Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rex's Fucking Moron

Rex Tillerson, once a mighty “Tiger” and a Lee Raymond protégé as an EXXON CEO - beware you don’t fire a man of this stature. So, Theresa May the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - how come we don’t have a leader with balls? And that “United” thing seems to be just a suggestion these days here in our “Homeland” as the divide between the “isle” with our elected officials is dangerous upon the foundation of “indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All”. Our Founding Fathers, they would have been proud of Miss May standing up to confront Mr. Putin - something the United States’ present leadership is afraid to do. What is it with the Fucking Moron so infatuated with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint? See, Theresa gave Portnoy Putin a scalding, that by close of business today and only 10-hours from now - the same day the RT Fucking Moron Imbecile Parasite visits his “Kingdom Come Wall” - well UK stands to announce sanctions against the Russian Federation. Maybe better than that, a call for WAR! Yes “better”, if NOT satisfied with answers this KGB-Novichok poisoning by now only 9-hours away from May Day, it will be construed as an “unlawful use of force by Moscow” - if that doesn’t mean WAR! The Russian “MOB” is poisoning spies and the rumor was rampant at “Istinka Trump Tower” that Stormy Daniels’ life may be in jeopardy - that a Sergey Ruski head hunter was on her trail courtesy the Russian Federation! There is also evidence that the “Hate” bombings in Texas have ties to Russian “White Supremist” aficionados. There was no collusion, but is Vladimir calling the shots as a “silent” war against US and in support his puppet? Now that can only happen if, yes collusion taken to the brink of extortion. When we let down our guard with the Russian “MOB”, it migrates into more serious crimes. See, by the time Devin Nunes hoodwinked Democracy with this midnight rider raiding condoned by the “Turncoat” GOP House of Representatives, of course there was no longer any evidence of election tampering meddling, as Putin then moved his game plan into the next phase of destruction. See last Friday, it is rumored that the Moron Imbecile wanted Rex Tillerson to step aside as Secretary of State. Now Rex refused as he was doing his job faithfully, and 2-minutes after Rex went to bat with the United Kingdom - which forever until Russia took over was our staunchest ally - well because Rex sided with Theresa May about this poisoning by the Russian “MOB”, Mr. Tillerson was “FIRED”! You don’t fire a figure-head so high up in the chain of command! Herein is my ending take, with the “FAKE”. It appears the GOP side of the 115th Congress is “meddling” in this nation’s constitutional fortitude. It is called “Treason”! Look, I wouldn’t be able to identify a single hit song by this “Kid Rock” sensation, and for reason being anybody that associates with a Sarah Palin and Ted “I Shit My Pants” Nugent and is invited to the RT Fucking Moron’s Oval Office to hang out under the desk, it leaves me supiousious. And from rumor central, with respect to the RT Fucking Moron, what made his day today was the fact that “Kid Rock” will be indoctrinated into the WWE Rikishi Stinkface “Hall of Fame”, as this is meddling already into the low-life as the 2020 election is upon US. I wasn’t a Hillary fan, and will testify that this nation is in dire straits today because of the Clinton fantasy that should have been arrested a long, long time ago. But that 2016 election was a close call for the RT Fucking Moron, only a 74-electoral vote “choice” challenge, as we have before US a minority vote president. And that difference, the WrestleMania fan club base is what serenaded this attack on Democracy - and this is the flake of “FAKE”! In a recent survey, it was demonstrated that the votes of that fan base made the difference, that faction usually more involved in watching the RT Fucking Moron’s SBA administrator Linda McMahon’s husband getting his face licked by an ass, on WWE TV? If this is not morale decay…but this is the faction that was targeted by the “meddling”, as easy prey upon this familiar territory so friendly to Mr. Trump, just ask the “Boogeyman” and “Big Phony Tits”! But bless Theresa May, for standing up to that Russian “Thug”, the RT Fucking Moron’s friend. Maybe instead of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, how about we try this one on for size!

God save our gracious Queen, 
Long live our noble Queen, 
God save the Queen! 
Send her victorious, 
Happy and glorious, 
Long to reign over us, 
God save the Queen! 

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