Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Preparation H

It’s not about you, it’s about the “dream” Punxsutawney! OK, sorry for my incompetence trying to communicate with a shadow, please pass the Preparation H, itch really itchy! FOX for real when I tune into the Hannity cesspool, my IQ finds new lows as my thought process goes numb, especially if following a story about “Big Phony Tits” legislation and I feel that itch all over again! Imagine Donald Trump placing those deplorable mitts on your tits? But why is it that even the experts from institutes of higher education like Harvard and the ADX Florence “Ted Think Tank”, cannot yet give a viable explanation of the Dow showdown takedown, which seemed to find a sweat-spot climax over a few days during center of attention the Moron’s “State of the Eunuch” address? Something fishy is going down, so since pilfering seems rabid, I offer my condolences through my take on what may be happening within 1600 Transylvania Avenue, at One Flew Over the Cuckoo headquarters - a.k.a. White House with the side effect of a Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint upon a Clockwork Orange administration. That’s Donald John Trump and General John Kelly respectably, as the retired “Shithole” is in charge. He’s the kind of Boston playground wimp that Will Hunting beat up on! I know his kind, anything to get out of serving time in Nam! OK, Kelly did his time in other theaters, but how in hell did he skate out of a tour of Charlie Company when assigned to the Marine expeditionary forces - and remained state side? So, Trump skated out due a “heel spur hernia” and the jury is still out how Kelly avoided the same. Look, the 45th executive summary boasts a bunch of wannabee Rambos! Just a movie guys! OK, not fair as Kelly lost a son in the Afghanistan theater, because some “dreaming” brass was sitting on that ass and not doing his job! But in closing this argument, I have “Zero” allegiance anybody in the Trump administration as to what is going on in defacing my pledge of allegiance, as it is FASCSIM being promoted and anybody still standing by this Moron’s side, please lookup what is meant by “Treason”. Just because Trump can take credit for some gains upon the economy, we are being fooled into a false sense of “Trust”! But the Stock Market, what in hell is going down? According to reliable sources, a whopping 84% of the stock market is owned by 10% of the people. And the working-class salt of the earth Proletariats enjoys only a 52% participation any claim to fame the ownership of what equates to a pitiful trickle-down reunion of record-breaking wealth and only…drum roll please, 1.6% of the WALL. That sucks, because if we workers end up paying for the other WALL, what’s in your wallet? It means the Mobius Strip turns the tide, so 84% of the border WALL becomes the debt of the working-class and the wealthy sons-a-bitches will only pay up a pittance, and probably find double jeopardy fascination by getting lucrative contracts to build this monstrosity that will have a life expectancy of, two weeks before Pedro Houdini finds a way to breach it. During the prototype testing for ways and means to breach the $25-Billion waste of “Brotherly Love”, helium balloon assisted human catapults were banned as the referee cried “Fake”! Remember the guy with the balloons hanging on to a chair, Lawnchair Larry? So, for $15-bucks that WALL can be breached! Well then what’s with the money WALL these days? Simple Simon says it’s manipulated. And what happened the past few days wherein we could hear blood-ugly “Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum” screams from some gated communities wherein the Mnunchkins thrive, it meant “The Sky is Falling”. That wasn’t the sky it was the return of Captain SpaceX! Anyway, it was all a rehearsal, as the U.S. Treasury is going broke 7-months ahead of schedule, shorter then what was expected. If you ask why, please bend over some more. Yes, with Donald John Trump’s “Tax Reform Stimulus”, Uncle Sam is short on proceeds. It is getting to that time, when the military may have to hold a bake sale for new equipment. But the “Treasury” will soon be offering “Bonds” for sale and that will only invite an interest if the “Tom Price is Right”. Since the beginning of this year, the bond yield has shown some unprecedented improvements, and that is what the “Dreamers” are hoping for, more yield so they can take advantage of Uncle Sam’s generosity to once again practice rape upon “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” due unsupervised children in the Oval Office. See, Trump wants to copy cat and exceed the Obama “Stimulus” project, from $850-Billion “All American Welfare” to the next goal post, a $Trillion$ as “Corporate Welfare Some More”. Now the Obama plan with all its success, it also included some pretty good one-time tax break incentives. And that “Beach Haven Stimulus” money that will soon be in Trump’s wallet, it is ripe for more “Corporate Tax Breaks”, from 21% to NOTHING - at least for a brief moment of time. But when the “Corporation is a Person” finds such lucrative tax breaks, well the Treasury is going broke and the only way to support the “Trump Trashing of America” is to replenish the Treasury safe and that is wherein the “Bond” comes into play. James Bond! This few days of hairy-scary with the DOW now somewhat behind US, it forces the Mnunchkin Man to sell bonds on the cheap, so the ROI $$$ yield satisfies the filthy rich cravings. What it means for that $1-Trillion, it will cost US in the end that plus $500-Billion in interest. Somebody is getting richer by the Trump desire to rebuild the infrastructure already rebuilt during the Obama era - yes time to question this craziness. A Trump stimulus is not in the same context as what the 44th Statemen gambled upon, as with this statesmen NAY peon YAY that finds credibility only as a bonafide Moron, it is all about abuse upon the Treasury. The Obama “stimulus” was for “We the People”. So the recent and lingering DOW sag was a test, to get that “Bond” yield shored up. And when the shit hits the fan and Uncle Sam is close to bankruptcy, the markets will take a hit as those in the know Mnunchkins will be in the position to take advantage, what NET Neutrality Neutering is all about. And during this time out wherein the wealthy will be allowed preferential treatment to purchase “Bonds” that are much better than falling stocks, “We the People” will be stuck holding onto “Junk”. And I am sure the Moron’s “Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty” Trust Fund finds a convenient backdoor to theft then stash some of the “Bond” gusto its way - like a finder’s fee. Remember, it’s all “me, me, me that matters” and every monetary drop in my stock portfolio, well professional thieves have a front and my net worth is dwindling away faster than Melanomia Knuass finding a Green Card to Trump like truancy citizenship. WE ARE FUCKED!

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