Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Midnight Shyster Heist

“Talkin’ about the midnight gambler. Did you see him jump the garden wall.” Look, I don’t know the covfefe calculus behind it all, but this fascination about “twitter” following of Donald John Trump’s rant and rage, it doesn’t make sense? Why so many are infatuated with the wasting of precious time such a “nothing burger”, this rehearsed release from a bonafide Moron, it is mind-boggling. There ain’t no rewind with your time! There must be a kick-back somewhere along the line for the Moron’s dedication to disrupt the America spirit with un-presidential 3rd grade like fits. In fact, I consider any following this Moronism akin to animal abuse, those that play into this fascination as it is like harassing monkeys at a zoo, wherein you can get a male species to jerk off with the right hand while smoking a cigarette on the left. OK, no sex involved as we can be sure that Melanomia doesn’t give in to the Moron’s “Access Hollywood” perversion tactics of “grab them by the pussy”. There is rumor the 3rd Lady has a restraining order against the Moron’s hands, and he doesn’t smoke. Sure she is the 3rd in-line, behind Stormy and some other Playboy bimbo. I have told my kid’s kids to stay 3000-miles away from the White House, it is no longer a safe haven neighborhood! In fact, our kids may be safer in M-13 hoods. But this fascination with Trump’s “Tweets”, if not a monkey-see and monkey-do, it’s like that seat in the back of the class-room. Or that seat in the back of the bus, or seated in the back row of the plane reserved for the crying kids! The “back” is where the toilets are hiding away and the reason for the crying kids, it muffles the “flush” and just blame the stink on a dirty diaper. Yes, all too close for comfort this station calling, nothing but the flushing and stench of a guy that has a terrible diet and shits with an explosive diarrhea like uncontrollable force on a daily by minute basis and doesn’t care of the fallout on the surroundings. That’s my definition of the Moron’s “Tweets”. Yes, staying tuned to Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, it’s like listening to someone taking a crap - “Listen and you’ll hear him moan, Talkin’ about the midnight gambler”. I keep my distance as being “crapped” upon by a Moron is way below my dignity! OK on another “calculus”. Back a few years ago a guy traveled up to Alaska because he was fascinated with Sarah Palin and wanted to see where she lived. On his way, he stopped by a road-side latrine and inadvertently dropped his keys down the “crapper”, and this relief station was out in the middle of nowheresville. In desperation, as it was a cold winter’s night, he climbed into the “crapper” in efforts to retrieve the car keys and couldn’t get out. Nothing else to do but wait patiently for help, and soon another “gotta go” stopped in to do the business, and when the seat went slam and it was like the end of the world due no light penetration from above…talk about a shocker when she heard voices from down below. True story, no fake about it, of record on the Alaska State Trooper blotter. Which means every-time I think about this Moron and the ongoing daily ritual “Twitter” affair, it’s not “Talk of the Town” but “Toilet Talk”! I don’t want to be left stranded down below with his urinal runeth over behavior. And on another “calculus”, this “midnight gambler”. We have heard about the Devin Nunes “midnight” runs over to the White House, wherein the biggest cry-baby member of Congress brings Big Macs with cheese to the Moron. So what, Nunes’ boss can’t sleep so eat and since Melanomia sleeps in secret locations, who else but the “Pig Boy” can make all-hours house call deliveries! Damn, gives new meaning to call girls of the night!  But there is another “midnight shyster heist” in our midst, it’s called the “Greening of Richie Rich America”. Something strange happened at the end of the week, on January 26th to be precise. On that Friday away from the 13th even, the stock market started cratering, and finally after a month’s time…just another way the proletariat class gets crapped upon, as the middle-class is but that bottom-feeding frenzy population with respect to what we get out of gambling in the stock market. OK, let me put it in perspective once again “How Moron Things Work”. When the Moron needed some extra loot so his “Trump Tower” dysentery dynasty family of thugs could continue to lead a lifestyle unbecoming anything consistent with American made “True Value”, hey just raid the henhouse - a.k.a. U.S. Treasury. Look, enjoy wealth if you have worked hard to earn it, but the entire “Trump Tower” fortune was started by stealing from “righteousness” and it appears that once you learn bad habits that pay up, just continue down that path even if it exiles others. With the “Tax Reform”, who do you think benefited the most with this freefall not free-for-all frenzy? The DOW took a hit, and it has been struggling along for the last month, regains show then quicksand finds no traction out of this hole - for a reason. The “Hit” by the man was necessary to find a ways and means to hide the “Corporate Loot” and we see this happening every night, when the Stock Market is “Closed for Business”, as this “Midnight Rider” is more in tune to a “Midnight Raider”. Somebody is busy stuffing money into pillows, no wonder the Moron can’t sleep! That $140-Billion excused from Uncle Sam’s hand once earmarked to maintain the infrastructure, that wealth is being consumed by the wealthy 10% that own 84% of the stock by artificially shoring up the stock value when all is quiet on the trading floor. It was a “Big Fucking Moron Bonus” for the wealthy, and in the meantime the deficit - this nation is bankrupt. See, the wealthy would be happy under any form of government, as long as their wealth remained the same. And that is happening now, and soon it will be like that guy stuck in the “crapper” and waiting patiently for help to arrive.

Talkin' about the midnight gambler 
The one you never seen before 
Talkin' about the midnight gambler 
Did you see him jump the garden wall 
Sighin' down the wind so sadly 
Listen and you'll hear him moan 
Talkin' about the midnight gambler 
Everybody got to go 

Yes indeed, everybody “Got to Go”, and we are being “shat” upon by “Greed” directed by a Moron that thinks the science of coprophilia is an experience all middle-class Americans should get used to for our health and their wealth. Something really stinks…

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