Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Today the International “WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL” held a special counsel “Emergency Meeting” to hold Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as leader of the Russian Federation along with Donald John Trump as President of the United States in contempt of “Peace” - as the sole perpetrators allowing heinous acts against humanity. On Saturday, February 24th of this year, the United Nation’s Security Council voted “unanimously” for a “Humanitarian Cease Fire” in Bashar al-Assad’s Syria. When that 30-day “Cease Fire” went into effect, immediately following the outcome of this crisis vote, Syrian and Russian backed rebel bombing continued, with women and children subject to chlorine gas and incendiary bombs to evict the families from underground shelters. Since the bombing by the rebels has devastated the homes and home-life of many in regions throughout Syria under attack, the only shelter for survivors means underground bunkers - in dugouts carved into the ruble of destruction. The use of chlorine gas and incendiary weapons are designed for the sole reason to evict innocent victims from these shelters. Because of continued cowardly disregard with respect to the U.N. “Cease Fire”, on Monday, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called for a 5-hour “Cease Fire” between the hours of 9am to 2pm and in concert with the already in effect ineffective “Humanitarian” time-out, so those in harms way could seek medical attention and food for the starving children. Yet that “Cease Fire” also failed to stop the rebels from incinerating kids that were outside playing kickball as all the schools have been destroyed. The “WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL” finds evidence that had Donald John Trump signaled to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin that “Sanctions” approved unamisoly by the United States Congress had been placed into effect upon the Russian Federation, that the 30-day “Cease Fire” would have demonstrated a “Time Out” in the escalating war and ceased the ever-increasing death count upon these war-torn areas of Syria. Having knowledge by both leaders the seriousness of such Russian Federation “Sanctions”, it would have promoted the saving of lives - therefore, WCT holds the leaders of the Russian Federation and the United States in contempt of “Peace” and guilty of “WAR CRIMES”. Citizens of the Russian Federation and the United States should demand immediate incarceration of these leaders as when the two most powerful leaders in the world today renege on and lose control of such wars, that which finds participation by both parties, people suffer.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL officially announces that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Donald John Trump have committed heinous crimes against humanity and should be held accountable.

*That is how it should be*



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