Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Apprentice Anointed

“Something is very wrong” and escalating towards Armageddon seasoned with an Apocalypse Now reality! I didn’t say that, it is right out of the cat’s yapper that was let out of the Devin Nunes puke bag. Nunes, vermin vomit the definition of an Un-PATRIOTIC COWARD trying to represent Russian interests over “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. With that, I am glad we see the reemerging of Colonel Kurtz. Is not there a law against “Treason”, like in the Nunes’ Memo fibbing filing? We know that members of Congress pay tribute to “Truancy”, but did they pass a law that allows for protection against self-incrimination Treason? So yes, “Something is Very Wrong”. And other warning signs consistent with “clear and present danger” abounds, as so with the paintings in the Oval Office yelling out this “Very Wrong” sentiment sentencing which is reverberated through Net Neutrality as “Mission Control, we have a problem”! Richard Nixon was well known to serenade those White House paintings with the heat of the night Watergate passion commencing, with “Chumptown Races” and can still be faintly heard even with all the background commotion with “Big Phony Tits” trying to get into the picture show. “De Chumptown ladies sing dis song-Doo-dah!” Damn, do I miss those days as today it is more in tune to “Tramptown whores have big phony tits, oorah! And so did Bill Clinton perform a ritual of serenading the four-squares a day of that Oval, and Monica was there to hum-job along. But maybe I missed the boat on this “Trade War” reality against Xi Jinpingpong, as China could retaliate with an economic castration, as over the years this foreign nation under “Communism” has alarmingly amassed a fortune in real estate here in the Homeland. Donald John Trump was once quoted as boasting he was the greatest real estate “red” baron in NYC. There may be some truth to this, as it started the “Trump Tower” family fortune way back in the days of Beach Haven housing segregation. It was the reason that the Kushner family planned a collusion affair with the “Tower”, wherein the Jared was “like father like son” and found a way to smooge the Moron’s daughter. It wasn’t out-of-scaramucchin, but lust for trust the diamonds not rust. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then you have no right ridiculing the Fucking Moron. OK, no holes barred. To understand this Moron, one must have some knowledge of his upbringing. One must be equipped with some knowledge why a family name remained, the “Christ” as in father Fred Christ Trump. It gives me chills, this middle name that means “Anointed”, it’s creepy as is the family interest in 666! Every time I see that JaRED character, reminds me of the “Mummy” from the Three Stooges, “We Want Our Mummy”. Talk about “Stooges”, there is a reason that Devin Nunes is being considered for an award, like the “Order of Friendship” given out by Russian Federation oligarchs and when it gets here it is renamed “Order of the Stooge”, for being a confidant in collusion as “Trump’s Stooge”. Way to go Nunes! But there may be a sinister reason as to why the Fucking Moron is trying to fuck Xi and China. Piss them “Commies” off, so they start caving in and dumping real estate in NYC. It will cause a local market showdown shakedown slowdown, and guess who will be in line to pick up on the cheap depressed holdings? Look, buying on the cheap and selling to the highest Russian oligarch has already demonstrated it can make a “Return-on-Investment” opportunity of 140% for the Moron family. Maybe your 401k on a good year would yield a bottom-feeder feedstock feedback of 14%, so wow where do I sign up for economic assistance from Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint? It is like this Simple Simon. Say your paper route or Kool-Aid stand brings in 1-dollar in profit after expenses. Now you could spend it on a hotdog, or visit Boris Jerkoff and invest it in say, kiddy porn. So, according to the “Trump Tower” standard when investing with Portnoy, that one measly “green buck” could yield back an extra…well enough to buy a footlong dog and onion rings to boot!  OK, in the real world when dealing in opportunities too good to be legally true, you don’t get the actual loot, just an IOU because this is how the Russian mob operates, by holding you hostage. The Fucking Moron refuses to release his family or “Tower” tax returns, because it is filled with hundreds of attachments - IOUs from shady characters. Now because of this shadiness as part of the “Art of the Deal”, it may allow for a discount on his tax burden. OK, Simple Simon once again to clarify the complexity of the “Trump Tower” finances. To begin, drum roll please…he pays no taxes because those IOUs never deliver, it merely boosts his financial portfolio to look so fine we wine and dine at the finest. The family appears to be wealthy when if reality were to sink in, Istinka would have to get a job at Wal-Mart. What else is she qualified for? It is an “Imaginary Ponzi Scheme”! OK, let me place it into perspective. A major oil company spends $millions$ to probe the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean, some 12-miles offshore wherein it is already realized we have not the engineering confidence to ever develop such resources in inhospitable frozen waters so close to Russia. Yet with the $millions$ spent to see if there is an oil puddle down below, well a delineation of that find can calculate the “Recoverable” stranded oil. And that “Find” can then be used to boost the company’s “Reserves” and that runs up the stock value - even if never a single drop of “Black Gold” is sucked out. It causes an artificial reef “debt relief”, it’s all imaginary. It looks good on paper only - the ultimate in snake oil, fool’s gold it is. So with the “Anointed” family, it is probably $millions$ in deeded debt, that which is being fenced by the Russian Federation to cover the portfolio’s shortfalls. It works like a forgiveness program. Have a payment due, then what are you going to do? Melanomia in need of a new custom jock strap, call Portnoy Putin’s Complaint. But it is just like the 115th Congress, you turn to your body guard when the shit is about to hit the Mueller fan and right now the Fucking Moron’s only hope for salvation against “Treason” is in his affiliation with the Russian Federation Oligarchy - also know as Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s “Whore House”. One thing for sure since that 2018 inauguration, prostitution is alive and welcome to the family matters of this Commander-in-Briefs.

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