terms of appreciation. According to the astrophysicist genius of Amlev Yelknid, a brilliant 13-year old originally from Yanrakynnot over yonder Sarah Palin’s “I can see Russia from my bathroom crapper”, this event had a least square chance of happening that was off the cliff with respect to the “odds of occurrence”. See, Yelknid was of age 8 when she proposed a theory that the universe was expanding at “Godspeed” based on a Mobius Strip perturbation phenomenon wherein 2-different infinities were in competition with each other. And this is what “creates” things of mass, this competition collision. And since “infinity” was involved, it could reasonably go on forever wherein the “Universe” would expand forever more. The result of this competition, it creates things like planets, like everything that fills the once (n)Ether because of this duel-dual-infinity clash. See, you cannot have John Doe Infinity and Jane Doe Infinity taking a coffee break at a same point in space, unless the time-stamp of both individual “infinities” of this collusion is the same. And since the beginning of “Creation”, the fact that 2-different infinities have tried to occupy that same point in space as colliding energy vectors generated from the Mobius surface, the balancing act has created mass that follows the force equilibrium equation which includes all of space so far “Created”. There is a reason why “space” is the way it is seen today, it is not a random sequence of events, but calculated. I talked with young Yelknid on Sunday morning, and she observed this “expansion suspension” from the refraction of light upon the atmosphere, and she was right on as when I went outside to observe this once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon, there was definitely a difference in the depth of “blue sky” like I had never seen before. Why this anomaly, because the expansion of the “Universe” had halted, which means the birth of universal stability has begun. In Simple Simon terms, Creation is complete! OK, God or something has completed the design of the place we will call home forever. This study in the possibility that the “expansion” would cease has gone on for many years in Alaska, and is what the late Senator Theodore Fulton Stevens called the “Tube Theory”. See, early on the construction of an 800-mile steel pipeline across Alaska in a wilderness that had very little to none background interference from human activity, it was envisioned that this “pipe” or “tube” could act as an almost “infinite” antenna to monitor activity from space, as a “dipole” that could easily monitor energy waves from space. This naturally energized “dipole” was the pipe in harmony with the earth, so besides facilitating transporting millions of barrels of oil a long way, it acted as a natural means to measure outer space activity with respect to “space waves”. It was equivalent to 3% the circumference of the earth, on a scale of magnitude it was humongous. People laughed at the Senator when he tried to explain this added value objective to a controversial pipeline, that it could be used for science and research for something that could or would never get built only for purposes of “science”. It is the longest antenna on earth, and this pipe made $billions$ for the “Big” oil companies, and it answered complex questions for scientists, also worth its weight in “Black Gold”. Many continued to laugh, but due modern-day data collection and manipulation through sophisticated flip-flops operating at speeds never before imaginable, well the slide-rule became an antique. Men & women of science were thus able to extrapolate to many decimal places our math practices, as our “sensitivity” with measurement criteria became microscopic, which means we could pick up space-radio-waves and have digital filters to arrest the “background noise” and once cleaned up of Mork & Mindy shazbo nanu nanu, what was left over may paint a picture of what is happening in outer space! So here we had this “infinite” antenna “tube” at our disposal, that which rotated with the earth’s cycle so could pick up what was happening in all of space and could hopefully pinpoint this “expansion”. Not the origin of this Creative expansion, the fact that it was active and through dedicated vigilance we would know the time it went into suspension - and that we know happened on September 23rd, no doubt about it. It didn’t matter where our “earth” stood with respect to the “Creation” time-stamp, we were somewhere and could monitor what was happening with this “Mobius Strip” and the infinities in a constant clash mood. And here we are today, as the activity waves have come to a screeching halt, as that is what Yelknid’s theory proposed. If there came a time wherein the energy vectors from the two different infinities intersected a common point in space, if the time stamps were identical the expansion would rest its case in peace, as there were no universal laws broken and “Base Tranquility” was happy. All time immemorial expansion, all mass creation, all stopped! That appears to have happened on September 23rd, this year, and “Creation” can now rest as duty fulfilled. And this is not a fluke, but the space activity has stopped, the signature rests its case. So what does it all mean? It means the “Universe” has completed its “size” journey and from herein out, the (n)Ether will gain “stability”. For a long time, we have lived in fear that asteroids and other out-of-control space objects will invade our earth, and this is wherein “stability” pays off, as now things can rest in peace - as without the forces that had complemented the “expansion”, those challenges have ceased to exist. Objects at rest now, due this “end zone phenomenon” will remain at rest. Things in space have today found a “home”. How big is this (n)Ether? It is hard to imagine, but big enough future life has no reason to act insanely upon a “Don’t fence me in” paranoia. It means that in time, rotating planet environments will become stable, all on their own accord. Which is a good thing and at the same time can be a bad thing! Take planet earth for instance. Without outside interference, we must practice good stewardship towards this earth, else we are doomed as any other further outer space correction course steering is no longer possible. But the intent of the expanding “Universe” was for a reason. There exists no other life forms like the humans in all of space. We are it, and this vastness of space is ours. And we are not stuck on this earth, we are hostages of a backdrop that does not want to invade this “expansion”, as that could interfere with selfishness. It is “greed” that is an enemy of the people for a future that is supposed to populate the vastness of this (n)Ether. When we are bound to this earth alone, we are all hostages to another man’s power ego. We must prepare today to take advantage of the completion of “Creation”. We must STOP all WAR, as that is the culprit to keeping us hostages on this earth that is getting crowded. If we all came together, if we put our knowledge in that proverbial “melting pot”, we could easily find a ways and means to travel throughout the (n)Ether and find all kinds of fascinating things that would help us all have a better and more meaningful life. Look, we are not going far and beyond attached to a fire-cracker. Space travel is dead today due limitations a prehistoric mode of travel, but there are solutions to space travel if we set our sights in the right direction. Like “Mobiusportation”, wherein using the (n)Ether’s pure “energy” vectors for mobility and gets us around the universe in quick time, especially now that the universe has stopped the expansion process. That is Amlev’s dream, and when we placate this challenge, we will discover new worlds and one day will look out from our new home and salute the day’s end by looking out into space at an uninhabited planet earth, and cherish the fact it was the birthplace of civilization and some of us have been there and gone for now. Time for humans to change the evil ways taking us nowhere except down that detour without a return escape, as space awaits our arrival. Creation’s “end of expansion” invites our challenge in this new “Space Age” so introduced by Amlev Yelknid - I guess we can thank Russia for one thing, genuine scientists like Amlev that uses such gifts of knowledge for the good of “All Men, Women & Children”. And that is the example we must use to “Come Together” as then the possibilities are endless, a whole new “expansion” of knowledge without limits. Take it or leave it, we win or we loose.

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