Saturday, December 16, 2017

Big Rock Candy Mountain

Remember the last “K Street” fabricated “Tax Reform” that was shoved down our throats? Probably NOT, as “We the People” lose our enthusiasm when it comes to challenging the crooks. “Old Pirates yes they rob I” silly still, so we posse up a vigilante man momentum against the theft then before we know it, the politicians skip our town we shoulder the burden. They show up again, same old thing. Our arousal arsenal is like Erectile Dysfunction on steroids, we have been eunuchized by the Wall Street pimps that have taken over Congress with their citizen elected “Trophy” whores. It is a hoodlum hoodwink, they tell us a lie then stick to nothing but “Trust US” and never come through. And “Trust” for what? More of the same promises promoted to limbo by that lobby greasing. See, way back when under Newt Gingrich’s “Constipation Contract with America”, all that commotion of the “Corporation is a PERSON”, that which demonstrated a ways and means for individuals to get a procedure called the COVFEFE CASTRATION COMPLEX to change their habits and thus be considered a CORPRATION, it was for tax cheating purposes. The U.S. Supreme court under Anthony Scalia finally allowed for the sex change in 2010 under the auspices of “Citizen’s United”. That is the reason the count of “Corporations” has increased 100-fold. But this cheating benefited the wealthy, as the hard-working salt of the earth proletariats that keep America “Green”, we still enjoyed better living conditions and could remain an honest Citizen Kane when it came to handing over a bunch of our hard-earned loot to Uncle Sam. The rich, how about a Citizen Shame! Now with the “Anal Rape Some More Tax Reform” spearheaded our way by the vagabond GOP Congress, what does it really mean dollars and sense wise? They just FUCKED themselves, because they were greedy! SHHHHH…silence my friends, as that “Reform” has not been pistol wipped and wiped clean of finger-prints yet by the MORON, so remain silent until it is official, that “THEY FUCKED THEMSELVES”. See, I am getting the sex change, so I can be a CORPORATION. See some more, the “Corporation” sheltered by the identity of a single person, that only worked for a tax evasion personality when the person-corporation was hauling in a lot of dough-ray-me Harry Reid and by acting out that person, it meant a tax haven away from that horrendous offshore investment. It did no good for the proletariats, as our tax garnishment was still lower than that of the “Corporation” turned a “person” turning a profit. But now that the “Corporate Tax Rate” is to be lowered again, down to 21% almost by half from 35 Biggins – Big Phony Tits. Hey, I am today establishing myself as a “Corporation” being a person one-in-the-same. Then my new tax rate will be 4% lower than that of idiots that don’t take advantage of this cooperation with that imaginary corporation. This is how the “Tax Reform” being rushed to judgement will backfire on the brats in diapers. So, I forgo the 25% tax burden on my income by claiming the “Person is a Corporation” already precedence set, take advantage of the $24k deduction and at my wage, I will see a savings of $3500 buckaroos!  All American’s should take advantage of this cheap thrills, as starting a “Corporation” is indeed cheap. In fact, just claim the status worry about the specifics of legality some rainy day…there is nothing to worry about as the rich started it and we will finish it. The U.S Supreme court has paved the way for it all in concert an honest to God appropriation of identity theft. So, fellow workers in my rank and file, that savings will amount to $43-Billion in lost revenue in a single year to Uncle Sam - which means if all able bodied middle-class Americans take advantage we can bankrupt the Treasury. Then we can start all over with a meaningful and truly simplified tax code under a socialist type of funding. See, when we finally bankrupt the Treasury, all the rich assholes will commit Helter Skelter Hairy Carry. Good riddance is my sentiment. Wow, so thank you MORON and the MORON Congress, for thinking they could pull a fast one over US. Hear Ye, Hear Ye, these United States Corporations of America, We Stand so UNITED – against Congressional Fraud!

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