Wednesday, March 7, 2018

3 for 1 Wednesday 3/7/2018

Ding Dong the DOW is Dead
For real, according to the Bode-Nichols-Nyquist criteria, the DOW is DEAD - Ding Dong! And do we really care the disappearance of an iconic institute that represents the ultimate in a “WALL”, that which acted on a Ponzi tip which followed to death-row an irrational economic think tanking as an establishment for the wealthy…OK, not really DEAD, but using “Feedback Control Theory” which follows Theodore Kaczynski’s “Boundary Domain Theory” - you having a Math 101 headache? See, based on the response of the stock market since January 26th - Fingernail Freddy Friday - and using the DOW and its 40-day moving target average, the darling is settling in to its “Set-point of Comfort” of somewhere around 24800-points. Yes, some 1800-points depressed! Which means it will be another 40-days and 40-nights before we see some positive traction as Ken Lay ENRON works out the kinks. Now this opine based on a science in consideration of the Newton “zero root” is only fulfilled according to the “Theory” that which uses a natural frequency response for recovery, which is in-tune to nature to arrest and smooth perturbances. Control theory is pretty simple, like when in the shower. You crave a desired water temperature and the body is the measurement device, wherein the brain processes that information and takes appropriate action, the hand-job acting as the cold and hot mixture control mechanism. Too hot, the brain tells the hand to “counter-clockwork orange” the shower valve, too cold we get the opposite action. Now if too great a correction instead of fine tuning a little-at-a-time, we have an out-of-control situation or “overshoot” and the “heat” grinds you to a slip-sliding halt - a broken shoulder crash. So fine tuning is paramount stability. And that control mechanism at our disposal for market fluctuations discriminates, as that water control valve can be a poor-boy cheap-ass “Home Depot” piece of junk that doesn’t come close to control with any semblance of stability or it can be a super expensive Istinka Rump “Gold” plated water corset that comes equipped with a “Black Butler” - slavery maybe but never a cold shower! I mean this Isaac Newton instructing Mr. Bode and Mr. Nichols and Mr. Nyquist in the art of “incontrovertible collusion”, it is how we control the quality of beer! And how do you think Edison controls your power at 60-hertz, as below 57 cycles-per-second your TV will have uncontrolled denial-of-service fibrillations? So, what is good for the gusto and the Big Screen, it should be good for the Munchkin Mnuchin Man. In fact, that is how the DOW should be designed for the New American Century! We need a project to settle for a set-point, say from the FED-up Chairman and let the market adjust to that desire with a smoothing “grace” period. And then after the “Trial & Error” return if not satisfied, another set-point change based on the “Theory of Stability” you still cannot get blood out of a turnip seed - instead of ramping up and down out-of-control. And par for the Trump golf course where many a good idea that are based on Democracy soon scared away due Fascistocracy, my idea of an even-Steven casino places unwanted control upon the crooks, it rules out abusiveness behavior showers so the Moron would never “EO” approve. And for that matter, you’ll never see this kind of control limits placed on the “free loading” exchange, because if that be the case everybody would enjoy the same awards, based on an $equal rights$ ROI and hedge fund managers would be history. Here is my take on the “True Fake”. Hedge fund managers make $billions$, and don’t produce anything, so where in hell does that loot come from? Somebody got screwed! New Book published by Shady Hope Licks - titled “White House Little White Lies 101 - How the Moron Kept His Word”. Get your “David Dennison” signed copy today, a wealth of knowledge designed at a reading level for any future presidential candidate with an attention deficit and a Moron heritage, as it is only 3-pages including a cover page, context and back cover and only one word defines it all - LIAR! David Dennison? He is the Fucking Moron’s clone that doesn’t lie to tell about it. Did I hear someone say “FAKE”?
Hurray Congressman Trayvomit Gaudy
Just in, White House approves the Russian Federation poisoning of under-cover spies, opening up the possibility Robert Mueller may be targeted by Russian operatives. Those spies that were killed in Brittan, just a Vladimir Portnoy Putin test run! So the Grand-Wizard at Odds with Patriotism-Party, a.k.a. GOP with House under tight-panty control by Paul “Piss Ant” Ryan and with Senate under chastity belt control by Mitch “Snitch” McConnell, is at it again - disrupting Miss Liberty. This Un-American party with a mission statement amounting to “Treason” in disguise of a Ryan nose booger and McConnell rabid turtle has no funny money left due the Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron giveaway policy. The only thing the “Tax Reform” has so far proved is that “greed” by owners of “Corporate America” indicates they give not a rat’s ass about the work force. If this “Tax Reform” was to benefit America, the way the wealthy are taking advantage of the “Stock By Back” option and purposely cratering the WALL so they can pick up Treasury bonds on the cheap because soon Uncle Sam will be forced to pay out handsomely for IOUs - egad what happen to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”? I am sick. Yet member in crud standing Trayvomit Goudy wants another “Special Counsel” to investigate the “Special Counsel” investigating Russian Federation whores - confusing? Not when you consider that it is “Incontrovertible Inbreeding” that compels this reasoning. The “Special Counsels” will inbreed, and in the end the end results will find NO Vladimir Portnoy Putin Complaints. And doesn’t that lawsuit just delivered by Stormy Express against the Moron fall under the auspices of “frivolous”? Just because the Moron used an alias and didn’t sign on the “Big Phony Tits” dotted line of the “slut she is contract”, Stormy is “Stormin Norman” full speed ahead for a declaratory judgement. She has the XXX-Rated pictures, wants more Fabulous Moolah! Look, a picture of the Moron jerking off would be worth $millions$. How come Antonin Scalia did not see this casualty before everybody left the courthouse? That’s right, the Toning said, “There is NO generalized right to privacy”. No Love of Country either anymore, as the GOP enablers reinforce the “Treason Mandate” as they believe it is “Presidential” to let the Moron have his “temper tantrums” and we must treat him like a child? For real, and we pay for this kind of representation - forgot, “Treason” is the reciprocal of “Respect”. Gag me with a Russian “dildo”, Vladimir Portnoy Putin has already. But I have a new outlook in life, as I am thinking of bringing a lawsuit against Uncle Sam, for induced “Day After” nausea and with that causing Democracy to be aborted.
Rabid FOX
Anybody that wastes any time listening to FOX, should have their heads examined, as it appears the thinking cap has been replaced with a “Lobotomy” widget on hemorrhoids. Now I usually mind my manners and only look at FOX when in need of a good laugh. But today, they have an “Extra-Extra Read All About It” covfefe caption on how it was the Fucking Moron’s “hard line” curfew upon North Korea’s Kim Bong-Low that caused the North and South to sit down with preliminary ground breaking “de-nuke” possibilities. Morons, morons and more Morons. Anybody that believes this rabid BS, I guess heel spurs also to compliment the “brain dead”. See, Moon Jae-in campaigned on that idea as a “Top Dog” priority, and with that won the rule in the South. Because of Moon’s aspiration to open up a dialogue, he beat out a corrupt regime and here we are today, and the North and South have begun to communicate. What is happening today has nothing to do with the Moron and to insist otherwise - maybe it is time we amend the U.S. Constitution to include a “Stupidity Tax”, and with the FOX following, the U.S. Treasury would be rolling in dough over-night express. And that is why H.R. McMaster may be on the out and Jim Bolton is already…for real already got his mitts on the “Nuclear Football”. Soon, the only friends at the Moron’s side and part of a cabinet will be FOX contributors. I can feel the heat of defeat and WWIII knocking at my backdoor, Maggie’s Farm it is!

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