Saturday, August 4, 2018

Last Great President

There is monument head-space at Mt. Rushmore for another statesmen, so let’s start blasting to carve out the likes the beneficiary that highest of U.S. Presidential honors. Barack Hussein Obama was the “Last Great President” of the 13-Original Colonies, and one day the history books will lend credence to that clearwater revival honor. I emphasize the “13” for a reason against “Treason” as when those states stood together, “We Won”. The “colonies” made America great against “Treason” and that “we won” with due respect to the Civil War’s outcome against “high crimes” by the “Turncoat” rebellion! And the pathetic Confederacy then sentenced to bath itself in the cesspool stench of its bigotry upon enslaving another human with color of skin different. That is it, within itself why Obama is the “Greatest”, as forevermore his race won the race war after a long battle. We could have hung the “bigotry” nation from the south after it was all said and done with back in 1865, but the “bigots in uniform” were allowed a chance to right the wrong - called Freedom. It seems the tides may be a turning toward a revival once again as it appears that “bigotry” did not learn from its mistakes, which means we may someday soon see another revolution - this time around when the smoke clears away, the gallows will stand proud with the “Turncoats” arrested and silenced, rest in peace! We “Patriots” that fought the Confederacy have learned from our mistakes trying to be “nice”! OK, we are modern-man and do not resort to hanging the guilty, yet “waterboarding” will suffice. Get over it, as there will never be the opportunity for another “Great” like Barack Obama as our nation has evolved past the need for a Commander-in-Chief with the 45th cheating his way into the White House. It never should have happened, but it did and now we must fix it from ever happening again, else the inheritance we leave for our kids will be compromised. So, leave it to Congress, but not just yet as we have a whole lot of work to do before jumping off into a new age of leadership based on citizen elected representation sea to shining sea. OK, it isn’t really a novel or new idea, as it is Congress that controls destiny, or should - but due reckless road rage for way too many years this body has driven US into the ground. That Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness is being slowly entombed then placed in a reserve like a preferential “Trust Fund”, for the wealthy only and the “Turncoat” congress is helping that movement along its path with a mission to destroy the Founding Fathers’ Democracy. Today’s majority Congress is but a slave to the wealthy! And for now, Donald Trump the imposter president will be allowed to do his damage to help us re-align efforts upon whom we should trust - said again, gone forever are the days we could count on a single individual to keep us safe. “We the People” have not a President! Donald Jong Trump is the ultimate “Man without a Country”. It’s OK we have not a commander-in-chief, as it is the U.S. Constitution that counts, nothing else matters our sovereignty and it is the role of Congress to keep that Great Emancipator safe. After the Bush Doctrine went south because it was too much for that administration to fix what was left dripping from the Bill Clinton “Awful Office” walls and Barack arrived in town to recover what was left this republican driven ransack, after 8-years we exited with a recovery and doing fairly well as a nation so “Divided” - when Barack and Michelle enforced who we are as a nation strong even with the growing divide. Now that divide started in a somewhat silent fashion when Obama was “sworn to duty”, based on “bigotry”. It is this divide earmarked by a brat Congress that is cause for concern. As citizens, we can “opine” our desires every which way and loose, Congress is supposed to remain neutral and dictate what is good for the nation as a whole. But even with the 115th Congress, there exists a divide within the GOP majority party like we see with the Freedom Caucus. If the latter is NOT a “Turncoat” is without a doubt. Never before has a “bipartisan” relationship been so deeply missing-in-action. Today, it is a one-way street, a detour dead-end and let’s not forget what a “Divide” really means, “We Fail, We Fall”. Across the aisle still exists, but watch out for that trap-door wherein any tangible governance is raped on arrival unless it is tainted with Confederate like Fascism. The new-age GOP is what Fred Christ Trump dreamt about!  And for the most part it is the lingering side effect the fact many citizens could not stand the fact that a “black man” sat in the White House, and did one hell of a job considering all the hatred from the right-wingnut faction of the born-again Confederacy movement. Want a modern-day Webster’s for the “Right”, look no further than a “Confederacy”. And remember, we already fought a WAR over that faction’s inability to treat all humans with respect. Is this what we want all over again? If so, the Confederates should beware with whom they are dealing with, and a re-revolution will be ugly! From the gatherings at a Trump Tower rally, man the hatred is criminal but not just a skin color madness, but beyond borders political. We are tearing Miss Liberty to shreds, and the Russians seem to like helping US out with that destructive endeavor. So, we must give this “black” guy a whole lot of credit for what was accomplished, and at my age, the best 8-years of living the American Dream - as I felt safe and secure! I am living proof it worked for “all” as that is the kind of man Barack Obama was with his pledge of allegiance, this “statesmen” of our times. Sad, as the saying “all good things come to an end” still holds water. You want people to salute this nation standing with hand on heart, just bring Obama on stage! My President sang “Amazing Grace”, wow! And Happy Birthday Mr. Obama, this is your day! See, it is not the White House that accepts the blame for what is going down this disconnect between the people, it is Congress that is at full-throttle fault. Finger pointing needs to stop, as the culprit sticks out like a soar Trump tweet. That entity made up by the likes of the immature House members and the supposedly more mature Senate, this body no longer fulfills its duty proposed by the Founding Fathers some 200-plus years gone bye. We almost found a cure for the fromunder crotch-rot that sets in after way too many years as an elected official, it was called “Term limits”. Of course, all that starts off well doesn’t end well all the time, as when those that were pushing forward limits against the seat warmers, pushing forward as this is what the constituency was demanding from sea to shining sea - well we almost made it. But when those scoundrels responsible for this “Do Nothing” Congress 40-years in the making, when it was realized that to pass legislation that would limit how long a person could campaign, they went scared and squashed all reasonable legislation that would have placed some limits on just how long a single individual can hold hostage the U.S. Constitution as a Representative! We have NO REPRESENTATION today, when the likes of the GOP Freedom Caucus is totally out-of-control and using their Congressional seat power to practice “Treason”. There is a political disconnect, it is totally UN-Constitutional and if this were to have happened when the Founding Fathers were still active, there would have already been a coup d’etat and the “Turncoats” jailed. Look, this political storm was coming, Barack kept it all together the reason he is the “Last Great Statesmen President”. Has there ever been another time in American history wherein it is so easy to use that once “hush” of a word, as everybody is using the word “Treason” both sides of the aisle for the “Turncoats”. And when we find the REPRESNTATION not performing, the Sad Sack excuse we get as feedback is the lame excuse we must wait and vote them out, what an unpatriotic stance upon our liberty. If you refuse to be “sworn to duty” get out of the way. It is like watching someone commit a heinous crime on another human before our very own eyes and ears but cannot get over the fence to stop it. “We the People” have forgotten just how powerful we are as “INDIVIDUALS” when push comes to shove! Back in 1956 a guy named Jack Marler set precedence just how powerful each and every individual is as an American citizen. Jack was an IRS agent working in Alaska, before the 49er became a state but was actually controlled like a state yet maintained “Territorial” status. With that status, taxes were collected on individuals of the “Territory”. And Jack, being a Patriotic American and an agent of the U.S. Treasury, he understood his business. So he stopped paying taxes, based on the fact that Alaska had no delegation in Congress to support the needs and wishes of the Alaskan population. He was arrested by the G-Men and brought to trial. Low and behold, he was found NOT GUILTY based on “NO TAXATION without REPRESENTATION” and since this was under the auspices of the United States vs. Jack Marler, his victory set precedence in the Federal Court’s jurisdiction - which is all this land is my land this land is your land, live free or die love it or leave it. Precedence set is a mind-boggling tool. As the courts are afraid to tamper with this “precedence” in proceedings, and it usually takes the Supreme Court to render unfit a decision from the lower courts. And since the Marler verdict has not been challenged by well over 62-years wherein the SCOTUS held sessions to deliver an “opine” upon important things, the Marler case rests its case in stone - we have this tool at our disposal. Yes, we have the right to “Bankrupt” the U.S. Treasury as individuals and if we stand together, we control the purse strings and can control the out-of-control freight-train. And it is time we start demonstrating who is the boss, as we have such a divided Congress wherein anyone that thinks there is REPRESENTION has successfully fulfilled the lobotomy clause of the amended Constitution, or Constipation. So, I will hand over some of my hard-earned income as “Taxation”, when Barack Hussein Obama is “represented” at Mt. Rushmore as the “Last of the Great United States Presidents” and when the ribbon cutting takes place we can all sing Amazing Grace, from sea to shining sea and that will mean Democracy has been restored with dignity, until then I will keep my money in my own safe-keeping as I am tired of the wealthy getting a free-ride and buying the politicians in Congress who have no idea what it really means to be “sworn to duty” in efforts to uphold “My Country ‘Tis of Thee’s” Constitution. Once again, Happy Birthday Braveheart Barack Hussein Obama, my friend, our friend and a genuine “American Patriotic Hero Statesmen”.

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