Sunday, July 29, 2018


Probably the saddest day in the American history books, that which focused on the political scene of a crime, occurred when long time Senator from Alaska Theodore Fulton Stevens lost his beltway seat - because he was under indictment. Sad, especially when you see other senators like Bob Menendez going through similar pain and suffering of an indictment with more persuasive “guilty” evidence finding no repercussions. A double standard exists, as some believe they can live comfortably above the law. But with Ted, who was a decorated WWII fighter pilot and the poster statement of a “Statesmen”, there was a reason a smear campaign during Ted’s “innocent until proven guilty” allowed for a democratic adversary to orchestrate a win over the political sleetmute of Alaska. This was Alaska the “Last Frontier”, oil boom country, bear bounty country voting in a Democrat - it was unprecedented. And Mark Begich lasted but a simple term, when Ted had been at it successfully for some 40-years. OK, I am all for “Term Limits” but when incompetency reaches home and controls one’s future…But the smear campaign against incumbent Senator Stevens worked, as it was orchestrated by his “once” close friends - which meant plenty of money meat to feed the hungry wolves. People close to Mr. Stevens, or the namesake of the “Hulk” so befitting due his power before the U.S. Senate as the Senate Pro Tempore 3rd in-line to take over as Commander-in-Chief, his comrades were scared that the pressure on Ted through trumped-up indictment charges - for receiving a gift of a table lamp - it would unhinge the senator and there were ghosts hidden in that closet that had to be kept sound asleep. Alaska is a very, very rich state and one that could do without any appropriations from Uncle Sam to survive, except for “Military Expenditures”. When Ted was in control of the purse strings, for every dollar that was taken away by Uncle Sam on the hard-earned income of Alaskans, low and behold the state received back 3-times that amount and that story was the number one bone of contention that Senator John McCain held on too when in republican competition with the “Hulk”, as that Alaskan grisly “greed” stole away resources from other less fortunate states of the Union. McCain was also very powerful, and fought for a dollar per dollar refund, which is how the appropriations should work to be equitable for all Americans. A state should get back only what the citizens put in, as no other way is equitable - as then it reeks in misappropriation reeks in misrepresentation. And Alaska did not need all this loot in the $millions$ courtesy of Uncle Sam’s perverted piggy-bank being robbed! OK, the reason we get Don Young Bridges to Nowheresville! Yes Alaska “strikes it rich” as last look advertised about $100-billion in reserves. Alaska’s state portfolio of income property finds holdings all over the world and 85% of the state’s over-inflated operating budget comes from oil revenues with enough left over that the citizens enjoy a yearly “bonus” - a free welfare check. But when Ted was forced to resign his beltway passion, those behind the sabotage of this war hero also had plans to silence Mr. Stevens - and in time Ted would be assassinated. The plane wreck that took his life - well gag-me-with-a-spoon in this day and age of FAA air disaster forensics, to find a report that says “inconclusive”, that is just an out for not telling the truth of the matter. The plane carrying Mr. Stevens was sent on a mission of doom and the end result was what some of his friends were looking for - as the silent treatment. I know, as I had words with Ted, that sounded in suspicion something ugly was to one day go down. See, a rewind of the history books tells the story of why Ted was targeted. Back in 1956, Ted Stevens was a young Federal prosecutor defending the United States government over a tax evasion case - United States vs. Jack Marler. It should have been an easy street case to try to trial, as there was up until this time “zero tolerance” for cheating on one’s income taxation. Now Mr. Marler was an agent of the Internal Revenue Service while assigned to the Alaskan branch and understood the ramification of his action or inaction to not file his own 1040s, and the outcome was the precipice of what would transpire someday and invite an assassination attempt upon Ted Stevens, that which was successful. Ironic it was, that the same agency that Ted litigated for would turn against him in the end. Look, even though there were other passengers on Ted’s doomed flight, innocent victims, the wealthy give not a rat’s ass as long as they can hide the truth of a crime. If killing others hides the truth so they can hold strong their wealth, you are just fodder to their “Daddy War Bucks” mentality. Yes, people will cheat you out of life to hold on to their fortunes. And remember what Dylan taught us: “The executioner’s face is always well hidden”. Now I will get to the Marler aspect very shortly as to why it played into the assassination of this war hero senator. When Ted Stevens found himself in the cross-hairs of the FBI and IRS over some gifts from a friend that went un-reported, Ted was about to start a campaign that insisted on the merits of the “Marler” case, as Congress had reached a dilemma and there was no longer any bipartisanship and a divide existed against the U.S. Constitution - which means “We the People” were divided and Ted saw that as “We Fail” and “We Fall”. And the only way to get back some semblance of bipartisan control was to throw Congress’ meat and potatoes to the real hungry wolves - the American middle class working heroes, through a coup d’etat against REPRESENTATION. It appeared that with “funny money” from the wealthy and Russia entering the arena, the “People” were outnumbered as special interest had taken over. Ted was to start a campaign that boasted the merits of “Precedence Set” in the Jack Marler case. See, what Ted would learn is that many of his friends in wealth were not paying taxes on time when receiving $millions$ in income. Yes, they would purposely delay filing their taxes and receive all kinds of “hate” mail from the IRS and when push came to shove they would plead a leniency deal by calling on “Jack Marler” and end up paying pennies on the dollar what they really owed from earnings. It was widespread income corruption with frustration and the IRS office in Alaska was being used as a convenient clearing house for this tax scam. So Ted was about to come clean with that fact-of-the-matter, which was about to cause an…revolution. Hold that thought, as he was silenced and case closed. Some believe that Donald John Trump used this “Jack Marler” formula to evade paying taxes. And since it is “Precedence Set”, it is a legal argument that can withstand the rigors of the toughest IRS “Tax Cheat” rulings. But why ruin a good thing? Why allow the common folk to enjoy the same, because it was reserved for the wealthy! And if it were to become a mainstream habit - the government could go broke or temporarily cease to operate. Now had it become a tool all of US could use, that we can boycott paying any taxes if we are not pleased with the “representation”, that would have caused a fire storm and then the United States Supreme Court would be faced with rendering an “opine”. Yes, with an appeal over a “precedence set” verdict when Jack Marler faced Ted Stevens - the courts do not like to deal with as “Precedence Set”, it is how our justice system works and once you start messing with it such can culminate towards a disaster for justice. Once a “precedence set” case is overturned, all previous cases litigated on that premise are also overturned - yes it invites a nightmare. Now I have an opinion about this “precedence set”, it is an easy street for lawyers and judges. No thinking involved, just slam down the damn gavel on people’s liberty! OK, this setting is a double-edged sword, as precedence set can be a good thing as once a case is tried, we hope the outcome is justified and carry on the same verdict next time around. And with respect to the “Marler” verdict, why in hell would the SCOTUS want to ruin a good thing for the wealthy? True story. Ted tried to bring “Marler” back to life for the good of the citizens, and his only true failure in life ended when that plane was sabotaged to crash where evidence was scarce. At least it was in Alaska, the place he loved, the place he defended even though Jack Marler held the “Ace”! Note: When Jack Marler was tried for Federal crimes back in 1956, his only defense was “No Taxation without Representation”, and that won his freedom and set precedence that if “We the People” have NO REPRESENTTION, then we have a weapon at our disposal to remedy what belongs to us with representation else keep what belongs to us, our hard-earned income. The government cannot function without “Taxation” in the same we cannot function without “Representation”, that which is supposed to protect the U.S. Constitution. We owe it to ourselves to behave in that same manner, as we have NO Representation when a GOP Freedom caucus uses taxpayer money to commit “Treason”, and the list of derelictions goes way beyond any sense of Representation. It is time now for the JACK MARLER REVOLUTION. Starting August 9th, the 8th anniversary when Ted Stevens was targeted by his friends to be forever silenced. This is our greatest treasure, the power to drought the U.S. Treasury, until such time our voice is heard and decency returns to those that are supposed to represent the best interest of “All the People” instead of selfish interests that are trying to re-tame the U.S. Constitution, as the Founding Fathers succeeded in that a long, long time ago even before Ted battled it out with Jack. The sure sign that “We the People” suffer from NO REPRESENTATION is the partisan divide in Congress, it accomplishes nothing. With “True Representation” we would enjoy a bipartisan revival, no matter which party is the majority. That is the only way our democracy can function for the good of “All the People”. In ending, even though Ted lost one of his first trials when trying to prosecute Jack Marler for tax evasion, he admits it was one of his best cases, as it spoke for itself and that verdict speaks loudly today. This is the “power of the People”. The “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” endorses the “Jack Marler Revolution” for the good of American democracy, with liberty and justice for “ALL”.

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