Thursday, February 8, 2018

Preparation X

It was like watching an outer-space re-run of My Favorite Martian’s earth invasion mission - Major Mud to Ground Control, “we have guests”! Until I heard the fuss in the backdrop: “They’re coming to take me away ha ha he he ho ho to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time”, it was Donald Trump reciting his State of the Eunuch address. But can’t fear with the thought of some outer space monster wrecking havoc with this human race, as why in hell would an intelligent life form want to rub elbows with a Moron society? The Musk man, with the success of the Preparation X “Fat Man” platform lifting off into space, well that is supposed mark the beginning of a new era in space travel - for the wealthy. That launch, which was very impressive to say the least, well more people watched this kilt-lifter event then the combined audiences for the Moron-in-Chiefs inauguration, 1st Castration address and his most recent “State of the Eunuch” message. What you mean his rating are going up - now that is what FAKE is all about. But that Musk’s SpaceX launch, even if but for an experimental test, it cost $25-Million to send a Tesla Roaster racing towards MARS, so when it touches down “Hard Aground” Musk can claim the 1st environmental nightmare on a foreign planet. We are being foolish! There is intelligent life out there, and back in the 80s a scientist sent off an S.O.S. signal from Clear Air Force base in Alaska - thinking that such a saving grace request may be a universal calling and receive an acknowledgment. It finally worked after several different code modifications, as in a few days’ time an alien ship came calling, to answer this call for HELP! Instead of trying to connect, the ship was destroyed by the military during an un-friendly engagement. There’s a book about it, called S.O.S. from Byer’s Lake. Remnants of the alien ship’s destruction still exists on a stretch of tundra that remains to this day in a “restricted air space” wherein a source of energy from the ship’s crash remains, as no snow accumulates even in the harshness of an Alaskan winter, almost like a bald spot! The military has no idea why this source remains and has tried to find out what causes it, but has abandoned any further analysis and the entire event is above and beyond the highest levels of “Secrecy”. Yes, our first encounter with a friendly race from outer space found destruction, as the ship was sent to help, so it didn’t have any weapons of Moron destruction to defend itself! Look, do you think our NAVY hospital ships have weapons? But for real, the wealthy are interested in establishing “way offshore” secret havens, in efforts to fill up the “Trust Fund” coffers with loot stolen from the masses and one day it will be retrievable. And it doesn’t matter, as even if far and away, it still acts as that “portfolio” enhancer. See, the rich learned it all from “Big Oil”. Yes, the SHELLs and EXXONs can explore in deep water basins wherein they know that oil development would be cost prohibited unless oil reaches $500-bucks a barrel, like offshore Alaska’s frozen oceans. But when oil is found and will remain “stranded” forever, regardless it adds to and inflates a company’s portfolio and that invites in the investors - the reason it appears that the NYSE is opened daily by Charles Manson wannabees, and Helter-Skelter trading seems to be the new “Where’s Norm?” See, it is all FAKE, portfolios are like “dreaming” and if all the stock-holders said pay up right now, there would be riots in gated communities. Rich people would be killing themselves! But this new race to space, as without a seated government to defend, “I Hereby Declare Ownership” of all inhabitable domains not of this earth, as I did land a photon beam on zillions of free-orbiting obstacles and since Einstein proved a light particle has mass, I have landed something and place my mark-get-set “No Trespassing”! What you mean I have to pay a casino tax? So it was of interest, to see what a “Big Boy” toy looks like with the “Fat Man” blasting off into orbit. But here it is in a nutshell. We are not going anywhere soon on a fire-cracker! STOP crying, it is reality! And Musk made a gamble on the success of this mission, and his odds of failure must have cost him some loot! He said there was 33% chance it would launch without a “Mission Control we have a problem”, as he is fascinated with things blowing on the launch pad. But it went off without a hitch, so Bravo! And now this is supposed to invigorate an awakening of a somewhat stagnant space program, one that Uncle Sam abandoned a long time ago? Did you ever consider the reason of fact why all the planets we can see with the naked eye are stoned? There is but one lonely planet “Earth” that shows a “Green Belt”. But radio-wave signatures from space may be explaining why this planet’s existence finds other rotating masses containing very inhabitable habitats. Yes, a majority of planets out there have internally controlled environments, ready for us humans to claim. Not cramped caves as we know about here on earth, but humongous like amphitheaters designed as places for living. These domains contain all the necessities of life, water and clean breathing air and each planet holds different stuff that makes living internally possible. And so vast, it is basically a place with space forever! And this was the design of Thy Master, and one day we will as a civil society look back on this Mother Earth from far and away with respect, that this was wherein it all started. One day the “Earth” will be due respect “restricted” for even a visit. But we must first change our evil ways and means that which boasts the main reason we do not advance forward into the ether except at a snail’s pace - it is called WAR. And WAR, it is today not just some engagement with an enemy abroad, but it is happening right here in our neighborhoods, as killing thy brother & thy sister is out of control. But we kill and kill some more, it appears as a favorite pastime, we remain armed to the gills - due in part we are so afraid of our shadows and it is like father like son, if it is OK by government then it is OK for all of us to behave with a “Blood on the Tracks” mentality. If we corralled the time and resources wasted upon the knowledge base to continue with the WAR machine, we would soon find a different mindset that would allow fascinating ways to travel throughout space, without a firecracker. Those lost legendary civilizations that disappeared without a trace, there is a reason! Said again, we are not going anywhere fast and far on a rocket - as it is too damn expensive and have any idea how long it takes to get to Mars? But other civilizations of past have exploited this and live today in those far and away planets, not on the surface but internally in beautiful settings with internal sources of energy that promotes a life without the “Killing Fields”. That crash in Alaska, it was a friendly mission aborted by hate, as we continue to be abducted and addicted to WAR and killing, as someone makes a whole lot of wealth the pain and suffering of others. Yes, without WAR and “Brother can you spare a dime” sure, when guns and bullets and hatred are eradicated and PEACE is given a chance - then Socialism will give us the keys to the “Heavens”. Until then, our S.O.S. will be but a fart in the breeze as no race from outer-space with intelligence wants to come near and if we start exploring space with the same mentality of destruction, we will face our own as the enemy of destruction and continue to blow ourselves up on the launch pad because firecrackers are not safe for children!

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