Friday, March 9, 2018

Bastard Diplomacy President

Vladimir Portnoy Putin and his Russian Federation meddled in our 2016 election business as an eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth, heel-spur-for-heel-spur get even proposition. Get over it now get on with life it happened, and only because “We the People” meddled in South Korea’s election process back in 2016, same year as “meddling” was a busy intern. The outcome of this secret clandestine interference disrupted Vladimir Portnoy’s Complaint lien on humanity and circumcised his control over North Korea. That little Podunk nation under Kim Jong-un is but a thorn in the side of Xi Jinpingpong’s China and because of our willingness to protect both South Korea and nearby Japan, Mr. Putin is very smart to play his “Game of Thugs” with the “unwitting” like there is no tomorrow. That castration we unleashed through election interference would be but short lived, but the merits of our “meddling” long winded, why we see action between the North and South today. In this day and age of “No Privacy”, Thank You Antonin Scalia for setting the record straight the pitfalls any Constitutional guarantee of such, meddling is the cost of doing business - if you are gullible enough to believe the Troll then you get what you deserve from the voting booth excitement. When Barack Obama insisted on this “meddling” because we as a nation cannot and will not engage in direct regime change an ally, it requires some expert cyber-eavesdropping to change horses in midstream elections. This Trojan Horse “meddling” is nothing new but different is the weaponry used to unleash regime change. OK, said again we do not try to change the will of the people living under a socialist Democracy, but when we don’t like what we see, let’s try this out and see what happens - so it is indirect interference. In this case with South Korea, the ingredients were correct as well with the timing. See, we employ the best cyber-spy network money can buy, just ask Mr. Stuxnet and of course we must then contend with the copy cats, trying to outdo what we have undone. So yes, we may have had something to do with the present leadership in South Korea, which mandated above all opening up a dialogue with North Korea. I guess we can be proud of that interference pattern out of the “Charles Manson Cult” playbook, wherein South Korea’s Park Geun-hye was ousted for corruption that was orchestrated through a set-up. It thus paved the way for Moon Jae-in, a leader we could depend on with respect to how we thought it best to handle North Korea’s thirst for a nuclear weapons program of mass destruction. It all began when Geun-hye won the 2012 election away from Moon, but a close call at 52% to 48%. But soon Park started too friendly a relationship with Putin and making news while looking towards Iran as an ally in business, when at the same time we had troops stationed in South Korea manning the THAAD missile systems. We were being double-crossed. Putin already had his mitts in North Korea, so we needed a drastic change, and it worked as when the “South Korean Political Scandal” came to fruition, Park’s approval rating had tanked from 63& to single digits, and Moon was then a shoe in during the 2016 election. We needed Moon, as he was recognized as a leader that would help US remove the stem of violence with the North Korean military mindset, so close to Japan we could not let it perpetuate. But regime change takes time, so it was after the Obama administration had vacated the White House that Moon kept his 2016 campaign promise, to open up a dialogue with Kim Jong-un, in efforts to castrate his desires to have those nukes. That is happening today. And of course, now the world has to contend with a Donald John Trump presidency. And of course par for the course, to get the “heat of passion” off the radar - Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s affair with Stormy while Melanomia was breast feeding Barron - take credit wherein credit is NOT due. The Moron is trying to once again cash in on the Barack Obama game plan, which is coming to be after the fact. For the “de-nuke” talks between North & South Korea, it was Moon Jae-in that deserves all the credit, it is called “Diplomacy”. And Obama deserves the credit for making sure Park Geun-hye was arrested and that set the stage for Moon to deliver his promise. With the Moron, “Diplomacy” is like a red light in the wee hours of the day, just a suggestion. And another suggestion, now what as the Fucking Moron has probably already blown the cover of a well-respected plan of attack that may on this day be in jeopardy - Bastard Diplomacy President. At least Patriotic Americans in the majority can thank Barack Obama, for behaving like a Statemen and thinking about the future of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” without a dollar sign attached as a prerequisite.

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