Friday, March 23, 2018

Thanks Rex Tillerson

I am glad that Mr. Tillerson did not leave US hanging. He officially resigned today, a day before the anniversary of the EXXON Valdez wreck. Which means by vacating that SOS, “We the People” could no longer use that “Fucking Moron” - as that would be theft of “Intellectual Property” and what the “Chyna Doll Triage Sanctions” all about. It worked to get the Moron’s attention, for about half of the time the White House and Oval Office have been on hijack alert. But low and behold, today we have a new name to call the ex-Fucking Moron! Moron Pussy for signing that “Omnibus Spending Bill” he threatened to veto just this morning. What a sack of pathetic blow-hard shit. “Turncoat”? His base is pissed, as they thought he was serious about the power behind his veto power. Now just a Big Fucking Moron Pussy, and <NO WALL> <NO WALL> <NO WALL>! By the end of this day, if this Big Fucking Moron Pussy has a following, it goes to show Russia’s meddling was successful with NETanyahu Neutrality Neutering upon those that cast a vote for a “Turncoat”, a.k.a. Vladimir Portnoy Putin lobotomy at your service! Next Up: State of the Eunuch

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