Friday, March 23, 2018

Hot Diggity Dog

The closing bell, Friday March 23rd, 2018: Stocks down drastically for 2nd day in a row - nearly a 1000-point blow to the DOW. Markets across the board “Worldwide” showing unimaginable loses for no apparent reason - as even with the possibility of “Trade Wars” approaching, it is still a “supply and demand” economy. If China wants more loot for its imported Devin Nunes solar panels and we want more for our exported Devin Nunes pig bellies, then we all pay up. But what is scary, for the 2nd day in a row also, oil and gold and silver up. And that can only be in anticipation of a World War. We are on edge, the entire world in on edge and the only soul that is not part of this equation that is unhinging the strongest economies in the world - namely Vladimir Portnoy Putin, positioning himself to take over the world. And when push comes to shove and nations takes sides, do we have a choice in the matter? Putin was recently congratulated for his 4th term by a coalition of Morons, may as well call it a “President for Life” and since he is of age, this may be his last attempt to be a supreme leader in charge of the entire “New World Order”. At least maybe then WAR would be not necessary, after the blood and guts and smoke clears away. But why worry about tomorrow, as Ruth Bader Ginsburg has made a conscious decision as a Supreme Court Justice in good standing the “Baloney Society”, that a “hot dog” is a sandwich and I have been waiting that “opine” now for…

I'm waiting for a daydream to take me through the morning
and put me in my coffee break where I can have a sandwich and remember.

Then it's me and my machine for the rest of the morning,
for the rest of the afternoon and the rest of my life.

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