Thursday, March 22, 2018

Emperor’s New Clothes

Wow, I stand corrected. I have not found much in the “if you can’t say anything nice” category to serenade the Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan 115th U.S. “Run Amuck” Congress, until now. Why this body continues to evade conviction and allows this sanctuary truancy in the White House, it gives that “Turncoat” new meaning. But Mitch is one of them die-hard “Confederates” so what do you expect and Ryan…no comment as I could get arrested for Constitutional vagrancy. OK, I said it would be a nice day in consideration the DOW is sinking again - its manipulated. Even though this Congress seems to have a work schedule that means 3-days paid time off for every day clocked in, maybe they deserve such a work routine because when push comes to shove, they can burn the midnight oil. And they don’t get Over-Time pay, so let’s give that institute credit for once and for all. See, they were just handed the $1.3-TRILLION “Government Spending Bill” and have only 54-hours to go through 2232 pages of “meant to persuade” legislation in a language that is very frightening. It appears the original manuscript was transposed from something to Russian then back to 2nd grade English, so some sentences don’t make sense - we need more Russian interpreters. Now from what is understandable from the footnotes, this MAGA Carta equates to a par value of $600-Million per page and the time constraints means about 2-minutes per page to check for grammar, spelling and “indivisible, with freedom and justice for all” is dead-on-arrival special interest “earmarks”. Speed reading, as the clock is ticking away and we must get this right, else…On its face, appears we are going to WAR as the “military” budget is once again bloated. I get tired of hearing all this chatter that it’s for the troops. It’s for “WALL STREET” defense contractors, as only a fraction of the $700-Billion goes towards a decent pay for our men and women in uniform. Think of it this way. If “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” acted in accordance other civilized nations with respect to military spending verses other mercenary discretionary incendiary monies, your taxes would be cut in half. You want a decent bonus, call for a moratorium on our bad habits “military spending” as this bill appropriates a ratio of 700 to 591 buck-for-buck in the $Trillions$. How many “zeros”? When the WAR MACHINE “Trumps” the WELFARE WAR scene, we have been castrated of a “True Democracy”, as we are NOT supposed to go looking for WAR. We don’t need a “troops in boots” war machine mentality, else we are guilty by association what happens in the “Killing Fields”. And another thing, we have a very able-bodied “Militia” to protect the “Homeland”. So about half of this 2232-page spending free-for-all is for Cadet Boner Spurs’ fascination with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint. I guess then Congress will be pulling an all-nighter. But this “Bill” was published at 608pm EST during a very bad snowstorm Toby, so the House and Senate Chambers were vacant overnight - maybe the Sargent of Arms can have the janitorial staff rummage through this “Log Jam Manifesto” to see what is in it for the “Middle Class”. Look, I am tired of this Masked-man’s tormenting we must live in fear. When WAR becomes a necessary evil to maintain jobs and the economy buffed and ripped, we have reached a very scary disposition - as it means keeping the iron to the fire to up-keep that WAR momentum. And as defense contractors see more and more of that “Golden Giveaway” and realize that a corrupt Congress knows it must bend over to pacify this addiction to “Blood Money” and then the investment community sees the benefits of keeping it going - what kind of nation have we become wherein WAR is our bread & butter? This is NOT what our Founding Fathers had envisioned. I have no control over this, as it is deep rooted in organizations that once embraced the philosophy behind the “Project for the New American Century”. Behind the scenes that “philosophy” is working and our worst enemy that sees into this, Portnoy Putin. It boils down to “One World Nation Order” under…still unknown who will be smiling when it is all said and done. It means “We the People” must embrace, as only a World War III gets mankind out of this mess. Wow, Congress finally made it to work, slushing through the snow because this is a very important day and to play “hooky” would have been more in-tune to “impotent”, so now only 37-hours before we see “Closed Until Further Notice” on government institutions. It’s NOT about US you Morons! Wow, buried deep in this “Southern Comfort” legislation - must be a mistake - Vladimir Portnoy Putin to apologize for Facebook! 

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