Thursday, April 19, 2018

Work in Progress Movies - ERP

The following “Work in Progress” documentaries and other works are under contract for production and promotion by Eagle Rock Press:

The Sabotage of the EXXON Valdez 
~ A Documentary ~

Release scheduled for spring of 2019 to mark the 30-year anniversary of the grounding of the super-tanker EXXON Valdez on “Bligh Reef” in Prince William’s Sound. The crash scene was a well-known navigational hazard that even a drunk captain could steer clear without much effort. According to a reliable source, Captain Joe Hazelwood was not inebriated, no matter what the authorities fascinate us with as an excuse the probable cause of this environmental nightmare - wherein stubborn oil still lingers about today the once pristine shorelines of this Alaskan scenic archipelago. This documentary sheds light on the “untold” evidence that this “wreck” may have been a sacrificial sabotage attempt, orchestrated by an individual that had become an environmentalist gadfly as a front, as a cover only, in efforts to retaliate against EXXON because of a failed business venture as an independent oil broker trying to carve a niche out of the lucrative Alaskan oil scene. EXXON called his bluff, and on March 24th in 1989 the wreck of the EXXON Valdez became a reality nightmare. Only a planned sabotage could bring such a retaliatory success.

Behind the Assassination 
Theodore Fulton Stevens
~ A Documentary ~ 

Release scheduled for winter of 2018. Theodore “Ted” Fulton Stevens, a.k.a. the “Alaskan Hulk”, finds today a “missing” legend that should have been cast in concrete with respect to 45-years as an honorable American statesmen - from war time service as a pilot in the ARMY Air Force during WWII,  as a U.S. Territorial Attorney followed by some 40-years as a very powerful United States Senator. For many years, 3rd in line under the U.S. Constitution as the “Presidential Successor”. But his legacy rests in that of a trumped-up criminal indictment, that which was eventually dismissed based on “Extraordinary evidence of government corruption” within the FBI and IRS. One morning, while Ted was in the U.S. Capitol defending “liberty”, his residence in Alaska was raided by agents of the FBI and IRS, for unknown reasons when evidence warned such harassment was not warranted. It was a set-up. Upon acquittal based on this “government corruption”, Ted was killed in an aircraft accident that to this day finds NO probable cause - as it may have been a successful assassination. Early on in his career as a legal scholar, while acting in the capacity as a U.S. Attorney for the Alaska Territory he prosecuted a Jack Marler, an ex-IRS agent who used his position and preferential clearance to obfuscate the records of the IRS. Ted lost this battle defending the U.S. government based on a legal opposition of “No taxation without representation”, only to find himself caught in a similar web later in life. The very institution he defended was to become his enemy. Was the IRS office in Anchorage, located in Bill Allen’s VECO high-rise used as a clearing house for individuals of power with tax problems? Did Ted become aware of this and about to castrate his friends as a defender against such criminal activity - to do what was right? There is evidence that for a fee those with tax problems could get relief, from outside the government domain, through access to the IRS records system. Yes, problem cases could be closed, without any trace wherein the fix came about. The FBI and IRS took down Ted at a critical juncture his political career and he lost everything - it was time to seek relief by taking down the institution that he had fought so long to protect. This was something his once friends could not allow especially if collusion became apparent - it is time to set the record straight why the death of Theodore Fulton Stevens may have been orchestrated as a ways and means to cover-up the truth of what may have gone on behind the scenes as a tax relief shelter for the wealthy and politically powerful.

The victim of the "Polar Pen Expedition Investigation"

 Leisure Town Will 
~ A Follower to Good Will Hunting ~

Promotional date, fall of 2019. This is another “Good Will Hunting” adventure, the follower of the 1997 release. Where is Will today, some 20-years older? The last time we saw Will Hunting it was driving along the Massachusetts Turnpike, with a “Go West” young man attitude, in pursuit of Skylar. Fast forward as Skylar and Will live in California wherein Will is a stay at home “dad” raising two young girls and Skylar a well renowned research scientist for the University of California Davis branch at the Wolfskill Ranch. From I-80 head north along Leisure Town Road to the Punta Creek valley, a small farm spread with olive and fruit trees, Will’s hobby now in growing tomatoes as a contestant at the Winter’s county fair. It is tranquil living at its best. Will receives a visit from aging Sean Maguire, following the death of Professor Gerald Lambeau. Sean had received an ending letter from his colleague, with 3-winning lottery tickets still unclaimed - with words to the effect; “Sean, you were right”! Happy go lucky but somewhat suspicious about the tickets which were indeed winners, Sean realizes that Lambeau - as a mathematical genius - may have broken the code to predict the next winning ticket based on statistics of number theory, and maybe as an ultimate challenge to Will to what it all meant. Sean engages Will to find a work-around, as the lottery is a simple pleasure for millions of Americans, a cheap-thrills dream and if there came a means to circumvent this desire, it could be a psychological blow to dreamers - that 1$ a week retreat. Along with the fact that proceeds go towards the good of mankind with things like funding school meals, without could also be devastating if gameplayers lost interest. After gaining access to Lambeau’s work, Will finds a solution and heads back east to MIT to deliver a speech on Lambeau’s work, wherein he gets to once again tangle with Clark over the merits of Lambeau’s work. Will wins out. This promotion utilizes “morphing” technology to demonstrate rendered digital imaging and voice makeover of Robin Williams so his memory this follower as part of the cast remains - in memory of one of his greatest of films.

Ending scene of "Good Will Hunting", as Will heads west to find Skylar and California is where the scene starts anew, 20-years later.

All inquiries of interest or investment opportunities available the above production to promotional interests, please contact S. Pam McGee at for specifics.

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