Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Achilles Heel Spurs

Over at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology along Killian Court, is wherein the “Attics of the Pavillions” finds a very interesting historical journal of “Greatness”, amongst human-kindness of the past dedicated to a cause above and beyond. From great minds the likes of Newton to great minds the likes of Gay Lussac to great minds the likes of Daguerre - it’s a long list of accomplishments! When I visit Boston, there is always a break between Sam Adam’s dedication time and taking a walking tall over the Longfellow for a refresher this “Greatness” still today helping destiny’s child find a future. OK, I hang out at Bukowski’s high & dive “Dead Author’s Club” and sure it would be easier to foot it over the “Wrongfellow Bridge” instead. But my therapist Sean Maguire hangs out at the “Commons”, so I detour the easy street and stop by for some words of advice with respect to my “swan fetish”. OK, that bridge is also known as the “Harvard Detour”, but for many of us the “Wrong” finds a better fit substitute the way Henry Murray fooled around with the “Lawful’s” young mind. Who, what, when and why? Ted Kaczynski, subjected basket-case to the CIA MK-Ultra-White experiments at age 16 while a student at Timothy Leary’s “psilocybin” retreat and see what that produced. One of the world’s greatest mathematical minds tortured to become an “Enemy of the People”. Ted would have made a name for himself befit for the “Attic” instead of the so-so-name famed “Unabomber”. Sad that this “Boundary Theory” wizard’s mind is rotting away along Highway 66 plus 1. Now, there has not been a new name added to that MIT memorial of “Greats” for some time by now, so is it due for a facelift? And the winning mind is…it would take the act of the almighty to see the jack hammers and sand blasting preparing the “Attic” for a new name. But Achilles Heel Spurs, Donald John Trump may turn out to be this nation’s, well it is hard to use the word “Greatest” or “Best” or for that matter the “Best of the Best”, but he may gain favor to be included in the “Attic’s” list of great men and women. I’m serious, especially if he hangs on to the “Big Phony tit News” as a vice until his “Apprenticeship” is complete. See, “Access Hollywood” Donald became MORON-in-Thief due the simple fact the Cliton’s ruined the democratic party. And with the repudiated other side of the isle injured while Dubbya went hog-wild groping PoundMeToo upon Merkel, Democracy went limping along and it looked pretty bleak for the future. Not now, NOT a typo with the “CLIT”, it gets the point across. Hillary was the worse-case scenario pick to run for the 45th following the Obama legacy, and today many of US are radicalized as independents because we have reason to believe, proof she hijacked the party! She gave not a rat’s ass about anything as “I’m the only one that matters” was her pride and joy today stolen away by the MORON, that me-me-me-only-me matters selfish fetish shackles. And this bull-crap about torturing those of US with Patriotic stamina that said NAY Hillary, well I am so far enjoying what is going on? For the sane reason that the insane MORON is well ahead of schedule to ruin the “Red Faced” opposition, as the GOP is “Toast”. Both parties will go down in history as “Perverted”! The bailout has already begun, the Elephant Turd and the Donkey’s Ass parties are no longer representative of our standing as a sovereign nation. “We the People” once united have been shat upon from the left and eunuchizd by the right, and that has “Divided” US! And when it is all said and done, there will exist a new spirited “Independence” that will take back ownership of our destiny. Right now, it is totally out of control from sea to shining sea. That “Divide” to conquer is testament that there is today before our very own voter turn-me-off eyes and ears, a warning shot “One Iron” full swing political party affiliation upheaval revolution. Was it planned? If so, what faction is behind this charge of the Get-it-Right Brigade? As I feel the need to shake a hand and offer up thanks, as this re-alignment Revolution was way overdue. Look, we have the best espionage and eavesdropping talents Patriotism can enable. Off course the “harse” knew what was going down by “allowing” Putin’s Russia whores to interfere with that 2016 hackathon election. That interference was necessary to challenge Hillary’s momentum and at the same time engage that foreign disgrace into the election when it counted most, after Trump was named the candidate. For the sole reason that this nation was already on the divide, as for years the “Do Nothing Congress” had been derelict in upholding the U.S. Constitution “By the People and For the People” because of selfish handovers with takeovers by the “Lobby”. The latter dedicated not to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit to Happiness” by hoarding it all for a few. When the 1% WAR was made official by Mitt Romney back during the 2012 election, that was when Democracy’s “secret weapon” went ignited. It is not a plan hatched out in some board room, it is pure unadulterated American Democracy at work without human contributions or interaction, as if there were a means to interfere it would have already been acknowledged and stopped in its tracks - it is a genuine self-inflicted course correction. Like nature at work alongside our wasted debates over our destructive ways and means, nature is already on a correction course just like our Democracy is finding a new soul mate. Right now that honor belongs to Trump, but only for the time required to fix things the way Democracy was designed by our Founding Fathers. Trump isn’t fixing it, just getting in the way so the fix can do its thing. Good riddance is my sentiment, out with the whores in with the new forward looking political system that caters to all our needs, with bipartisan efforts – we can no longer exist with such a divide between our “Brothers and Sisters” all walks of life the same damn commitment. This movement be forevermore once again our “middle-class salt of the earth” destiny, wherein equality is the recipe for success which breeds our survival. We were so close to doom, so this correction course with the MORON at the helm, in time we may thank him for what is still out with the jury to decide upon. Look, this nation had but a few good men sitting in that “Oval Office”. Obama, Carter, Reagan and H.W. Bush. But that only covers 24-years the last 40, not too bad I guess. So, what we see happening right today the “Awful Office” is now under attack, it will never be the same as the “Times they are a-changin” for Democracy’s sake. So, sit back and let it work the way it was so designed when our “Tranquility” was infiltrated by Traitors and interrupted by “Perverts”. WTF is that noise? It’s Mcguire yelling out “It’s not your fault”, like a broken record. Time for another beer, this time 21 Amendment “Black & White” and a salute to OUR DEMOCRACY, that which will prevail and sink the wealth of the rich bastards, those that thought they could take us hostage. Think again assholes as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is seeing a makeover and…OK, about the only legacy that the MORON will be remembered upon by future generations is “The president who’d all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library or to shine George W. Bush’s shoes.” And maybe when Democracy is once again seated and secured as it was so designed, the 1st Act of the New Congress will be a decree that renames the “Crapper” the “TRUMP”!

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