Thursday, March 8, 2018

Alpha Lock with Beta Block

So, what happened to macaroni & cheese Thursdays? I’m a “traditionalist” and expect my meat loaf on Tuesdays! What’s with this “Tofu” yuck? Now what is up all this crazed fascination with a “Turducken”, wherein a chicken has sex with a duck then in comes the turkey for pleasure in a tri-sexual adventure. The outcome is no different than a 29-cent lowest-grade hotdog, rat hairs included where’s the beef - but why always the “trifecta” on the White House menu under authentic food choices? Praytell, who asked for a new menu as I was fine with Wednesday’s liver? And is tuna salad Friday in limbo, if so our Congress is AWOL so what else is new! But when a 13-Original Colonies time proven diet is changed for reasons unbecoming “American Bologna”, “Tranquility” is disrupted, and talk about “Disruptive”. Pass the pork & beans, it’s Saturday. U.S. stock market takes another hit due a whack job in the White House. It’s been 40-days and 40-nights since the “WALL” started the jock itch, to avoid the draft. The “heel spurs” excuse doesn’t cut it any longer, and it sure appears as though the 7-month “itch” is making things miserable for Miss Miserable’s podium - Sarah Palin Huckabee. I was hungry, not know! In all honesty, I believe that Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s lawyers have run out of tricks and Stormy has a bag full, which are for sale. Maybe Melanomis should have a “sex toy” home alone party, to take away the friction. But as the DOW struggles to gain traction unlike Stormy gaining attention with the Moron’s attraction to “Big Phony Tits”, well low and behold the Chinese markets are crazed. Wouldn’t it be heroic if a Porn Star was the straw that broke the horny camels prick? Think about it, then with such magnetic notoriety run for President and see Bill Clinton come out of retirement. Let’s face the facts, the U.S. Presidency is in ruins, as the last of the “Great Commander-in-Chiefs” has been retired now for 413-days, and it will never be the same get over it. But that’s OK by my U.S. Constitutional standards, as the Presidential posture over the years has found itself on the wrong-side of the tracks of “pure” Democracy, as like everything else “Patriotism” was outsourced to the lowest bidder. And the Article II guy is supposed to be merely a “figurine” not equipped with the gavel or pen and eraser upon Congressional power. The U.S. Congress is supposed to yield the power, not the president. Yes “GUY”, as it is stated in the Constitution, “He shall”, so sorry Stormy but you have my vote. A “he” cannot be a “she” - Alpha lock with Beta block! See, now we hear that with the Fucking Moron’s hardon “Steel Tariff” that Canada, Oh Canada and Mexico will get an “Executive Order Exemption”. Look, that loophole is already being taken advantage upon, the reason the Asian markets are rallying as laughter finds today a money-making opportunity. I am selling “Laughter Stocks”, no different than making loot selling “pet-rocks”, as lunacy sometimes finds collusion so time to meddle. Loopholes Unlimited, the Congressional survival mechanism for that job for life without any performance evaluation criteria, as critical components for utility solar come from China, shipped to Canada to escape current import tariffs and then exit Canada for Devin Nunes’ back-yard. Yes indeed, thousands of jobs in Central California relying on cheap stuff from China ever since Dubya initiated the “Tax Incentive” haven for solar renewable energy. We have before US a true “Nothing Burger” president. OK, he knows how to have sex with porn stars and “don’t worry about her”, his spousal abused trophy wife.  “Trump Tower”, just a Russian Federation dildo casting a Portnoy Complaint shadow over NYC and when the White House was targeted by sabotage and now “We the People” held hostage - where is Congress? But onto a serious note. As wow, it appears the Korean Moon has made his campaign promise come true. To open up a dialogue, for a North & South summit on April Fool’s day. But the South Korean boss is heading here today, to debrief about the denuke, but Rex Tillerson is over in Africa looking for Cecil the lion. Too bad as opportunity only knocks…And there is the possibility that Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint caused a scare with Rex, so find an excuse to play hooky away from diplomacy. According to Rex, “I did not have diplomatic relationship with that woman”. Look, the reason people are dying while sitting on park benches, the Russians are there and here, and I don’t trust a guy that was behind the EXXON Valdez wreck. OK, not fair as that wreck was sabotage by an angry oil broker in disguise as an environmentalist. A real McCoy “phony”, just like the Fucking Moron. And talk about wrecks to come as it appears that Beta Block, she no longer worries about that Alpha lock, and Stormy may go down in history as the greatest sex goddess of all times, for using the Moron’s “Big Phony Tits” addiction to change the course of history back on course - pass the beans!

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