Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hectic Ulcer

When the “State of the Union” was overshadowed by a new take on “Make America Great Again”, well we now have evidence of this “new age take down” with the “State of the Eunuch”. OK, when one looks at todays’ 2-seconds claim to fame all respectable and disrespectable Americans can “Tweet” test that 1st Amendment Right to be heard through “Twitter”, that social media sways US away from what is really happening - and it appears our formula for success this “today” relies on one all-important credit - CHAOS. My belief, it is the Trojan Horse this fascination to follow Donald Trump and exhaust precious time in that reply to nothing mood. OK, horror hit the sky captain the other day when an airline passenger was almost sucked through a broken window on a fright-flight aboard a Southwest Airlines 737. This occurred after an engine break apart episode, which is rare but does happen. Now I worked for Siemens, an outfit that manufactured turbine class jet engines for the power generation sector with similarities what we find strapped to a fuselage wing, as the engines that hang off the wing of a plane are basically the same design that stay grounded to generate electricity. Talk about hanging on a wing, reminds of that day an 8000-pound engine from a 747 fell to the ground in Anchorage back in 93 - after a failure soon after take-off - yes jettisoned by design! Look out below, no one was hurt. Now airborne or grounded such powerful engines, grouped in either an aero-derivative category or pressurized casing, give either fuel it creates thrust which can be used to go airborne or rotate a generator. Now in the past, every damn component used in a turbine generator was equipped with an indestructible etched “ID” and became part of the “build out” record. Such engines contain thousands of parts & pieces - each identified for a reason - failure tracking! There was a reason for this, and the paper work was very time consuming to keep track of individual components. The Southwest horror has already found the “probable cause” that of a heat fatigued fan blade. This in not that uncommon either, as with every cold-to-hot start of an engine through rapid acceleration, this thermal cycling ages the metal - that is what we mean by heat stroke fatigue and after a certain amount of times up, the blades are considered scrap. Metal has a memory, and sometimes that memory gets lost and that means the possibility of entering a self-destruct mode, tiny fractures turn into a crack and then all hell breaks loose. The sad thing about the Southwest event, the possibility of a fan blade malfunction and the event causing a direct hit to explode shrapnel instead of imploding like it is designed, and for that wayward shrapnel to find a window to destroy - it is like the 1000-year flood with respect to the odds this scenario actually playing out in real life. So, those flying the friendly skies rest assured this is not the common mode of rejection and the airline industry is…I want to say safe but from what I just heard from one of the majors is a very mind-boggling seriousness. OK, it appears that with an administration that wants less government restrictions on the “Corporate America”, well with an agency like the FAA getting on that Trump bandwagon because it doesn’t have a leader and the only “safety net” lead comes from the Department of Transportation which is headed up by Elaine Chao the wife of Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell of the “Do Nothing Congress”, it is like a cattle branding instead - you belong to me not the “We the People”. Now, getting back to my about face when a blade failure occurs and what was once upon a time how those in control of keeping US safe reacted - back when Obama was in charge! By tracking down the “ID” of a failure, then the forensics can provide two all important things to help keep us safe. Blades are made in batches wherein the entire process is documented - from the materials used to the production line procedure deviations, so that in the event there is a failure a root cause analysis can determine if an outlier or a systemic problem exists - the latter which requires a larger audience to intervene upon. If the malfunction blade is an outlier, so be it we keep on flying and generating power. If there is something of an inferior complex with a series of blades that are in use, that means there could be failures just waiting to happen like right now. I was at a sight after a blade failure caused a turbine engine to self-destruct. It was quickly determined that the blade process was the culprit and within a few hours we had warned the customers to shut-down any engines with hours in excess of the failure rating. And because of regimented documentation with a paper-trail that was serious, we were able to save our customers $millions$ from unplanned outages. It is easier to replace a blade then to rebuild an engine that has exploded through a self-destruct compromise. But now the airlines are saying that with new FAA guidelines on inspections, that if that blade on the Southwest was the culprit due to a secret flaw and that it is a systemic problem, that there is no way to track the whereabouts of other blades which may be cause for concern? And all the airlines are now admitting that new policy making decisions from the G-men allows no requirement to track what components are used to build an engine? No, it is NOT safe to fly when after a long time standing it has today been hoodwinked into a “Who Gives a Rat’s Ass” attitude, because it saves money by not keeping track of what is where. If we had an FAA that had not been eunuchized by the Trump Tower dysentery dynasty, if a blade in a series required a recall an airline could within minutes sideline any craft that fell within that “beware” possible problem onboard scenario. But today, if this is true, it is a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants landscape. No wonder the Moron’s staff never fly commercial! We start off with good intent, but some how it appears we are heading off course down a dead-end street - no return in some cases. This is what happens when you place a bankrupt bastard at the helm - an idiot. Maybe that is why 59% of Americans call him the “Moron”! So here it is in a nutshell. If the FAA issued a report today that fan blades of a certain mint are vulnerable to premature thermal fatigue after so many hours in operation lifting planes, where does one begin to look? Go to the corporate board room to check-in on the CEO, to see if he is crossing his fingers as that is the only assurances we have today any safety net while flying and this is how 3rd world nations behave. It is all about the buck stops here, as when the FAA loses touch with reality, every damn CEO out there sees it as an opportunity to make money for the shareholders as we the risk-holders tremble in fear and kids are asking mommy, “are we safe 32000 feet above the graveyard”. This is how the Trump World evolved…fuck everything and anything that tries to get in between the $$$ and then he takes credit for the safest skies of any past U.S. President? Want a definition of FAKE…you know the answer and when you decide to fly - best buy that extra life insurance and make sure that last will and testament is up to date! What used to be “Fly the Friendly Skies”, not on the Moron’s watch!

1234:17 {13:01) D E P-1 Japan Air four six Echo heavy ah. Elmendorf tower said that something large just fell off your airplane. (1 305) *.* (1 3:05} ((horn sound stops)) {I 3:06} yea, we know it {I 3:07} OK. 1234:23 {I 3:07} R DO-2 OK, we know that ah, we're ah, declaring an emergency.

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