Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rex Tillerson’s Moron

Ever yet get a real fuzzy-feeling as to why Donald John Trump picked EXXON’s Rex Tillerson for his cabinet’s “Secretary of State”? I mean, I mean, Rex was a late comer and not on the original packing list. Matter of scat, he was a “nothing booger” on the political scene except as a designated driver for Vladimir Portnoy Putin. But Russian politics is some many miles away, so what gives? Then was this fascination with EXXON just for Rex’s name game fame - “Donald John Donald fee fi Moron, Moron. Beach Haven Moron fee fi mar-a-lago mold, Donald, Fucking Moron, Donald”. If I called my boss anything close to a “Moron”, it would be lights out welcome to the world of unemployment. I mean, I mean, calling the boss a “Fucking Idiot” would pass the muster, but “Moron” is out of the question as some name calling finds “zero” respect - such as MORON in the same category as MAGGOT! Yet there may be a method of madness with the Genius Moron and how he surprised the Whore House and filling of vacancies in the Oral Sex Office. See, Rex was with EXXON when Joe Hazelwood decided it was OK to ram a fully laden crude oil tanker into the best known navigational hazard on Bligh Reef, in Prince William’s Sound. When Joe finally woke up and realized the “Auto-pilot” was also in drunk mood mode, he reported the accident to the local Coast Guard: “We’ve fetched up hard aground on Bligh Reef. We’re leaking some oil, and we’re going to be here for a while”. I hear the same sentiment of anger in Hazelwood’s message with the Fucking Moron’s “Twitter” rage, and like with the EXXON Valdez, the ship is out-of-control. The USS Moron is hard aground and leaking Democracy. But never fear, as Rex is near! See, in the end Joe Hazelwood lost his drivers license for a meager 9-months and his fine was “Community Service” at Bean’s Café up in Anchorage, Alaska. If you are ever in the North Country and find a craving for a gourmet meal that is truly Alaskan, like with lean-mean moose meat, head over to Beans and volunteer to serve the homeless, just to get a free meal that is well worth the time and effort. See moose kills, which total in the hundreds along the Alaska railroad  because that sport is subsidized by Uncle Sam, well the soup kitchen cooler is well stocked with moose steaks. And when you are tired of moose stew, made with potatoes and carrots from the fertile Matanuska Valley, well how about some salmon - all so fresh from the sea. Take your pick - silver, red, King! When friends come calling and want to find fine dining in Anchorage, I send them to Beans! It is also the best way to get close to the Alaska Native culture. But after Joe’s wreck-less behavior was all said and done and oil was everywhere in the once pristine wilderness of the “Sound”, oil that still remains dormant today in the sands of the shorelines, well Joe skated away with a few weeks for a few years working at Beans and a small fine. Why? EXXON was able to convince the courts that this “wreck” of unimaginable environmental disaster proportions was NOT caused by Joe, NOT caused by EXXON because it was caused by another person not affiliated with either guilty party. And like in Joe’s case, when push comes to shove the Moron will also find a Not guilty plea and maybe have to open a soup kitchen at the “Trump Tower”. See, Joe Hazelwood found no blame even though he was the Commander-in-Chief the mighty EXXON Valdez when it sailed off course and hit a giant rock that was lit up like a Stormy Daniel’s “Make America Horny Again” road-side show sign. The blame then started finding a different victim, as EXXON was now at the helm as Joe had been retired to the side lines. And in that effort, with the name blame game, low and behold in the end it was learned that the EXXON Valdez was sabotaged. Not by a marine captain that was NOT drunk, but a planned set-up of retaliation by an individual that was pissed at EXXON and started a negative campaign using the “Environmental Gadfly” label. We were taken for a ride with the 2016 election, and in March of 1989, so was EXXON but that corporation stood its ground and was able to skate its way out of ownership and responsibility one of the greatest environmental atrocities of our times. No different with the Moron and maybe that is why Rex sticks around, to bail out the Moron using EXXON Valdez tactics! Simple Simon Sad Sack reality, place the blame on someone else and we see the Moron already doing this in a premeditated madness method to sacrifice all blame, even the Stormy weather, on the democrats. And like the EXXON wreck, the pain and suffering will be there forevermore! Sad fact of the matter, it was that disgruntled oil broker turned environmental gadfly as a front that sabotaged the EXXON Valdez, no different then how Vladimir Portnoy Putin is today interfering with our democracy, a vendetta to get even as Putin would love to have a nation that loves him!

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