Wednesday, March 14, 2018

RT Fucking Moron’s TEST

Talk about a poisoning, what the opioid addiction is wrong with the DOW? It is called “Chaos Theory”, and the ups & downs today according to the unstable ability of the White House. And will someone please correct the Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, that it is the “Pharmaceutical Companies” that are pushing the drugs of mass destruction here in the scary states, not some 3-year old that crawled across the border seeking asylum - and exempt from detention because gang membership starts at 5! T-minus 6-hours and counting down, with the ultimate throw-down against Vladimir Portnoy Putin orchestrated by United Kingdom’s Theresa May will commence, over the use of Novichok poisoning of x-KGB spies - double agents. There is a reason this NATO banned poison was used, it means “Newcomer” in Russian, and is in honor of the newcomer RT Fucking Moron. Vladimir has his evil ways and means to get a point across, especially when it comes to a naïve puppet wherein they both have something in common - Russian whores and yellow rain. Now at 5pm EST, we will see how a real leader pounds the gavel, as our Fucking Moron pounds what appears to be but for a limp dick when it comes to any harassment against the Soviet Manifesto. So, while on his way to visit the “Kingdom Come Wall” in California, the RT Fucking Moron’s safe-haven for Devin Nunes “Turncoat” agent oranges, we get lambasted by another morning of explosive diarrhea movement moments from the Moron-in-Thief. Despicable and Deplorable, these “Turncoats” that will do anything and everything as long it supports the GOP agenda of “hoodwinked” by “hoodwanking”, regardless if that party is now in bed with the Vladimir. How long is the statute of limitations for “Treason”? But the Moron’s comments this poisoning and demands by May, all he could offer was the typical exccuusse me by emphasizing “when we see all the facts, if we agree we will condemn Russia”. It’s that “If We Agree”, Vladimir’s ticket to ride! So here it is, over a week has gone by since “We the People” in the aftermath were made known that the White House has all the evidence to make that conclusion about this poisoning affair, but when “collusion” is persistent between the Fucking Moron and Vladismear, why nothing more than more downplaying? We are starting to get used to how this respect for a WAR crimes criminal is blinding US by that might - as the Fucking Moron looks up to Putin, because this Russian Maggot is the richest man in the world. It’s all about the “Money Honey”, just ask Stormy! Some estimates Putin’s Net Worth surrounds the Bill Gates empire by 10x. Now when you read into this, don’t expect any action by this “Country ‘Tis of Thee” as we have provided the ultimate olive branch - and it is the same looking Russian dildo that the Fucking Moron has stuck up his ass and making every turn to uphold Democracy, painful! Look, look what is happening. We are under attack by the Russian Federation. Rex Tillerson was an honorary “Order of Friendship” recipient - a Russian Federation “Honor”. And I could tell by his demeaner this day when he was informed by Alexis that he had been “Terminated” from is Secretary of State duties, he is scared as he knows the Putin will place a contract of his life. Wow, but we finally received a first-time heroic statement from the White House after some 419-days of dereliction anything worthwhile statesmen like - from Rex Tillerson. And he once again told Vladimir Portnoy Putin to shove the Fucking Moron back up his anal hole - along with the Devin Nunes and the 115th GOP, all at home in the parasite infested fox hole. We are today at the precipice of WWIII. And when it is all said and done, we will finally find world peace, as we know WAR is an outdated maneuver, and all about money on its last leg let’s get it over with now and forever AMEN. There is life after this death wish from a Fucking Moron that likes to piss on US because he likes getting pissed on by, them “Russian Whores”. So, when the deadline by U.K.’s May to Portnoy Putin expires, beware on Wednesday as the ball will rest in the Fucking Moron’s court and it may be Scotland Yard that demands we move forward with our own sanctions against the Russian Federation - something even our GOP Congress was afraid to do - Thank You Theresa May, for showing such leadership. You can count on US for support, but the jury is still out on any support from the other side of the isle - but we are in the MAJORITY without the RT Fucking Moron and the “Turncoat” GOP Congress!

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