Thursday, March 22, 2018

David Dennison Trumponzi

When Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron hijacked the White House and soon after this vagrancy move which witnessed the entire Trump Tower family affair moving into this roost, it was turned into the Little White Lie House. Now year-one can be considered the “honey-bucket”, as it can be a real shitty job. No, this ain’t a place for a “Honeymoon”. So after the Moron’s 1st year “Terms of Endangerment”, he was proud to announce at that 1st “State of the Eunuch” that things were great, that Make America Great Again was on course to make US…it wasn’t supposed to turn “Miss Liberty” into the laughing stock nation of the “Universe”. It is sad when our allies pick up the “Hot Line” to speak with a “Statemen” and the only one home is a genuine “Moron”. But a 34% run-up with the DOW, no doubt an achievement that was more than likely a momentum carry-over of Barack Obama’s policies to “Make America Great Some More”. No NOT “AGAIN” as in my book, well things seemed real tame during the 44th’s reign! So here we are, only 3-months into WWIII, I mean the Moron’s year-twoish this “Endangerment” and the DOW has lost all its oomph! OK, a quarter of its value - in three short months. If the trending continues, by this time next year it will be “What Stock Market”. And did he really start a trade-war with “President for Life” Xi Jinpingpong of China? And did the Moron really congratulate “President for Life” Vladimir Portnoy Putin? Good thing we have “term Limits” and a “Duty Clause” in that Article II under “Powers of the President”, if only someone in the entire cast of misfits bothered to read how it is supposed to work. Now that dismal DOW, it is not due “normal transparency” from hick-ups side-tracking the economy, it is due to “stagnation” as the economy doesn’t know which way to turn, it is confused! OK, it is due to chaos theory taking hold of time-tested techniques used by past presidents to camouflage and disguise any weaknesses, as that is how a Commander-in-Chief is supposed to act, not react with explosive diarrhea from the mouth and give away to the enemy our bad habits. Nowadays, the Fucking Moron uses that “RED PHONE” to chat with Portnoy’s Complaint line and calls out all our hidden truths in lending Trumponzi scams. For real, if it originates from the Oval Office it can be considered a scheme and not a scam? One has liability, the other no retaliation allowed. The entire West Wing is like a tightly wound golf ball “Made in China” coming unraveled. Wow, some guy that enjoys golf likewise the Moron has just completed a 1200-mile 9th hole, and that required 80-days. Now with the Moron’s “handicap”, we could send him on that 9th and would not have to worry about a “Twitter Submarine” tweet for 160-days, which means a chaos free society for a good amount of time. And he loves golf, so no way would he refuse this offer. In fact, if we could find a 9-holer with the same specifications, and with his horrendous handicap and bad health - maybe we would never see him ever again! And we send Pence along as the Moron’s caddyshack and all the rest of the perverts as well. But there may be a method to the Moron’s madness we are yet to find an understanding upon. China owns more “Treasury Bonds” then all of America - which means they may own our “Mint” and what if they came a knocking to cash in? And today, with another $1.3-Trillion soon to be added to the deficit, the Moron is trying to renege on what we owe Xi and company. So start a “Trade War” that could consume a good percentage of China’s wealth laundered here in the states. And for a reason, the Moron wants to kick XI overboard so that more likeable governments can invest in “this land”, and the only other candidate drum roll please - Mr. Portnoy Putin himself and company which probably finds “kickbacks” to Trump Tower. But then again, it was Xi that was paving the way for the talks between the Moron and North Korea. Sabotage maybe, because deep state down there is no room for a peace treaty, as the battle plans have already been drawn. Look, as of now, there is nothing that finds historical worth for this Moron. History books filled with porn affairs, sleazy staff, inept staff, nothing worthwhile. And “History Books” are not supposed to be comic, but serious. So start a WAR with Kim Bong-bug, wipe his ass off the continent then appoint Dennis Rodman as North Korea’s new boss. Wow, DOW down 700-points today and Rex said goodbye. Which means this is the last day we can officially call this Moron a “FUCKING MORON”. It was fun times, THANK YOU EXXON man! HOLY FUCK, barricade the door as H.R. McMaster was just fired by the FUCKING MORON and John Bolton will pull the nuclear trigger on anybody that continues to be a “Patriotic America”! I honestly believe for history’s sake we start to give back this “land is your land, this land is my land” to the Native Americans. Then they can decide who stays, who is exported. Constitutional Crisis? More like Constitutional Castration!

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