Saturday, March 3, 2018

I’m a Fucking MORON

I guess when push comes to shove, we must admit our defeats and today…well I join the status of Rex Tillerson’s “I’m a Fucking Moron”. With that exoneration, I “unwittingly” join the fan club of 62984825 similarly situated Morons that pay tribute to “The Donald”. So add one to that lotto lot. Come on, don’t be afraid to admit defeat, join the rank and file and with another 2868690 “I’m a Fucking Moron” coming forward to renounce the perversion of “Access Hollywood”, then and only then the Moron can be considered the “Real McCoy”. Yes, that count is the vote total that the Fucking Moron somehow found convincing to give him residency in the White House, which still stands at the “minority”. And that “Green Light” to the White House, it included a preferential passport for that trophy wife, the 3rd Lady who is a well-known world-renowned Nobel Laureate. Someday, maybe she will overtake the current 1st Lady, Stormy Daniels and then push the 2nd place contender out to pasture and away from the West Wing passion action, that Pal-boy Playboy bimbo. This “I’m a Fucking Moron” following is designed to fix things, for reasons of legitimacy, as it has been some 402-days gone bye-bye and we still question the occupants of the “White House”. OK, what used to be in the “White” is today basking in the “Fake Gold”. His Majesty the Fucking Moron’s hair color, don’t be fooled, it’s the same tone as “Fool’s Gold” and more in tune to the color of an old man’s pubic hairs. But my crossing over to the “Fucking Moron” side of the Russian “Troll” Booth bridge, stupidity. See, I went to a “Townhall” for a democratic wannabe, not that I am one of dem, but just wanted to see how the younger generation looks at the current “State of the Eunuch” affairs. Wow, these kids as our future leaders couldn’t come fast enough, they are very vocal on words like “Truancy” and “Treason” and “Turncoat”. Action words practiced by the 115th GOP goonies Congress. Yet missing the action in the “T’s”, the “Big Phony Tits”. Therein was the telltale sign this was not Trump territory, and there were no spouses with “black eyes” at this community get-together for “Change”. But when I had to relieve my pain and suffering with toilet time, because I liked what I was hearing from the liberal progressives but am not or will not lower my expectations as a democrat and for that matter the only good the other side of the isle…there ain’t none, but Mr. Barney Rubble TP dispenser was empty! “Holy Shit” and Montezuma’s Revenge finds new meaning this abandonment. But not to worry, as I found a roll to foil off the stink finger intrusion. See, it was a “decorative” decoy roll of Donald John Trump’s mugshot shit-paper. With a few brews under my belly button, wow this was going to be something to talk about - I thought. I mean, I mean, Donald John Trump’s face wiping my ass! I haven’t seen this kind a fascination with ass-kissing since Rikishi Stinkface crapped in the “Rock’s” face on a televised Vince McMahon WWE special event just after the “Donald meets the Boogeyman”. Is that why Linda McMahon is the Fucking Moron’s pick for heading up the SBA? Boogeymen and face-sitting, good business partners for America! Just what are the qualifications to be part of this “Wet Dream Team”? We know playing golf half of the time to fool most of the people all of the time…whatever. Sorry, need to concentrate with the wipe priority. But just removing the cover of the Moron’s “prank” TP, it was starting to cause some contention, like letting the asshole Prince Rupert out of the FOX can. But it was time to clean-up after doing thy duty and yearning to get back to the Sarah Huckabee entertainment - for real her dad was fired from the Country Music Awards because he forgot about separation of “Church from State”. Whoopie cushion, use the same to get rid of the Fucking Moron. How non-charmin and creepy, in realization the Moron was looking up my asshole during the wipe-out stage. Finally, it was flush twice, it’s a long way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Then my butt started itching beyond reason, like was this TP laced with “Hellfire Brimstone Itching Powder”, that prank & revenge stuff? And sure enough, the TP label had a “WARNING” that using this face to clean up shit can cause temporary distress and to use with caution. If itching occurs, see a bone spur specialist. Wow, so the Fucking Moron dodged the draft because he had an itchy ass and I bet when he starts WWIII, the itchy ass syndrome will be how his base eligible for “Serving” will be AWOL. So I have learned a lesson, and have thrown those Fucking Moron Inauguration condoms…

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