Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Stagnated We Stand - WWIII

Wow, it has been how many weeks now since the Wall came tumbling down? I guess it is like a “border wall”, as it is designed to protect the wealthy and keep out the lice. And the road to recovery this Humpty Dumpty head spin crash is rather sad sack, so maybe the lice have infiltrated and infected the cockroaches. Now when you listen to the “True” fake news which includes all the broadcasts from the rabid FOX to the Madcow, all those economic guru experts with air time to claim fame and shun shame continue to speak out don’t worry, this is how a normal market reacts? Pardon me! Wow, so Rex Tillerson’s Moron gets his first presidential pardon request, for some lawyer that lied to the FBI and crookedly hooked to Donald John Trump’s “To Russia With Love” fascination. Look, a lawyer lies but for a single reason, it’s called the Ad Altare Dei - it’s like a Mafioso oath, but in this case an “on my mother’s grave” silence for altar boys raped by Father Lamb. But back on the subject this normalcy with the stock market, when they lose out, we will be the recipients of this bad news as “shit” still rolls down hill - gravity has not changed its falling down habits. Just like Father Lamb’s stumbling down the altar stairs, inebriated from too much “Host” wine! And if every picture tells a story don’t it, it looks sloppy this Wall Street trending still in the recovery honeymoon is over period. OK, the dive occurred on January 26th, a not so Good Friday. And today it is still 1642-points away from making whoopee hey. Which reminds me, 1642 Pennsylvania Avenue rings a bell! It’s Stormy Daniel’s secret White House dominatrix dungeon and the headquarters of “Make America Horny Again”. And following the 911 event, the Capitol and White House are now connected by underground escape utilidors, so from the Oval Office to Stormy central, about a 2-minute walk. Great place for lunch and nothing like a “Big Phony Tits” striptease to take some of the frustration of politics away. MAHA meets MAGA! Talk about a “Man Cave” with this under Melania’s boudoir network to Access Hollywood! For real, this is where the Presidential press briefings are formulated by Sarah - no wonder never on time! Now consider this bone of collusion contention courtesy of Phineas J. Whoopee, 84% of the stock is owned by a stingy 10% of the people - those that know how to hide income in tongue-less canaries in remote locations. And of that 16% leftover as sloppy seconds, a measly 50% of middle-class wage earners own that stash of hash. Which means the middle-class is once again outnumbered. So if the market sees a 1% loss, well for an individual that has an income in the $millions$, it is a lot less painful to weather the Stormy gale! But maybe, just maybe the Moron has placed the cart in front of the dying mule by trying to take credit for the ups and blaming the down draft on a better golfer who knows how to handle a putter. Does anybody know the Moron’s “handicap”?  The DOW and its counterclaim counter parts, it was enjoying a joy ride and at the same time, pour some gasoline onto the fire - poof, as too much of a good thing invites us to hell’s kitchen! Billy Graham just died? Another pervert going to that hell.  But the markets are manipulated these days and “we” will pay for this stagnation. We as in…middle-class! How so? Very simple. The WALL STREET trending tells the truth in lending sending of what may have caused the DOW and other global markets to start behaving like spoiled rich kids that have lived way too long in the shadows of a tilting Tower. It is called the “Russian Sanctions”! And the Moron knows all too well how troubling going through with money strapping penalties against his butt buddy can have on a “global scale”. Anything that would cause a World War III update, look no further than the market conditions, as that is where all the money thus power is corralled. Which means some think 84% of the power brokerage brokering is owned by the 10% and 8% of Americans have NO power, so are of the “slave labor” class without cash. One thing that will wreck civilization is this wealth hoarding. Romney may get a “Lousy Hat” out of the deal, and for the rest the shrapnel will start flying along with the blood and guts of defeat. Look, Vladimir Portnoy Putin is the richest man in the world and 2nd place to 3rd place to 4th go to oligarchs under his thumb. This is the main reason the Moron called the original “law abiding” Russian Sanction legislation from the 115th Congress - that which found overwhelming passage no division worship herein - “unconstitutional”! There is a reason Rex called his boss a Moron, as too use the “unconstitutional” was means for a divorce. Right then and there, that single action was grounds for “Impeachment”. And this president without an approval rating has been and will continue to resist demanding the “Russian Sanctions” be placed into effect. Simple Simon proof that Trump is interfering with Congress, which means the U.S. Constitution is under attack as is DEMOCRACY. Sure the Russian KGB now SBD - Silent But Deadly like a Judge Jeanine fart - interfered in our Democracy by involvement in our elections. Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s challenge is to dominate the world. NO, he cannot achieve that goal by military might as mending the aftermath of destruction costs money, but it can be accomplished on the $$$ through the stock markets. The Moron’s idol is Mr. Putin, as Vladimir is similar in character to Fred Christ Trump, the Moron’s dad. But when the Congress reneges on getting to the bottom of what is really going down, NOT only has Putin invaded our “Tranquility” he wins his WAR. And if these sanctions were to get close enough to the Russian Oligarchy stock portfolio to disrupt his plan, Putin has enough paper to manipulate things. This man that has the Moron by the balls could temporarily collapse the market, a threat which is happening today. What the FBI should be doing, what the Congress should be doing is find out how much controlling interest Putin has on America, through the ownership of Corporate American stock. It may be too damn late, as this has been in the planning stage for many years. Putin has two goals in life. Becoming the richest man in the world and the most powerful ruler. We may be seeing the first signs of a WWIII, an economic dispute that will find far reaching pain and suffering on a level we have never seen before - like the Dust Bowl refugee days. And here is the sad fact of the matter. When push comes to shove and a TRUE PATRIOTIC Commander-in-Chief takes control destiny - no it won’t be the Moron as a “Mutiny” will take place when Putin tries to place the USSS Constitution on a crash course and US citizens line up to walk the plank - the rich will be granted a choice. Keep their money and join Putin’s plundering, or give-it-up for Miss Liberty. And mind you, for a majority it will be but a simple stand - they are NOT true Americans but are using the Red with the White with the Blue as a crutch to enrich themselves. Of course this discourse I am right, as if there was to be found Patriotism in wealth, well offshore would be but a time forgotten sin against Democracy. So by Putin having such an investment in stock markets all over the world, he plays a hand at total manipulation. How is it STOPPED? Simple, and we missed our first chance. It is called “Socialism”, like in Bernie Sanders. We must begin today to shed the greed of “Capitalism” and realize that being wealthy brings with is bad habits, bad manners and questionable character with respect the sovereignty of this nation. One thing that Putin cannot take away is the American Spirit. Yet right now he is controlling it with his Oligarchy purchasing power and Congress and the Moron are bending over to this destruction on Democracy because if they were to take the righteous stand and stand up, their own personal wealth becomes marginalized. Yes, Putin is in control - not over our elections put upon our economic wellbeing - a weapon of Mass Hysteria Disruption! As long as the sanctions are in doubt, things will survive but if we let it slide, it will be a noose around Miss Liberty forevermore and a slow death wish - so maybe the Moron is doing US a favor with his stupidity, then again maybe he was on the receiving end of Putin’s ransom threats. But it will only be a matter of time before something else comes to ring out a warning, sounds of another Portnoy Putin attack. As when Vladimir realizes he has won this score with the stock market manipulation, he will unleash the next phase of his attack upon our Democracy. Said again, our only saving grace is “Socialism” NOW, as we then become a nation unto itself, self-reliant wherein we control our own destiny.

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