Friday, March 9, 2018

Too Close for Covfefe Comfort

Has anybody seen Dennis Rodman? I wonder if he knows Stormy Daniels, as there is something fishy going on because Harley-Davidson will build its next generation “Knucklehead Indian” plant in Taiwan! “Born to be wiillldddd, get you’re workers hurting, sell out for the Carl Icahns. Everybody’s gonna make it hard keep a job in America.” So glad to see the early returns of dementia with the “Tax Reform”. And I finally received my raise, my boss calls it “Danger Pay” for having to work here in the “homeland” under a dick-head-dictator. How come Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left the Fucking Moron all alone by himself in the Oval Office? See, we know that Sarah “I targeted Gabrielle Giffords” Palin and Ted “I shit in my pants again” Nugent and Kid “ ” Rock hang out under that big freak’n presidential “Pardon Me” desk, so we cannot allow the Moron to be alone! Would you leave a child home alone? See, Russian “moles” can easily sneak into that office and leave legislation on that desk, lacking only a signature. That’s how we ended up with the “Steel Tariff”, maybe it was supposed to be a joke by Carl Icahn. And just minutes before the Moron burst into flames, a heat of passion moment because he finally copped a date with Kim Jong-un of North Korea, Rex was quoted: “We're a long way from negotiations. We just need to be very clear-eyed and realistic. I don't know yet, until we are able to meet ourselves face to face with representatives of North Korea, whether the conditions are right to even begin thinking about negotiations.” There is NO Collusion, not with the presidential executive branch. The EXXON Valdez oil tanker crashed into “Bligh Reef” on a clear moon high sky night with calm seas, the most recognized marine hazard in Prince William’s Sound -  very clear-eyed and realistic? So, Rex is in Djibouti, Africa. I thought he was supposed to divest away from Tony the Tiger? And why the la-de-frick’n doo-da is Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov following Tillerson, he’s a stone’s throw away in friendly Ethiopia? Anybody with a Sergey name must be a spy. Maybe both are hunting out a Cecil. So, the Fucking Moron has a date with the “Little Man”. Maybe in a show of good faith during this engagement, hey Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon can easily put together a WWE penis envy measurement contest - for charity as we know human rights violations are rampant in North Korea and little girls are sometimes stolen away from moms and dads because the Kim likes sex parties with underaged virgins. Pay Per-view: “Pervert meets the Pervert”, history in the making. But an erectile disfunction erection contest would not be fair as medical records indicate one contestant may have had penis implants - sorry due HIPPA Dr. Bornstein cannot divulge the “Manchurian Candidate”. But we could gain traction in this history making date rape, bring Stormy along for spanking privileges and why not Rodman “willing & witting” - in fact he could be Melania’s escort! And when this Abominable Fucking Moron went out-on-the-limb to agree on this date rape, even before entertaining a night out on the town with a rapist, the Moron-in-Thief should have demanded the release of those 3-American prisoners under Kim Jong-un. They haven’t been seen since May last year? Trip-Trap! It was set and because of a photo-op opportunity, the Moron sucked up the bait and is teetering on the brink of destruction with “Treason”, by aiding and abetting the enemy. Yes, the sitting U.S. President is immune from prosecution so can get away with this “Crap”. At one time not too long ago, the United States Congress maintained and retained the power of the purse, the Commander-in-Chief had very little stroke. Congress goes home on Friday mornings, rest of America has to work for a decent living…and by being derelict upon its sworn duty to uphold the merits of the United States Constitution, “Miss Liberty” is under attack. And the fact that the “Treasonous GOP” wants to crash the party, by shutting down the House & Senate “Russian Federation” date rape investigations on our election - the statute of limitations may be our only recourse to place this “Treason” under arrest! But time is running out and they know it and a title for the re-write of American history books: They Don’t Give A Rat’s Ass - Neither Does the Abominable Fucking Moron, but show him a Vladimir Portnoy Putin “pucker”, and the drooling runneth over! Question for any American still Patriotic: Who is the most constipated person in the world? Sarah Huckabee!

American History in the Making!

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