Saturday, March 17, 2018

Facebook Welfare?

OK, I enjoy feedback from the younger “Facebook” generation when talk about how they would solve the world’s problems is staged - with this economic disparity that today affects 1 in 7 inmates. Yes inmates, as when humans must rummage through a dumpster for family food…I am wrong as 3-squares behind round bars. I wish these kids would take it all over right now, our hardships needing a fix, especially with this Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron at the helm. So interesting concept, as one of the co-founders of the “Face” thinks things could be solved by the government giving out money to the low-income generators to bring their standard of living up to par with that middle-class dream? It will never work because how do you give money away then tax it? It would be self-defeating. Second thought, with all the damn “Tax Rebates” to Corporate America, there ain’t no “freebie” money and finally the “NAVY will have to hold that bake sale”! Look, “We the People” are NOT looking for a handout, just give US a decent wage for our labors! But I am glad today’s youth have finally come of age, that thinking cap on no longer an age barrier gap. Wasn’t that something, playing “Hooky” for school safety. Wasn’t that something that the Moron stayed airborne aboard Air Force One during the marches from sea to shining sea? The last time a U.S. President had to seek shelter on high like that was when the Twin Towers came crashing down and our nation was under attack. And this “walkout” because of way too many guns in the hands of lunatic Loesch Ness monsters and NRA supporters that think Neil Young’s music sounds like a “dying cow fart”, about time our nation was attacked this time for a good cause. But here is my Simple Simon approach to economic disparity. It is no longer US against them, we live in a global community because we are all brothers and sisters! Get over it, we are all created equal. So, establish an international hourly wage of $1 dollar. No, not a typo, no missing “Zeros”, a bonafide wage for services rendered regardless of what you do for work. Janitor, $1-buck. Banker Teller, $1-buck. Doctor, $1-buck. And think about how much less that Juris Prudence degree would cost if the entire faculty worked on a $1-buck per hour wage. So, that amounts to a yearly wage of $2080-bucks and would finally be a reality for a “Simplified Tax Burden”, as everybody would pay the same. With consideration upon Over-Time work requirements, no extra dough just paid time off. What you mean it won’t work, Phineas J. Whoopee disagrees, so do I. See, based on that criteria, all commodity pricing would then be forced to deflate - else stuff would remain too expensive and “Stalemate”. No one would bother to waste money because by waiting, things would eventually get jeepers-creepers-cheaper by the dozen. It would mean the price of gold sliding down the scale, so what as long as everybody is happy and enjoying life realizing that by monopolizing on this theory of Uncle Buck stops here, WAR was dismissed forever. But herein is why it can’t work. Wealth hoarding by the wealthy War Lords and their trophy whores who think their shit don’t stink. It would mean deflation of wealth also, which makes their $billions$ less attractive and then the $millions$ less attractive and soon we no longer have a reason for the Forbes-500. And since these rich bastards realize and think that loot will get them a better perch at the altar of the Pearly Gates, there will be no interest in SOCIALISM and kids will continue to be famished, and dads and moms killed while dumpster diving for a few leftover crumbs. “Them belly full but we hungry”…

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