Sunday, March 18, 2018

Covert Covfefe - FAILED

Exodus Polls: What, NO this cannot be true, it must be that Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s take on “FAKE NEWS” reality. It is almost the “Midnight Hour” in Moscow, and Vladimir Portnoy Putin is still the President of the Russian Federation? Something sinister has gone wrong! The election was today, and we had 420-days to plan an exodus exorcism against his “Novichoke” rule, a.k.a. “meddling” as an eye-for-an-eye get even Stephen Hawking don’t poison Theresa May’s servants. This means we didn’t get to 2nd base this inning of this WAR. And this throw out, only possible due a collusion collision between Portnoy and the Moron. It is time for the Moron to be impeached. Peter, Paul & Mary are singing a protest impeachment song, we must ban together now more than ever. Yes “IMPEACHMENT” NOW! Not because of any Russian passion interference or an attention deficit due “Big Phony Tits” getting into the mitts of things pressing. It is due incompetence NOT FIT for duty failure to shove that “meddling” message up Portnoy Putin’s Complaint hole. There is no way Portnoy should be enjoying another “Term of Endangerment”. This is terrible, this is horrible, as I was holding out any “bad will” against the Moron until the results of this election were broadcast, but never in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” life thought that this nation would fail the “Mission”. I thought for sure that the reason the Moron had remained so silent on the Russian Federation’s messing around the 2016 election here in the United States was to not giveaway his game plan, to protect “OUR DEMOCRACY” by making sure the results of today’s election found a leader that does not engage in poisoning other humans. What’s that? There was never any such intention to a covert covfefe regime change? And Moron thinks he can negotiate with North Korea? Sure he can as long as he follows Portnoy’s game plan…we are under attack, by our own White House.

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